Title: Dark Cloud 1 and 2 Post by: phoenix1967 on February 15, 2006, 09:23:38 AM Another one that I saw in the discount bin that looks promising.
Apparantly, the reviews of DC2 are much higher than DC1. Is there that much difference between them? Anyone played either (or both) of them? Title: Re: Dark Cloud 1 and 2 Post by: Sauza12 on February 15, 2006, 09:59:40 AM I played alot of Dark Cloud 1, but not much of part 2. My girlfriend played the Hell out of both of them, and from what I remember, Dark Cloud 2 was much more "polished" than Dark Cloud 1. They are both alot of fun though.
Title: Re: Dark Cloud 1 and 2 Post by: Izret101 on February 15, 2006, 10:15:39 AM The first Dark Cloud is probably shorter.
It was alot of fun. Some parts rather challenging(or annoying... depending on your opinion) Dark Cloud 2 took the customizing and weapon upgrading to a new level and i believe you could mess with the fabric of time in that one. Were as in Dark Cloud it was more of a linear thing. I could be wrong though... Never the less both of them are well worth bargain prices. Title: Re: Dark Cloud 1 and 2 Post by: phoenix1967 on February 15, 2006, 12:23:50 PM Quote Never the less both of them are well worth bargain prices. I've seen Dark Cloud 1 in the bargain bin at Gamestop for $6.99 used CIB. I'm keeping an eye out for DC2, the guy at Gamestop said he believed it was a $19.99 title, but they didn't have any in stock. Title: Re: Dark Cloud 1 and 2 Post by: Shimra on February 18, 2006, 07:42:49 PM From what I know about the two Dark Cloud games... Dark Cloud 2 is far better and hailed as the "Zelda" of the PS2. In fact, it isn't even acknowledged as a Dark Cloud game in Japan since it is so dissimiliar from the original. I have not however had the chance of playing either(I planned on buying 2, but instead ended up getting Shadow Hearts Covenant) but I have heard very good things about the second.