Title: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: shaggy on May 06, 2007, 11:12:01 AM Has a video game ever made you cry especially Final Fantasy VII (you guys who have played it know what I'm talking about)?
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Fuyukaze on May 06, 2007, 11:28:03 AM Every time I finish a Final Fantasy game I cry. Odd though, it's more out of joy then sadness as I know I've finished it and will probly never want to ever play the game again.
Other then that, I'm hard pressed to think of anything else though the first Lufia did make me feel a tad sad. Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: OatBob on May 06, 2007, 11:43:08 AM Yeah, I get a pretty good feeling overall when I finish a pretty good, lengthy game. Memorable ones for me were Shenmue (though it doesn't end), GTA: San Andreas, Seaman, Jet Grind Radio, and any Kirby or Zelda game. I can't say this about Halo or Pokémon. I play through those more as an exercise at this point.
Unfortunately, some game endings upset me, like Jet Grind Radio where you have to replay the entire game to go back and get all the graffiti soul icons; or Shenmue where it doesn't end (and btw, Shenmue II doesn't end either... and there is NO Shenmue III to tie it off). E.T. and Donkey Kong simply restart (no fun). Then again, E.T. upsets me in general. Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on May 06, 2007, 12:36:51 PM Nope.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: DarthKur on May 06, 2007, 01:46:13 PM No, but many have made me scream and yell until my throat is sore. :hmm:
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Tondog on May 07, 2007, 12:47:04 AM Nope. I laughed at the one moment in FF7 and turned off the game right there.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Fuyukaze on May 07, 2007, 01:59:42 AM I wasnt saying I was happy with the FF games, just that I was happy to finaly be done with them. There's always been a feeling of joy over finishing something you had eventualy grow to hate and finishing each and every one of FF7-FF9 was the same. Started out interested, ended up bored. It's kinda sad when your brought to tears from a game because it's become more a painfull experience that feels like work, and less like enjoyment.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Hydrobond on May 07, 2007, 07:35:17 AM I don't recall ever crying because of a game.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: shaggy on May 07, 2007, 12:35:32 PM I haven't but there are times when you feel like you could!
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Tynstar on May 07, 2007, 03:03:20 PM Nope
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Speedy_NES on May 07, 2007, 03:29:22 PM Me neither...Even for emotional people, I don't know if a game can be realistic enough to make one cry.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on May 07, 2007, 09:56:34 PM Only if you are a girly man.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: Tondog on May 08, 2007, 10:31:03 AM I came close to crying when playing Geist, it was mainly from me laughing so hard at how brilliant the puzzles are.
Title: Re: Weekly Poll 5/6/07 Post by: phoenix1967 on May 08, 2007, 06:03:02 PM Not that I can recall.
But I did feel guilt when I turned to the dark side at a critical juncture in KOTOR1. The characters were very well written and at the point in the game where you make your final decision, it's tougher than you would've thought... |