RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: thx1138 on July 31, 2004, 03:16:19 AM

Title: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on July 31, 2004, 03:16:19 AM
Mrs.THX went to the boot sales, I went to work.

I'd rahter go to the sales.

Got for £8

Megadrive 2 - in a very, tatty box


Rings of Power keeping
Super Hydlide dupe
688 Attack Sub dupe
Crue Ball keeping
Cliff Hanger (loose) keeping
Mega 6 (loose) dupe
Sonic 2 dupe

Battletoads (loose) keeping
Desert Strike retrun to Gulf keeoing

in the post today via eBay I got

Hardball (genesis)

my total number of unique boxed PAL Megadrive games is now 124.

there were some loose PS1 games in the box too

Ape Escape
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Viva Footballl

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 01, 2004, 07:00:46 AM
Today Mrs.THX and I worked a car boot sale together. When I got to "delaers" stalls i'd notice stuff I wanted, but would epress no interest, then further up tell Mrs.THX about it, and she would then go round again, and buy it. On the other stalls, not run by dealers, Mrs.THX would just offer a silly amount like 75pence,  or haggle, i.e if something was £1 offer £1.50 for two.

Got -

Banjo Kazooe - boxed (tatty box, very tatty manual) N64 for £2. at which point Mrs.THX told me off, and insisted that I let her do the haggling!

Bandai handheld - Missile Invader 75 pence
Tomy Handheld (1982) Safari Jeep 75pence (wind up, not electronic)
Buzz - 1970's electric dextertiy game 75pence

all three boxed

2 Radio Shack electronic games, lsort of like Merlin or Simon, look early 90's - with batteries £1.50 for the pair both boxed

NES with Super Maro 3 and a controller £5 (no PSU)

N64 with one cotnroller, V-Rally & Fifa £5

PS1 - supersonic racers 75pence

everything works :)

Oh, and a lovely half/sized vintage bottle of port in a gift set for £1.50

It was delicious. hic.....

mrs.THX got a coupla things for the house too

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 01, 2004, 07:17:48 AM
Previous  customer, who brought stuff to my house last year phoned  me up earlier, and arrived as I was typing the last message.

For £15 I got;

various Commodore games, inclduing a C64 cart (I collect the carts)
controllers, boxes of blank discs.

Master Mk1 (loose)
Light Phaser (boxed)

These boxed MAster games;

Gangster Town
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone maze
Castle of Illusion
Ms Pac Man
World Grandprix

and two cards

Teddy Boy
Super Tennis

both cards near mint, so Teddy Boy replaces my tatty one, and Super Tennis goes into my collection

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: shadytool on August 01, 2004, 07:20:57 AM
damn you two have a system set up!  
good find on the N64 too!

one question tho, i have been reading about these car boot sales for awhile now and i have know idea what one is.  can you help me out?

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 01, 2004, 07:34:52 AM
Yeah, they are where at a public venue, anyone can turn up in a car or truck, pay a fee to get in, and sell pretty much anything, at whatever price they like.

Then anyone else can turn up, and pay a smaller fee to enter the venue, and then buy stuff. They mostly run during the summer. The one we went to today was at the towns rugby club.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: Sureshot on August 01, 2004, 08:15:37 AM
Definitely some nice MS stuff there, the Fantasy Zone games are especially sought after (I have a bid on The Maze myself at the moment which I expect to be obliterated :P)

Btw I have a copy of International Soccer on C64 cart if you're interested THX, it's boxed with instructions though the top flap of the box is missing.  Gimme a shout if you are :)

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: shadytool on August 01, 2004, 09:10:34 AM
ah, thank you.
its like a flea market but with cars instead of booths.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: IceBladeX on August 02, 2004, 03:23:51 AM
Is the maze kind of rare, thats actually the Fantasy Zone I picked up recently.
Do you guys use any resources other than Digital Press for rarity and such?

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 02, 2004, 04:08:51 AM
I dont use digital press.

nor do I consider theFantasy Zones to be that rare.

Anyway, I sold the consoles in this thread for £53 today, at Gamestation :)

So, I am left with all the games listed and  handhelds other stuff, for about £8 outlay, which is nice. :)

altough I bough t a feew beers in town, £1 a pint on Mondays ;) got a TRON collecters edition DVD, and for 80pence some weird Japanese trading cards, boxed, no idea what they are about, but they looked cool.

The Amiga, I think I can sell bundled with games for about £15 to £25

went through all the Amiga & C64 games, and a lot of them were mint, and still had the freebie posters and stickers.

Put the stickers on the side of my JAMMA coin-op, and the choicest posters, A4 to A3 size, mrs.THX will take into town, and get them laminated. It's cheaper than proper picturr framing, but does still look quite cool when done, and I canuse blu-tac to put them up without wreckinng the posters.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: jonlester on August 10, 2004, 07:48:41 PM
What brand do you get for £1 each? That would be cheap in an American bar for your average domestic.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 11, 2004, 12:15:17 AM
um, Guiness you will have heard of.

Spitfire,  Tetley - both bitters

Fosters - that;s a lager

and a coupla others

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: Izret101 on August 11, 2004, 05:11:26 PM
isnt Fosters Australian?

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: jonlester on August 11, 2004, 05:52:02 PM
Still, you're talking the equivalent of $1.75 or $2 a pint, which in most American bars would only get you something like a Budweiser, Miller Lite or, in my case, PBR. Guinness, being imported, typically goes for $3-4 a pint here and in most places that's if it's on special.

And you really do have a wonderful wife, judging by your own account. A living example of why I'm holding out for the right one myself. I don't know many video game-friendly single women.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 15, 2004, 03:24:25 AM
not much since then, coupla "meh" ps1 games.

Atlough I have bought Landstalker for the Megadrive (trade in at Gamestation) and mrs.THX got me a game I did not have. Plus a few bought on eBay

my boxed PAL total now stands at 149 Megadrive games.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on August 15, 2004, 04:21:29 AM
1 more and you've got yourself a minor mile stone 8)

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 15, 2004, 06:18:59 AM
just missed out!

scored a mk2 megadrive and a game for £2, but I already had the game

hope to trade it in for £14 credit note in the morning at Gamestation, and willl spend it on any Megadrive game I don't have!!!!

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: shadytool on August 15, 2004, 07:42:22 AM
@THX  when did you change your flag???

p.s.  i am not ignoring your finds... its just that you have such an awesome system down right now that it kind of all blends in together.  so all the more commons that you find, that if someone else would find for that price and be all excited about, they jsut dont seem that great when you say them any more. (that was a run on sentence)

so i guess what i am saying is that you have raised the bar sooo much for yourself that i wont get excited about a find of your unless it is something like an NG AES for L10 (i dont have that sign on my board) that the retro shop was going to throw out.

that was a ramble...

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 16, 2004, 05:42:47 AM
my flag? You mean my pesonal icon?

ages ago, it's a Viet Cong flag, related to the Tet offensive, I think.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: shadytool on August 18, 2004, 04:51:23 AM
nah, i remember the viet cong flag... VC (viet cong) = Vice City.
i mean that England flag.

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: thx1138 on August 18, 2004, 05:32:37 AM
i never changed it, it was added, when I filled my details in on the map thingy on the home page of RF-Generation

contrarty to poular myth, I am not Scottish

Title: Re: Megadrive and games. & Sundays finds
Post by: shadytool on August 18, 2004, 07:10:14 AM
lol...  Scottish, so that IS a myth.

i just thought that the flag was something new.
maybe we should get back on topic now...