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Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: Atariboy on August 09, 2006, 11:30:52 AM

Title: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: Atariboy on August 09, 2006, 11:30:52 AM
Its 2006 and we are now in the world of Sony PS2 soon PS3, Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii but think back 30 years in the world of just Atari, Coleco and who ever just clumping out of the video game soup and being to rulde the world as we know it. 8)

Back in my day we had no Online computers, we had ROCKS for PETS and we only had one type of video game and thats PONG!! And if you wanted to know how me and many of my pals played back in the old 1976 here's a re-creation on how it was done back in them days.

Fig. 0-1. To start off you may wanted to use what ever system-models they had in the early 70s and there was ALOT from Atari Pong, Coleco pong, Magnavox pong even Radio Shack had a TV-Pong unit! But for me I pick Atari 1975 Pong, BTW some of thouse pong systems on the pic may had came out after 76 but you get the idea.

Fig. 0-2. Now that I picked a Pong unit the next thing is what??? Fine a TV set, Duh! Almost every one in my building all had like Black & White TV sets cuase they where cheaper to get abd its way better to play Pong so the TV screen won't get burn images from any Pong units that if you leave it on too long. I use an 1970's RCA B&W TV set.

Fig. 0-3. Even if Pong dont have any great graphics or color for that matter that dont mean you can do more on it and to do this you need to make a Overlay-Image to put on the TV screen. To start you'll need the right tools, (ask your mother for help) Your'll need color plasitc sheet, a black marker, a per of scissor and a clear tape.

Fig. 1-3. Step one make a game outline with the marker.
Fig. 2-3. Setp two Cut out both the TV screen outline
to fit it on the screen. Then cut out a stip
of the game line about one-half inch wide onlong
the line then tape across the tracks so center
section won't fall out of the pattern.
Fig. 3-3. And now add interest with words and pictures to
make the overlay more fun like a Theme Park,
Outer Space or even an Olympic Event.

Fig. 0-4. Now tape the overlay on the TV screen so that its looks like the images is coming out from thePong game.

Fig. 0-5. Sopt of light, represnting skier (arrow),is guded over the trail! Now your Pong game is more then just two paddles and a ball.

Fig. 0-6. Now that you got the Pong game running there's just one thing missing, NO MUSIC at all! Almost all units back then edar had no sound or only have beeps and blips. And to do get some background music I have to use what was available so I have here a Record/8-Track Combo player with over a hundred 8-Track tapes I have from ABBA, Bee-Gees, Eagles, Village People even Barry Manilow---(DON'T LAUGH) :laugh:

Fig. 0-7. Long before 'Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio '(aka MP3) and Compact Disc (aka CD) we had to use Records and I have many like this one I use like Studio 54 sound track 'DISCO LIVE'!

Fig. 0-8. Just remember that to use one of thouse HUGE headphone just in case you dont want to wake up your mom and dad as you playing PONG.

Fig. 0-9. Well I hope this will show you how LUCKING you kids are living in today's world with your Mp3 downloading, DVD playing, Online surfing with your super hight god-knows how many gigs on your PCs and just remember this (Have you play Atari Today?) ;D

[img width=650 height=5775]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/2097/howtoplaykf4.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: Tynstar on August 09, 2006, 01:42:38 PM
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You rule man!!!!!   

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: INVOK3R on August 10, 2006, 12:39:22 AM
I only wish I was alive in 1976...  :'(

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: wrldstrman on August 10, 2006, 04:58:09 AM
lol thats awesome  you need to find one of the old spools and cover it with carpet to set your stereo on....  thing that cracked me up about some of the pong units is they had different games listed like  tennis,skeetball,,table tennis  but you still only had the t lines and the blip

76 rocked  go   ABBA

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: Alabama-Shrimp on August 10, 2006, 02:21:48 PM
i think this would all make a very nice bonfire

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: shaggy on August 10, 2006, 02:58:19 PM
That's awesome but one thing is confusing to me..... why cut out your lines?

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: den68 on August 11, 2006, 02:39:23 PM
weird. I was playing Pong and listening to some records just the other day.

and for the record I was 8 in 1976.

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: Pop Culture Portal on August 11, 2006, 03:16:14 PM
and for the record I was 8 in 1976.

Me too!

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: Tynstar on August 11, 2006, 10:13:08 PM
I was 2

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: two_scoop_steve on August 14, 2006, 03:10:35 PM
I was not even a gleam in my father's eye in 76...

Title: Re: How To Play Video Games The 1976 Ways.
Post by: bum-man on August 14, 2006, 09:45:32 PM
I remember it well, in 1976 I was 15 and loved gaming from it's birth!