Title: MK: Shaolin Monks price drop. Post by: phoenix1967 on February 26, 2006, 09:16:14 PM Been keeping an eye on this one for some time, now it's $29.99 at Gamestop & EB. It got decent ratings (about 80% on gamerankings.com).
Anyone played it? Recommendations? Title: Re: MK: Shaolin Monks price drop. Post by: Izret101 on February 27, 2006, 03:10:21 AM Its 30$s everywhere AFAIK.
I saw it at Circuit City for and some other store for this price aswell. Everyone i know has said it was an amazing game and worth what they spent on it. They got it when it was more expensive. Make sure your going to be able to play it 2 players 2. Thats what makes this game so good too. If i find a store that has MK:SA AND Guitar Hero i am going to get them (good bye 110$s.....) Title: Re: MK: Shaolin Monks price drop. Post by: shaggy on February 27, 2006, 05:15:44 AM Well, well, well. Nice of you to join us Izret. You think you can leave for a week and than just pop right in and try to fit in like you never left? Huh? Huh? :D
Title: Re: MK: Shaolin Monks price drop. Post by: Izret101 on February 27, 2006, 05:29:42 AM I came back in time for a Mortal Kombat topic ;)
In anycase i don't know if there is much of a difference between the Xbox and the PS2 versions. I am going to start out with the Xbox one though. Just because i don't like the hassle of moing the PS2 between my room and my bros. I would probably prefer the control layout for the PS2 one though |