Title: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Kevincal on July 31, 2006, 09:50:02 PM I've been submitting some scans and info for games and I got to thinking. To me, it would make more sense to just scan the "game credits" and the "instructions"(the story inside the manual) instead of typing them out in text form. But the way it's set up, it's not possible to insert scans in those information boxes, correct? I also actually typed out the back of the box for "overview" on a couple of games and I think if that particular game has a "back" scan, then under "overview" it should say something like... "see "back" scan." What do you guys think? Of course this wouldn't pertain to a game in the datebase with no scans.
PS: When are the/my scans going to be put up/updated?!?! :) Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: TraderJake on July 31, 2006, 10:01:05 PM Scanning more images than the front of a manual is sort of a legal quandary. Where does it become copyright infringement? I'd prefer that we play it safe than sorry. Yes, while Game credits will pretty much be copied word for word, creating a scan of that could be construed as infringement, and we do not want to go down that route.
As for overviews, that see back scan link can already be implemented by an able HTML programmer. Overviews and submitted overviews must be submitted in html, so all you would need to do is add a <a href="IMAGELINK">See back scan[/url] to a sentence. As for the scans, great question, I am sure it will be added eventually, scans need to be watermarked before added, and that is Tynstar's department. Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Kevincal on July 31, 2006, 10:11:08 PM I see. All that legal mumbo jumbo that always gets in the way... So Tynstar, since you are done with your Genny collection, how 'bout updating some scans? :) Your wife will understand if you tell her you'd rather mess around with videogame scans instead of going shopping with her! ;) :D
Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Kevincal on July 31, 2006, 10:13:39 PM Oh, I just remembered anothing thing I was thinking...about the watermarks. They are located on the bottom corner of the images right? Well, couldn't someone just cut off the bottom of the image and steal it like that? Would it look really bad if the watermark was right smack in the middle of the image?
Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: TraderJake on July 31, 2006, 10:16:26 PM I see. All that legal mumbo jumbo that always gets in the way Yes, I'd much rather keep the site as ad-free as possible than make it IGN-like with ads to pay off legal fees associated with lawsuits by angry copyright holders. For watermarks, we reviewed many types of watermarks, and we felt that the one we chose was the least invasive, least painful watermark. I don't think anyone wants to see a watermark right through the middle, and would rather enjoy the image. Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Tynstar on July 31, 2006, 10:20:09 PM I will OK all your work in the next day or so. Thanks again for all the info and scans. I did raise the watermark a little so if it is cut off some of the box/game/mauals will be missing and it will look rather odd.
Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Kevincal on July 31, 2006, 10:22:24 PM Hey, cool man. Thanks for putting up with me! :-X I don't mean to be a squeaky wheel...really. :) Also sorry for submitting the same game scans more than once. I had to re-do some of them as they weren't so great. Hope I don't confuse you with that!
Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Kevincal on August 01, 2006, 05:48:09 PM I will OK all your work in the next day or so. Thanks again for all the info and scans. I did raise the watermark a little so if it is cut off some of the box/game/mauals will be missing and it will look rather odd. Many thanks for getting those scans up. :) And also good job on editing some of the text. Everything looks great. I've got some more on the way soon. ;) Title: Re: Game info/image suggestion. Post by: Tynstar on August 01, 2006, 05:58:56 PM All but your NES INfo submissions are done. Speedy_NES is in charge of the NES section so he will does those soon.
Sorry for the delay. |