RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Rejinx on December 31, 2006, 09:48:46 AM

Title: Koei
Post by: Rejinx on December 31, 2006, 09:48:46 AM
Is there any other Koei fans out there?  I know there games are repetitive and are sometimes more like a history lession then a video game, but what can I say, I love these games.  I can't decide what my favorite series is from them.  I like Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Kesson and Dinesty Warriors.

 Oh, and is Koei pronounced "Ko - wee"?

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Mezmoron on December 31, 2006, 11:38:52 AM
It is pronounced with a long O and a long E.  So Kōē.


Title: Re: Koei
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 31, 2006, 12:45:36 PM
Dynasty Warriors was mildly cool.

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: JWKobayashi on December 31, 2006, 08:02:48 PM
While they didn't make my favorite game based (loosely) on Chinese history (that would go to Capcom's Destiny of an Emperor), I really dig the Romance of the Three Kingdom games.  I haven't played the latest couple, which is something that I need to remedy.  I've also never played Kessen, now that I think about it...

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Cobra on December 31, 2006, 10:12:30 PM
I like 'em for their MegaDrive titles, but can't really vote for any of the above, as I don't hate them, I like this company, I know who they are, but don't follow the game series, just played what came my way from them knowing it would be good.

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Fuyukaze on January 01, 2007, 05:51:35 AM
I'm going with Romance of the Three Kingdoms on this one as I hate the other two.  Destiny of an Emperor is my perfered favorite of the storyline.

If your a Koei fan, which do you perfer?  The Romance series, Genghis Kahn series, or Nobunaga?

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Rejinx on January 01, 2007, 05:00:29 PM
^^^^ For the NES: Nobunaga
but after that Romance.

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Speedy_NES on January 02, 2007, 09:28:52 AM
I voted for Romance in the Three Kingdoms, but the best KOEI game IMO is Genghis Khan II: The Grey Wolf Clan for SNES...

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Tynstar on January 02, 2007, 10:49:12 AM
I haven't played enough of them for any length t give you a vote.

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Tondog on January 02, 2007, 01:03:36 PM
The best Koei game is Gitaroo Man!

Title: Re: Koei
Post by: Mike Leon on January 06, 2007, 01:40:06 PM
Dynasty Warriors was mildly entertaining, even though the entirety of gameplay consisted of smashing the attack button as hard as possible.

I rented Kessen when I bought my PS2 at launch. It almost convinced me to return the system to the store.