Title: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 22, 2006, 11:04:00 AM Looking at the boatload of PS2 RPGs out there, are there ANY good ones where you can play through as an adult-looking character (i.e. someone that isn't drawn like a mid to late-teen anime)?
Based on my experiences with the xbox RPGs I've played (KOTOR 1 and 2, Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate, Fable), your character is drawn as a twentysomething-looking adult adventurer or as character that ages as you go along (Fable). Imo, it seems more logical for an adventurer in an RPG to appear a little bit more adult-looking and works for me regarding the overall enjoyment factor in playing the game. This is all just a personal preference, I realize, but I haven't seen any good PS2 RPGs with characters drawn in this way. Are there any? Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: Speedy_NES on February 22, 2006, 02:28:19 PM You could try Lord of the Rings: Third Age...the characters there are adult-looking if I remember correctly.
In X-Men Legends, there are also some older looking characters ;) Other than that, no idea ;) Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 22, 2006, 04:02:01 PM Well, I guess I was looking more along the lines of PS2 exclusives. Hmmm.
I do have X-men Legends for Xbox (forgot that one earlier). That one does play pretty well. How is LOTR: Third Age? Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: Speedy_NES on February 22, 2006, 04:48:26 PM Quote Well, I guess I was looking more along the lines of PS2 exclusives. Hmmm. I do have X-men Legends for Xbox (forgot that one earlier). That one does play pretty well. How is LOTR: Third Age? LOTR: Third Age is an awesome RPG....it's very linear, but the gameplay makes up for it...great music, graphics, spells, items, storyline, and lots of level ups :) Best of all, it can be played co-op with another player...that's how I played through it and it's what made the game much more appealing to me...there's not many good multiplayer RPGs out there ;) Speaking of multiplayer RPGs..have you ever tried Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes for Xbox? It's a 4-player RPG, pretty good one as well ;) Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 22, 2006, 06:28:29 PM I have the AD&D game. It is good. I haven't had the chance to play it all the way through yet, though.
I guess that there's more good RPGs out there than I thought. Just need to make the time to play them. Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on February 23, 2006, 07:47:21 AM There's Champions of Norrath and it's sequel for PS2.
Demon Stone might be an RPG, but I think it's more hacky and slashy than RPGy, more like Onimusha or God of War which have the RPG element but aren't as free roaming. Soul Reaver is RPGish. I'm sure there're others, but I can't think of any that don't involve spikey haired brats. Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 23, 2006, 11:57:36 AM Of the few PS2 games I own, Champions of Norrath is one of them.
I've heard mixed things about the sequel. Have you played it, Leon? Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: Shimra on February 23, 2006, 01:59:36 PM Shadow Hearts Covenant is a great(very dark) RPG where you play as adult characters(look to be late 20's if you consider that adult). Plus one of the main characters in your party is like 80 years old.
Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on February 23, 2006, 04:02:07 PM Quote Of the few PS2 games I own, Champions of Norrath is one of them. I've heard mixed things about the sequel. Have you played it, Leon? Nope. Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 23, 2006, 04:36:07 PM Quote Shadow Hearts Covenant is a great(very dark) RPG where you play as adult characters(look to be late 20's if you consider that adult). Plus one of the main characters in your party is like 80 years old. That sounds good. Thanks! Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: VACRMH on February 24, 2006, 06:43:44 PM For starters, it seems like you need to avoid alot of Japanese RPGs.
But I suggest Shadow Hearts as well. I say start with Shadow Hearts and then move on to Shadow Hearts : Covenant Title: Re: PS2 RPGs...play as an adult character? Post by: phoenix1967 on February 25, 2006, 06:16:42 AM I'll check that out as well. Thanks VAC