RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: BadKarm on June 09, 2007, 04:23:49 PM

Title: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: BadKarm on June 09, 2007, 04:23:49 PM
In my history of collecting, most of my best deals have been at local Garage Sales all around. Heres a small list of excellent finds I've come across.

Odyssey 300 - $0.15 (Yes, for 15 cents)

Intellivision III, Tandyvision one, Intellivoice (In Box) with a whole box full of games for - $2.00

Atari 800 with games - $0.50

2 SNES, 46 games - $20.00

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: Izret101 on June 09, 2007, 08:01:20 PM
I got Zero the Kamikazee squirrel for SNES for a buck.

O2(attatched controllers) with 4 CIB games for 2bucks

a bunch of GB and GBC games for .25-.50 a piece

Abes Oddysee and Exodus CIB for 5$s total

among many many other awesome buys.

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: Samada on June 10, 2007, 09:06:20 PM
I love going to garage sales. That's where I found my mint top-loading NES for $2. :)

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: Moriya Hanzo on June 11, 2007, 03:18:26 PM
I never have luck at garage sales. For the matter , i never find any kinda video game items at garage sales.

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: FibroFreak on June 14, 2007, 11:38:14 AM
Yeah...I NEVER can seem to find games or systems at garage/tag sales...

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: den68 on June 14, 2007, 03:56:35 PM
I've got some success at garage sales. I seem to have better luck at thrift stores though.

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: NES_Rules on June 14, 2007, 04:35:13 PM
I love garage sale, probably more than half my collection has come from them.  Though I do go to around 50 on a good weekend, so the odds are in my favor that a few of those sales will have games. 
The only other places I shop are flea markets and Goodwill. 

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: Tynstar on June 14, 2007, 06:02:07 PM
Garage sales suck here.

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: two_scoop_steve on June 23, 2007, 03:14:51 PM
i need to wake up and go garage sell hunting, i went out a few times but found nothing

Title: Re: Garage Sales are a Game Collector's Best Friend
Post by: phoenix1967 on June 25, 2007, 02:29:53 PM
No luck here either. Most people selling them have either done so before I arrive, or they're worried about asking too little for their lot so they highball the price.  :P