Title: WSL: Thunder Tanks...as bad as it sounds? Post by: phoenix1967 on March 01, 2006, 12:29:12 PM Even though it was only $4.99 in the bargain bin and is a rare 4P Splitscreen game for PS2, I chose to pass on this one...
Anyone have any experience with it? Is it worth a try? Title: Re: WSL: Thunder Tanks...as bad as it sounds? Post by: den68 on March 02, 2006, 12:04:30 PM have it. haven't played it. I got it for $5 when Circuit City had a big clearance a couple summers ago.
I have played the GBA version. that was decent. not sure how similar the games are though. Title: Re: WSL: Thunder Tanks...as bad as it sounds? Post by: den68 on March 03, 2006, 05:03:29 AM okay I played Thunder Tanks a bit last night. It's not great but I'd say it's easily worth $5 bucks.
It's your basic car combat game, similar to Twisted Metal but with tricked out tanks. In tournament mode there are different objectives for each round. last man standing, capture the flag, capture 5 flags, control the generator, that type of stuff. it's got a goofy WWF style commentary. looks like it could be fun with other players. Title: Re: WSL: Thunder Tanks...as bad as it sounds? Post by: phoenix1967 on March 03, 2006, 11:23:20 AM Thanks, Den. If it's still there I'll pick it up.