RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: TraderJake on December 05, 2006, 09:49:58 PM

Title: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: TraderJake on December 05, 2006, 09:49:58 PM
Perhaps  I am the only one who thinks this, but Wii Sports is awesome. I am completely and utterly addicted to Tennis. Sure it's a souped up version of Pong, but damnit, it's addictive as hell. When I first heard that you didn't move your character I thought it would be lame, but there is actually some skill involved in the game should you choose to play the game as they intended.

So, for those of you who have played it, what are your impressions of Wii Sports? Is it gimmicky, or is it something that keeps you entertained? After the media outlets made it seem crappy I found myself having a total blast.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Tynstar on December 05, 2006, 09:51:54 PM
I need a Wii :(

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Hydrobond on December 06, 2006, 12:35:53 AM
All three Wal-Marts in Lafayette have Wiis going on sale tomorrow morning.  If I didn't have to give a 30 minute presentation tomorrow morning I would be there tonight waiting for them. 

Sadly, the presentation is slightly more important.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: chrisbid on December 06, 2006, 08:54:28 AM
baseball, bowling, and tennis are great

golf and boxing are a bit iffy

but its really great for multiplayer

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Sauza12 on December 06, 2006, 11:27:52 AM
The only game I really don't like playing is golf.  It just doesn't have the right feel to it.  I brought my Wii over to a friends house last weekend (snicker) and we played homerun derby for like 3 hours.

I also get a kick out of the power throw bowling game.  The one that adds more pins everytime you throw untill you end up throwing at 91 pins.  Such chaos.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: AndyC on December 06, 2006, 11:40:27 AM
I need a Wii :(

Go to the toilet then. ;)

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: OatBob on December 06, 2006, 05:38:00 PM
Yeah, I absolutely agree.  Wii sports does rock.  My brother and I have already gone pro in the only sports we care for,  but we still keep playing it.

Who would have thought that a demo game would be so fun.  Its even been outselling Twilight Princess in Japan. 

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Zimbacca on December 06, 2006, 06:38:51 PM
I finally played Wii sports last Sunday and god damn does it kick ass.  It's too bad I only have one Wii contorler so I can't play multi player.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Hydrobond on December 06, 2006, 07:32:26 PM
Yeah, I absolutely agree.  Wii sports does rock.  My brother and I have already gone pro in the only sports we care for,  but we still keep playing it.

Who would have thought that a demo game would be so fun.  Its even been outselling Twilight Princess in Japan. 

Does it not come with the console in Japan?

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: TraderJake on December 06, 2006, 08:11:25 PM
No, Wii Sports is not bundled in Japan.

On another note, Wii Play is outselling Zelda too. It should be noted though that it is bundled with a Wii Remote in Japan.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: Shimra on December 06, 2006, 09:46:56 PM
I like golf a lot...

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: INVOK3R on December 07, 2006, 12:50:53 AM
I'm a pro at Tennis and Bowling, just short in Baseball... I don't play Golf or Boxing at all.

I have Golds for all three Tennis and Baseball training events. And I have 2 silvers and 1 gold for bowling.

One of my friends just got a platinum medal on the bowling - picking up spares game. I didn't know you could get platinum... now I got to go back to see which training games I can get platinum in.

Pretty flippin' awesome though!

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: shaggy on December 07, 2006, 08:37:19 AM
I need a Wii :(
You can play with my Wii.  :P  I'll even let you touch it.

Title: Re: Wii Sports Rocks
Post by: INVOK3R on December 07, 2006, 08:21:16 PM
I need a Wii :(
You can play with my Wii.  :P  I'll even let you touch it.



You can play with my Wii too.   :P