Title: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Rejinx on May 02, 2006, 05:43:53 PM I stoped at Dollar General to pick up a soda, and ther they were.  About 50 or 60 PS1 games for 6 and 8 dollars a piece.  Most of the games I never heard of and that is more then I usually pay for a game I have never played, but I picked one up.  So, check your local Dollar General.
Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Izret101 on May 02, 2006, 06:50:24 PM They were probably some of the late system releases.
If you remember some of the titles post them. Maybe i will recognize them. Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: snes_collector on May 02, 2006, 07:00:09 PM I've saw those there too. They had like 5 different PSX games, two were Largo Wintch and Robo Pit 2, but I don't remember the rest.
Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Rejinx on May 02, 2006, 07:04:08 PM I bought Baldies (It looked interresting), it was a 2003 release.
And the only other one I can remember is Twisted Metal 3 Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Izret101 on May 02, 2006, 07:04:41 PM I know Largo Winch was a later release.
I don't remember exactly how close towards the end of game production but i think it came out around the same time as VIP and that Jesse James game. EDIT I have seen Baldies before. Did Agetec have a hand in that one? All of the games mentioned thusfar have been late launches or budget titles. Well except Twisted Metal. Which i will garuntee you saw the GH version of. There are probably 100 thousand of those floating around just in the Spfld, Mass area lol Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: wrldstrman on May 02, 2006, 08:05:27 PM I would check ebay to see if any of the titles are fetching big bucks..the ps 1 is starting to climb in value
Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: phoenix1967 on May 03, 2006, 07:43:20 AM Good point. I saw a PS1 copy of Marvel vs. Capcom at EB yesterday selling for $18.
Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: den68 on May 03, 2006, 07:51:34 AM I've seen PS1 games at Dollar General too. A couple others I remember are Castle Ballerburg and Qiz Neo.
they also have PS2 games for $15. I picked up that Sea World Shamu game at Dollar General. Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Sauza12 on May 04, 2006, 09:53:00 AM I've seen some at my local Dollar General as well. They are all budget releases that are bottom of the barrel as far as value. If you have a Value City by you, most of these games go for $4-5.
Title: Re: Strange place to find sealed PS1 games Post by: Pop Culture Portal on May 06, 2006, 05:13:29 AM For those of you that have them, Thorton's gas stations also occasionally carry PS1 games.  Since I've moved from the Cincy area, I haven't seen any Thorton's down here, so I don't know if they're still doing that.
It'll be interesting to see if Family Dollar has any games as well. I have recently seen Game Boy Color games at Rite Aid and GBA and PS1 games at Rite Aid, CVS, and Walgreens...little pricey for my taste ($15+). |