RF Generation Message Board

Announcements and Feedback => Announcements and Feedback => Topic started by: twitami on April 09, 2007, 09:34:59 PM

Title: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 09, 2007, 09:34:59 PM
SO I want to finally put my entire collection up here, but I have a question. I have over 150+ unique consoles, and I noticed quite a few not in the database. Gizmondo being the first one I noticed. It says to "contact an admin" for this. So, who and how do I contact?


By the way, your list is BY FAR better than anyone else's so far.

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: Tynstar on April 10, 2007, 01:18:40 AM
Gizmondo is under Tiger Gizmondo. Any other missing one feel free to post them here.

Thanks for the compliments!

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 10, 2007, 06:56:30 PM
Ok, I found the Tiger Gizmondo, however there is no Hardware listed. Need the system itself added. The Tapwave Zodiac also has no hardware listed. Also the Game King and Game King 2 are not listed. And, the odd one of the day...the Bandai Denshi Manga Juku ( I think thats the name, I own one, but all in Jap):


Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: NES_Rules on April 10, 2007, 08:28:59 PM
I couldn't find the Sega Mega Jet anywhere.
I never even heard of it until a few hours ago, but it was basically a portable Mega Drive with no screen that you could rent on Japan Airlines.  It was basically a pre-cursor to the Nomad. 

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 10, 2007, 10:28:24 PM
Also, the Nokia N*Gage. The software list is there, but again, no hardware/systems are listed. Also missing the Koei Pasago System and its games. I have this as well, plus 3 games for it.


Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 10, 2007, 11:18:43 PM
Also noticed the Watara Supervision Hardware is missing. The System and the TV attachment are not listed.

Am I missing something, because a lot of systems seem to be listed, but then when I go in to add items, its only the software and no hardware. I have checled the ALL and also done the HARDWARE tabs, and still get nothing.

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: Tan on April 11, 2007, 12:22:36 AM
You may not realize this but submissions and listing in the database depend on user's submitting info for approval. In a lot of cases the Info comes from people who actually own said hardware/software.

In the top left corner of the front page under the search bar  there is a tab called "submit site info". There you can find scripts where you can submit for approval any game or hardware not presently listed in our database as well as images or variations. Although the software database has been around for a few years, the hardware one is still a new addition and therefore less complete. As a free site of volunteers and fellow collectors RF Generation relies on it's members to use the scripts listed to help fill in those missing entries.

So feel free to submit as many entries presently missing from the database as you can find using those scripts. Everyone is recognized for their work and we've got a team of staff who spend allot of time working on the site and approving the submissions that are sent in.  :)

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 11, 2007, 02:22:43 AM
I was actually just going to submit the new things I find on the forms, but two things came up. One, someone in this thread said to post them here; and Two, I can't use the forms. On the form for hardware, it will not let me submit it without certain fields filled out. The problem is, one of the fields is CONSOLE. So how do I submit a new console, if I have to pick the console that it belongs to?

Of course, the ones that have software entered i can do, and I will as i go through my collection and add it.

And thanks again for the great site, and quick responses....amazing work !

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: Izret101 on April 11, 2007, 01:03:35 PM
Please do not add things that you just happen to run across on forums.

While the new info for the database is greatly appreciated just adding things you can't get accurate info on just would mess up the database in the future.(Been there done that take my word on it.... :embarresed:)

As for picking the console you are submitting a console for...
Say your submitting the Gizmondo system info.
You have to enter the systems title as well as any other info you can put in and then pick Tiger Gizmondo for hardware.
That way when you search Gizmondo for hardware all systems and other pieces of hardware will show up in the search results.

Hopefully that isn't completely confusing, my mind isn't up to par right now. Damn cold.

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 11, 2007, 01:14:22 PM
I am only entering items I own. Nothing I found on the internet or anything like that. I have a lot of obscure stuff in my collection.

"As for picking the console you are submitting a console for...
Say your submitting the Gizmondo system info.
You have to enter the systems title as well as any other info you can put in and then pick Tiger Gizmondo for hardware.
That way when you search Gizmondo for hardware all systems and other pieces of hardware will show up in the search results."

My question here is what about consoles that are NOT listed in the CONSOLE section? For instance the Game King? How do I submit them when it will not let me until I pick a CONSOLE from the list, but this one isn't listed yet?

I sent in a few already that were listed, but no hardware was present...ie Tapwave Zodiac, N*gage, Gizmondo.

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 11, 2007, 05:16:50 PM
One other question: Should stand-alone systems like Atari Stunt Cycle, Atari Video Pinball, Epoch TV Baseball, Coleco Combat!, etc be submitted in the PONG category (I would think this is the best place, as to me PONG means generally a dedicated console, not a particular type of game).


Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: St0rmTK421 on April 12, 2007, 07:13:21 PM
From the official FAQ,


What happens though if the console doesn't exist at all? If you find that instance to be the case, contact an administrator, who will then verify whether or not the console needs to be added and if so will add the console to the regions you desire.

So if you've double checked and can't find them, make a list of the ones that need to be added and any standard information you have for them (year, manufacturer, etc) and one of the staff will add it for you.

Title: Re: Adding new Consoles (Gizmondo, etc)
Post by: twitami on April 12, 2007, 10:01:01 PM
Bah, thanks for pointing that out. Thought I read everything, must have missed that.