RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: wrldstrman on February 01, 2006, 11:51:06 PM

Title: anyone here speak french
Post by: wrldstrman on February 01, 2006, 11:51:06 PM
I sold some items worldwide and the winning bidder doesnt seem to understand what im telling him..

The problem is ebays checkout they sent has global airmail at 150.00 dollars   I told the buyer that I took all the items he won to the post office and that I could ship to him for 33.35..  Im trying to explain to him that he doesnt have to use the ebay checkout that he can just go to paypal and put the amounts in himself.....everytime i send a email he keeps ranting about not paying 150.00 shipping  which I wouldnt either  but I can seem to get across the shipping is only 33.35.....Is there somekind of site that you can use to translate english into french.

i also put this in wrong forum could someone move it   thanks

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: Speedy_NES on February 02, 2006, 02:41:25 AM
You can use www.freetranslation.com to translate text...I use it frequently and it works like a charm!

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: atari_wizard on February 02, 2006, 02:41:41 AM
i once dated a russian girl and i would use http://www.freetranslation.com/free/ to get my message accross. nothing is translated 199% accurate. i would make sure you keep your sentences short and sweet. for example:

i am using a translation web page for this email. i recieved your payment. i sent your game yesterday. what questions do you have?

make sure you take their text and translate it your self, with the link i provided. good luck.

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: Hydrobond on February 02, 2006, 02:57:58 AM
Freetranslations fun: English to French to English
"You will need a nurse."
"Vous aurez besoin d'une infirmière."
"You will need a nurse."

"Tape my nuts to a sander, plug it in, and lets go fishing."
"Enregistrer mes noix à une ponceuse, brancher il sur, et laisse aller pêcher. "
"Record my noix to a sander, connect it on, and leaves to be going to fish.  "

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: Tynstar on February 02, 2006, 06:47:50 AM
Freetranslations fun: English to French to English
"You will need a nurse."
"Vous aurez besoin d'une infirmière."
"You will need a nurse."

"Tape my nuts to a sander, plug it in, and lets go fishing."
"Enregistrer mes noix à une ponceuse, brancher il sur, et laisse aller pêcher. "
"Record my noix to a sander, connect it on, and leaves to be going to fish.  "

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thank you for that I needed it this morning.

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: shaggy on February 02, 2006, 07:40:15 AM

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on February 02, 2006, 07:47:55 AM
I bet sureshot does.

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: Tynstar on February 02, 2006, 09:22:21 AM
I bet sureshot does.

Thats what I was thinking but I havnt seen him on in some time.

Title: Re: anyone here speak french
Post by: wrldstrman on February 02, 2006, 12:48:15 PM
lol  thanks i was able to work out the problem..i book marked the link...