Title: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: captain_nintendo on January 25, 2006, 09:24:15 AM Good news for Street fighter fans everywhere.
Currently only announced for the PS2 only. (boooo) I am sure they will release it a few months down the road on the Xbox with live support like they did previously with Anniversay edition.  :) http://www.capcom.com/news/news.xpml?prid=550066 http://ps2.ign.com/articles/683/683075p1.html No offense to the PS2, but I want my xbox live support ;) Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: Sauza12 on January 26, 2006, 04:16:26 AM That looks pretty cool. If it retails for $20, I'd definatley pick this up. That Gem Fighters game looks pretty fun.
Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: CatchFiveBats on January 26, 2006, 09:53:07 AM I've always liked the Alpha series better than the "normal" series. Hopefully it'll be cheap on release.
Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: phoenix1967 on January 26, 2006, 12:41:04 PM Quote I've always liked the Alpha series better than the "normal" series.  Hopefully it'll be cheap on release. What is the difference between the Alpha and the "normal" series? Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: CatchFiveBats on January 26, 2006, 05:55:36 PM Most people consider Alpha to be pretty weird because of all the unfamiliar characters. I like it because the controls seem to flow better. Of course, I'm mostly a button masher, so that could have something to do with it.
Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: captain_nintendo on January 27, 2006, 04:25:40 AM Alpha series would of course flow better and be a more smooth game by comparison. It was introduced later ;)
I like the way it plays as well, but really wasnt into the characters. I guess when you grow up with the Arcade versions of SF and SF 2, you just get attached to those guys. :P Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: phoenix1967 on January 27, 2006, 08:06:16 AM Oh. So they introduce new characters in SF Alpha Anthology? That's actually a positive selling point for me. Does it include the old as well?
Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: VACRMH on January 30, 2006, 10:34:04 AM Quote Oh. So they introduce new characters in SF Alpha Anthology? That's actually a positive selling point for me. Does it include the old as well? Alpha took place before SF2 (At least the story) Quite a few characters were introduced here including Sakura, Dan and Rose. Also, some characters return from Street Fighter 1 such as Gen, Adon and Birdie (I think Adon was in 1) Lastly, some characters from Final Fight appear :) For awhile, I think they were planning on calling FF Street Fighter 2... anyways.... Guy, Rolento, Cody and Sodom show up. And that's just a few of the new characters :) The game play is a bit faster from SF2, and the super gauges became very important as well. Hope that helps :) Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: phoenix1967 on January 30, 2006, 12:31:12 PM I guess I'll wait and see when it comes out. There's just so DAMN many of the SF2 games out there!
Does anyone know if there are any plans to take the series to 3D? Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: VACRMH on January 30, 2006, 03:28:36 PM Quote I guess I'll wait and see when it comes out. There's just so DAMN many of the SF2 games out there! Does anyone know if there are any plans to take the series to 3D? Already done. Check the Street Fighter EX Series (1 and 2 for Playstation, 3 for PS2) It was alright, nothing special really. Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: PDorr3 on January 30, 2006, 07:26:08 PM Love SF games, especialy alpha. Will be picking it up if the price is right.
Title: Re: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Announced. Post by: captain_nintendo on January 31, 2006, 04:11:43 AM Quote I guess I'll wait and see when it comes out. There's just so DAMN many of the SF2 games out there! Does anyone know if there are any plans to take the series to 3D? I can honestly say that Street Fighter and for that matter.... Mortal Kombat as well are best on 2D. IMO |