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Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: wrldstrman on June 01, 2006, 11:49:41 PM

Title: Ebay message
Post by: wrldstrman on June 01, 2006, 11:49:41 PM
Any one else get this letter from ebay.
eBay sent this message to DOUGLAS D PRICKETT ( dougd.p.).
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more.

Net Neutrality and the eBay Community: A Call to Action

Dear dougd.p.,

As you know, I almost never reach out to you personally with a request to get involved in a debate in the U.S. Congress. However, today I feel I must.

Right now, the telephone and cable companies in control of Internet access are trying to use their enormous political muscle to dramatically change the Internet. It might be hard to believe, but lawmakers in Washington are seriously debating whether consumers should be free to use the Internet as they want in the future.

The phone and cable companies now control more than 95% of all Internet access. These large corporations are spending millions of dollars to promote legislation that would divide the Internet into a two-tiered system.

The top tier would be a "Pay-to-Play" high-speed toll-road restricted to only the largest companies that can afford to pay high fees for preferential access to the Net.

The bottom tier -- the slow lane -- would be what is left for everyone else. If the fast lane is the information "super-highway," the slow lane will operate more like a dirt road.

Today's Internet is an incredible open marketplace for goods, services, information and ideas. We can't give that up. A two lane system will restrict innovation because start-ups and small companies -- the companies that can't afford the high fees -- will be unable to succeed, and we'll lose out on the jobs, creativity and inspiration that come with them.

The power belongs with Internet users, not the big phone and cable companies. Let's use that power to send as many messages as possible to our elected officials in Washington. Please join me by clicking here right now to send a message to your representatives in Congress before it is too late. You can make the difference.

Thank you for reading this note. I hope you'll make your voice heard today.


Meg Whitman
President and CEO
eBay Inc.

P.S. If you have any questions about this issue, please contact us at government_relations@ebay.com.



Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: captain_nintendo on June 02, 2006, 04:56:30 AM

I have heard about this. And while I am concerned, I dont know if a legislation like that would pass. It seems rediculous.

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: Hydrobond on June 02, 2006, 05:01:01 AM
Did it have a copy of the bill they are trying to pass?

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: Tynstar on June 02, 2006, 07:23:34 AM
That told me nothing. What the hell is it all about?

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: Speedy_NES on June 02, 2006, 08:39:54 AM
I would see that as spam :)  However, it did have your name in it, so I suppose it could be an official eBay e-mail?  

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: wrldstrman on June 02, 2006, 09:10:25 AM
It was from ebay it had the person pic with it and some other stuff i didnt copy.
From what I understood the goverment must feel that the internet shouldnt be free that you should have to pay in order to use the internet...not talking about your sever you would still have to pay that to.

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on June 02, 2006, 09:30:24 AM
I thought e-bay would never send you e-mail. Or was that pay pal?

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: Tynstar on June 02, 2006, 10:31:58 AM
The internet isnt free.

Title: Re: Ebay message
Post by: Sauza12 on June 02, 2006, 02:18:52 PM
What they are talking about is the law they want to pass would make websites pay a fee to major ISP's in order to be on the preferred internet.  Anybody that doesn't pay the fee will be very slow to load, some content wont be available, etc.

It's complete horseshit, which pretty much guarantees taht it will happen.