Title: How much does an SNES go for? Post by: David_J. on August 09, 2006, 09:12:02 PM I recall a while back they where pretty dang expensive, but I am looking to unload mine as I never use it, and I am more focused on Sega so something HAS to go.
I have an SNES with all hookups A multi-system S-video cable (PS2, GC and Xbox) Games, and all of them are loose: Mario Paint (W/ mouse) Top Gear Super Smash TV Donkey Kong Country 1 (Battery is dead) Donkey Kong Country 2 Super Mario World F-Zero Cybernator Killer Instinct Gradius 3 Star Fox And I have three(?) dust shield thingys. I will trade for Sega Genesis games, and I'll post a want list soonish -- I'm mostly after commons/uncommons. Title: Re: How much does an SNES go for? Post by: wrldstrman on August 09, 2006, 11:17:56 PM i would say a snes by itself sells for between 20 to 40 dollars with games you may get 40 to 60.00 dollars