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Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: Sauza12 on July 28, 2004, 10:12:34 AM

Title: Sauza rants
Post by: Sauza12 on July 28, 2004, 10:12:34 AM
O.K., I hope that everyone can bear with me for a couple of minutes because I got some things that have been bothering the piss out of me lately (not all of which that I will go into right now) that I have to get out of my system before inocent people are in jeopardy.  Here we go.

White people, it's time to relize that we are not black.  I am especially aiming at you white folk in affluent suburban communities.  I can't take seeing white 20-30 year old guys from Canton (for those of you not from Michigan, Canton is to Detroit as Norway is to Africa.  Few  black folk and even fewer reasons to be a "thug") that drive green 1995 Tempo's that haver $2000 sound systems in them.  Don't waste your money on a sound system that rattles your entire ride.  BUY A BETTER CAR!  

Also, for those of you who for whatever reason banged some chick at an Ecstasy party and didn't have the common sense to either wear a condom or pull out, don't try to turn your kid into a thug.  To paraphrase from Chris Rock, I don't want that little screw to rob me in 15 years.  This means, don't watch BET with him/her, don't declare that Eminem is the greatest musical talent in the history of sound in front of him/her, and for the love of God, don't buy him/her G-Unit shoes or clothes.  This last point is especially important.  The only people that buy G-Unit for themselves or thier kids are retarded little posers such as yourself.  Black people don't wear them.  Trust me.

Also, stop trying to force black slang into your vocabullary.  Black people laugh at you when you do this.  I will admit that I have adapted some black slang and mannerisms, but this is because I GREW UP IN A MOSTLY BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD.  You, on the other hand, have a given name of Jordan Popovich and played tennis until you were 12.  Speaking like this only impresses other posers like yourself.

In the intrest of time, bandwidth, and blood pressure, I am going to end this here.  I could easily go on for 15 pages, but I won't.  I'm sure I'll be back soon with another rant because alot of shit has been bothering me lately.  So until next time.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: 2D-Forever on July 28, 2004, 11:07:05 AM
I don't pretend to be black because I'm too much of a racist, I'm not a racist becuase I hate everyone equally; Not becuase of their skin color, but becuase they are stupid.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 28, 2004, 11:54:05 AM
75% of the people who try to act thug or talk ghetto 1never lived in a ghetto, 2are not black, 3are rich and 4 are morons.
i grew up in a mostly black neighborhood also before that i lived in the projects with my mom. I dont try to talk that way or act that way i go to a catholic school with some kids who when the get there first car is a Lamburgini, Ferrari or hummer (not making this up) they talk and act like they are from "the streets". When the only time they have ever really been on "the streets" was to buy weed or other assorted drugs and if they ever really had to spend time there they would come out much diferent than when they went in.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: shadytool on July 28, 2004, 01:50:21 PM
nice work sauza, couldnt have said it better myself.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: den68 on July 28, 2004, 02:00:26 PM
there's no more entertaining a Sauza than an angry Sauza. I suppose a drunken Sauza could be quite entertaining, though far less coherent.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: thx1138 on July 28, 2004, 04:10:21 PM
mostly everything in the rant, has been covered in Dead Kennedys song lyrics.

Holiday in Cambodia for example speaks volumes on the first part of the rant;

So you been to school for a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car thinkin' you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl
Play ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz
On your five grand stereo
Braggin that you know how the niggers feel cold
And the slums got so much soul

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 28, 2004, 04:19:06 PM
Ya that pretty much sums it up. Also has anyone seen Malibu's Most Wanted? That pretty much runs on the first part of Sauza's post too.
White rich kid main lead father is running for mayor 2 black actors get hired to bring him to South Central and "scare him white". I think its on-demand non. If you havent seen it it wasnt bad. But dont let anyone who is highly influenced that you have to spend alot of time around see it. My little bro saw it and for about to months he was spewing back lines from the movie.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: thx1138 on July 28, 2004, 04:33:16 PM
heh - i'd be scared shitless in any city in the USA just by being there.

I remember a crime wave hit my street 3 years ago, my bicycle was stolen, and further up the road a window was broken.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 28, 2004, 04:47:33 PM
I had 3 bikes stolen in under when i was 6-7 years old.
When i was 12 on Halloween a pumpkin was thrown through a front window.
14-Xmas night my aunts car was stolen with all their presents in it it turned up Downtown (slums) with no radio but the presents where still locked in the trunk.
Over the last year i think we have had over 20 shootings (again downtown) I dont think we have quite reached crime wave status though.
I need to live there everday the news here is about fires, shooting stabbings, deaths all the good stuff.
They always hook you on the commercials and at the opening of the news with all the bad stuff too if you havent noticed. Then they throw in some good storie if there are any.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Antimind on July 29, 2004, 03:17:09 AM
I fully agree with the nature of this rant. I myself say certain things in a "black" manner but that's cause I grew up playing with black kids and hanging out in the damn projects. I truly hate most teens and people in their 20's-30's today. They want to be anything but what they are and they go around poppin out kids faster than a shitload of bunnies on a bunny farm...lol Who ends up paying for their little bastards? Hard working taxpayers. GRRRR!

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Sauza12 on July 29, 2004, 07:39:04 AM
I had to rant because two female friends of mine have kids and their kids fathers are exactly like this.  The thing that really set me off is when I saw that both of the kids had G-Unit shoes on.  Thier 5 and 2 respestively.  I hate them with a fiery passion.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 29, 2004, 11:23:39 AM
I hope you dont mean the kids. You should pity the kids hate the parents.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Sauza12 on July 29, 2004, 12:54:26 PM
Oh, of course I mean the fathers.  The kids are cooler than the fathers.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: shadytool on July 29, 2004, 01:33:57 PM
I hope you dont mean the kids. You should pity the kids hate the parents.

you are so caring and understanding... how did you get that smart?

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: den68 on July 29, 2004, 01:40:33 PM
as the out of touch old guy I must ask... G-Unit????

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: shadytool on July 29, 2004, 01:43:31 PM
50 cent's "crew" or "posse" (whatever it is called now).
they are a group now with 50 right?  called G-Unit?

ps i have seen the shoes and would rather wear K-Swiss than those ugly things.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: shadytool on July 29, 2004, 01:44:51 PM
here we go:

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: shadytool on July 29, 2004, 01:47:28 PM
in the first two sentances of that article they use posse and crew!

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 29, 2004, 02:27:13 PM
G-Unit was originally a gang from NYC and this crew/posse just adopted the name... i think...

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: jonlester on July 29, 2004, 06:01:21 PM
I think we can agree that hip-hop today is a long way from the old house parties that led us to meet the Sugar Hill Gang, Grandmaster Flash, Afrikaa Bambataa, et al. The party people still do their thing in rural areas like mine and they still don't much resemble the ghetto/ganster thing at all...

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on July 30, 2004, 05:21:29 AM
I can honestly I have never seen a wigger in the wild here. I guess living in Europe does have benefits. I have seen my share of black guys here that think they're from the ghetto, which I find equally sad.
I wonder why so many black people have the need to conform their stereotypes and make complete fools of themselves. It boggles the mind.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Antimind on July 30, 2004, 06:59:33 AM

"I can honestly I have never seen a wigger in the wild here."

LMFAO, this line is classic and would make an excellent sig. Thanks for the laugh Mark :girl:

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on July 30, 2004, 01:28:07 PM
I can honestly say i dont go out of my house with out seeing a wigger. Living here has its downsides.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on August 10, 2004, 10:35:18 AM
heh - i'd be scared shitless in any city in the USA just by being there.

I remember a crime wave hit my street 3 years ago, my bicycle was stolen, and further up the road a window was broken.

Isn't London, like, really bad?  It is a gigantic city after all.  Hell, I just saw a statistic on the news last night about my city (Canadian city of around 1 million).  There were 234 police high speed chases last year.

That's not to mention what happened the last day I stayed home sick.  We see these kids (17-18) walking around the complex (town houses) with pipes in their hands.  Out front of my place, I hear tires squeal, a car races into the parking lot and a kid rolls out the door.  The kid runs to my door, poungs on it yelling "dial 911!".  The kids in the car yell "Squealer!" at hime (or something to that effect) and peel out.  Meanwhile, the kid at our door has moved next door as I didn't answer.  My 75 year old enighbor opens her door, and the kid rushes past her into the house, grabs the phone, and dials 911.

My poor neighbor is too scared to go back into the house, so I go in looking for him.  Under the kitchen table I find him curled into a ball, cut and bruised from head to tow with the phone in his hand, tears streaming down his face.  I ask him if he's okay and he said that he was - the cops should be here shortly.  Must've been 2 minutes later a cop shows up at the door, takes out his gun and points it at the kid's chest.  I'm standing between the cop and the kid off to the side watching a little laser thingy hold on the kid's chest.  The kid then follows the cop outside for questioning.

Apparently it was just the kid getting beat up because he didn't have drug money or something.  The most important part of this story?  The kids were all white, driving $400 Civic's with $3,000 stereos.  What's the deal?


Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: thx1138 on August 10, 2004, 02:40:22 PM
London is over fifty miles, and three counties away :lol

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on August 10, 2004, 09:04:58 PM
Ooooh, 50 whole miles :).  The next closest city to mine of more than 60,000 people is about 90 miles.  And that city is only around 65,000.  The next city of comparitive size to Edmonton is Calgary - about 200 miles.  Where I live, 50 miles is nothing :)


Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on August 11, 2004, 09:16:18 AM
So you live out in the middle of nowere? You mean to say if your city was completely destroyed it would take days for anyone to know?
My first step on the road to world domination...CANADA!!

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: IceBladeX on August 12, 2004, 04:38:46 PM
For some reason this is the funniest thread EVER. Probably because its true. Its good to talk to people who arent afraid to say whats true.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on August 14, 2004, 11:31:44 PM
Any city in Canada is in the "middle of nowhere".  Any city in the US is in the "middle of nowhere just more tightly packed".  A 3 hour drive to the next decent sized city is not a big deal, I don't care who you are :)


Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Hydrobond on August 15, 2004, 07:10:08 AM
Well, the next city over 1 million is Dayton 40 or so miles North from Cincinnati.  In the two hour range we have Louisville, Lexington, Columbus and Indianapolis, all more than 1.5 million people.  I wouldn't cinsider Cincinnati the middle of nowhere.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on August 15, 2004, 08:33:37 AM
Well, the next city over 1 million is.... ehmm... Paris?

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on August 15, 2004, 08:40:10 AM
Ummm i think Boston is the closest place over 1 mil and if not some place in New York would be.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on August 15, 2004, 10:48:03 AM
It's all relative, isn't it?  If you can go 7 miles away from the city of which you live, and end up in a farmer's field, forest, or mountain range somewhere, I would consider that the "middle of nowhere".  Hell, North America is effectively in the middle of nowhere (between two oceans).  And, basically, Earth is in the "middle of nowhere".  

As I sit and type this I am, in fact, in the middle of Edmonton, which in turn is in the middle of Alberta.  But if I go out into the bush 10 miles out of town and get lost, am I in the "middle of nowhere"?  No, I'm in the middle of Alberta still.  Or am I?


Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: thx1138 on August 18, 2004, 05:59:01 AM
dude, you sound like you might be in a pub!

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Izret101 on August 18, 2004, 01:52:53 PM
Thats the way people talk in pubs? People talk much differently in bars. But he is right it all just depends on your point of veiw.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on August 29, 2004, 09:34:12 PM
Of course I'm right - I'm Canadian.


Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: den68 on September 01, 2004, 08:52:25 AM
Of course you "think" you're right. You're Canadian.

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Hydrobond on September 01, 2004, 10:32:45 AM
I don't think OD realizes how sprawled American cities are.  

Urban area of Cincinnati-Dayton.
(remember, 50 miles between the two pics.)

(source: http://www.skyscraperpage.com/forum/showthread.php?s=03ce3f4eec28e211501015df9aabcd1c&threadid=44966)

Title: Re: Sauza rants
Post by: Odonadon on September 01, 2004, 10:11:29 PM
Of course you "think" you're right. You're Canadian.

Of course you think  I "think" I'm right.  You're American ;)