RF Generation Message Board

Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: wrldstrman on December 14, 2005, 03:05:34 PM

Title: Merry Christmas
Post by: wrldstrman on December 14, 2005, 03:05:34 PM
anyone getting anything good for Christmas or are they planning on buying themselves something .The xbox 360 I had listed on ebay we decided to give my boy for Christmas so like the cool dad i am i will have to get him a couple games i may like ;-

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Izret101 on December 14, 2005, 03:39:10 PM
The only thing i asked for this year was a PSP from my dad.
I don't expect to my mother to get me anything as i have already toold her since she has spent so much on me in the last few months. She told me she is getting me a AAA member ship and some things for my car like flairs. (Apparently Incase i get stranded miles from civilization and have to rely on infrequently passing vehicles fo help, or maybe incase i break down in the North End. That would be worse.)

So if all goes well i will get a PSP from my dad, 50-100 bucks from aunts and uncles and maybe some clothes.

I am sure my mom will get me something even though i told her not to so i hope it will be a DS and not a stereo or something i won't use.

Oh yes and a very early Merry Xmas to all :)

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: TraderJake on December 14, 2005, 04:12:41 PM
I sort of bought myself every videogame I wanted, so yeah, I suppose I won't be getting those from my parents.

I should however be getting:

Curiously Strong Magnets
A clock
A desk lamp
Despair Inc. 2006 Calendar
UC Bookstore Giftcards (Textbooks are stupidly expensive)

In case anyone is wondering, I bought myself 4 DS games as well, and Family Guy Volume 3
The DS games were Animal Crossing, Mario Kart DS, Sonic Rush, and Mario and Luigi 2

Merry Christmas to all, and to those who are non Christian, have a happy holiday season.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Zimbacca on December 14, 2005, 06:14:56 PM
The only things that I asked for were a digital camera, an MP3 player, and a monitor.  I doubt I'll get any of them.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 15, 2005, 04:39:32 AM
She told me she is getting me a AAA member ship

I dunno if you have ever had one, but a AAA membership is sweet.  Go to the AAA store near you, and you'll walk out with free travel books and maps galore.  It's perfect for those days when you randomly decide to drive to Canada, or for planning day trips.  If you like travel and exploring new places, a AAA membership is wonderful.  I've been lucky enough that my parents buy a family membership each year so I get a card for free.  Of course I'd buy one if they didn't.

As for my Christmas...  I already know I will be getting a wireless router from my parents, probably Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS), and some other stuff too.  My sister is getting me a philosophy book I wanted I think.....  and I have no idea what my girlfriend will be getting.  I'd tell you what I'm getting her, but she may check these boards and I don't want that to happen.

I'm an atheist, but Christmas still rocks.  How twisted is the holiday now?

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 15, 2005, 05:18:08 AM
Bah humbug ?

The only thing cool about Christmas for me is seeing my son rip open presents and have a huge smile on his face.

I like exchanging gifts with good friends and such, but Christmas has lost its luster in the past 5 years for me  :-/

At least I buy myself at least 1 really nice gift for myself every Christmas  :P

And family is in town during these times  :) Normally my brother in the military comes out here, but he is stuck in Iraq right now..... At least his wife and kids are still coming out here, I enjoy spending time with them.


Merry Christmas everybody  ;)

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: den68 on December 15, 2005, 05:18:30 AM
I have a daughter and 7 nieces and nephews so my wife and I don't really get each other gifts anymore. We're planning on just stuffing each others christmas stocking with a few small things.

depending on the bonus situations from our jobs we may splurge a little at the after christmas sales for each other. we'll see.

so I don't expect to find any Xbox 360's or PSP's under the tree. But I'm sure I'll get a few nice things.

we may be getting our daughter one of those Spongebob GBA's they have at Toy r' us and a few games.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Hydrobond on December 15, 2005, 05:23:38 AM
The only thing I really wanted for Christmas is a 500GB hard drive.  But at the current price, I can get 2x250GB for 2/3 of the price.  And if I can't justify spending the money on it, I don't want them spending the money on it.  Anything I get this year will be a complete surprise.

[link=http://www.pontiac.com/solstice/index.jsp]I wish.[/link]

AAA is also good for flats/dead batteries/keys locked in car and the like.  

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Tynstar on December 15, 2005, 06:36:12 AM
I haveno idea what I am getting. I hope I get a PSP so I can return it and get some evil Microsoft stuff  ;)

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Speedy_NES on December 15, 2005, 07:02:17 AM
I have no idea what I'm getting for Christmas.  I honestly don't care too much either, I'm just looking forward to visiting my parents and spending time with family...we usually do a lot of 4-player gaming during Christmas time with me, my 2 bros, and my dad, so I'm looking forward to that. ;) Only pity is that I have a whole bunch of finals right after Christmas break, so I'm going to have to study for those as well :(

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: SFS on December 15, 2005, 12:41:36 PM

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: CatchFiveBats on December 15, 2005, 05:26:15 PM
Merry Christmas everybody!  I'm not a super-Christian or anything, but I think this political correctness crap is getting wayyy out of hand.  Of course, that's a topic for a different thread. ;)

I'm getting a Gameboy Micro bundle pack (Gameboy Micro, James Pond: Codename Robocod, and a value pack that has a carrying case, some game cases, screen covers & the like) and Mario Superstar Baseball.  I also went and bought myself a second Neo-Geo AES controller today with some money from relatives, but I got home and it was busted, so I'll be exchanging it tommorrow.

As for non-game stuff, I'm getting Looney Tunes Golden Collection 3 and either a Jerry Lewis 10-movie DVD set, Ducktales Season 1 DVD set, or Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Season 1 DVD set.  I'm not gonna lie, I love cartoons.

I'll probably end up with some other random stuff, but that's the majority of it.

Oh yeah, and I'm also buying my sister Animal Crossing for GCN.

- Zac

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Pop Culture Portal on December 15, 2005, 06:24:58 PM
Hmm let's see...I'm with den.  We have a daughter and a nephew that we've spent most of our paychecks on.  My wife and I have slowly gotten away from giving each other presents, but not by choice.  We may actually get a stove for ourselves since the house we just bought came with a 40 year-old stove.  It looks decrepid, but still works, for now.

I bought my brother an Xbox for Christmas last year and he's been game crazy since (he's NOT a gamer, or at least he wasn't).  He's been asking me alot of question about what current gen games I have.  I told him it would be easier to just come over to my house and look through my bookshelf, since I have nearly 100 titles of Xbox and PS2.

I asked grandma to buy my daughter a V-Smile, even though she's barely a year old. :laugh:

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: wrldstrman on December 16, 2005, 11:13:47 PM
Christmas morning is cool when your kids are little or if you have young nieces or nephews.  My oldest is 16 and the word car has surfaced(yeah right) and my youngest is 13 and eats me out of house and home.a gallon of milk should last more than 8 hours. me and the wife are getting eachother a new floor for our bathroom and family room for christmas ...will be hard to wrap.  but i guess the days of staying up all night wrapping presents and putting things together are finished..now we get a detailed  Christmas list...........boring Christmas story..one year we bought our son one of those bouncing horses that is hooked to a frame by springs..I was up til daylight trying to get that thing together.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: NDiddy on December 16, 2005, 11:51:53 PM
I asked for a psp and a few games I mostly asked for dvd and Cd's this year. Oh and a wow I thought there were some old people on here but someone old enough to have a 16 year old kid I always assumed this was a younger crowd than that.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: wrldstrman on December 19, 2005, 06:24:45 PM
Not all but a good majority of collectors with the huge collections are in their late thirtys,40s and 50s

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 19, 2005, 07:51:44 PM
I asked for a psp and a few games I mostly asked for dvd and Cd's this year. Oh and a wow I thought there were some old people on here but someone old enough to have a 16 year old kid I always assumed this was a younger crowd than that.

LOL, I suppose for a 16 - 20 year old, 30ish seems old  :laugh:

So much to learn still ;)  :P

Family now in town minus my brother who is still in Iraq. Still, having the niece and nefew around is fun.  :)

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: den68 on December 20, 2005, 04:57:57 AM
well Merry Christmas to your brother in Iraq. sucks to be away from family this time of year. I hope he stays safe.

we do have a broad range of ages here. from teens to 40 somethings. with the common ground we share you don't often notice the age descrepancy.

I did my shopping saturday and while I didn't spend much I did get my wife some nice things. I'm pretty excited to give her some of them. one thing I got her was Nintendogs for the DS.

so far we've got our daughter 2 GBA games. Disney Princes and Finding Nemo. I saw a few on that Toy R Us sale list that I'm going to try and pick up too.


Merry Christmas from me too. I know "Happy Holidays" is a catch all phrase for the season and it is important to recognize Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and the other holidays but "Christmas" should not be a dirty word. I don't get that.

I saw a commercial the other day that had carolers singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" but they changed the words to "We Wish You a Happy Holiday". why? If you don't want to say Christmas use a different song.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 20, 2005, 06:11:19 AM

Dennis the wise :P

Your right about the word "Christmas". I dont even think alot of people associate it with Christ anyhow?
Most people probably only think of the commercial aspect of  "Christmas"..... :-/

Anyhow, you are toatally right about the age gap here being a non factor, as it should be....IMO

About the only difference I can think of from a game player/ collector stand point is that some of us grew up through the "Atari age" and the glory days of the arcade.  ;)

So anyhow, Happy ChristHanKwanziku to everybody  :D

(ChristHanKwanziku is copy righted by Captain Nintendo is not intended for commercial use)

P.S. My brother has been over in Iraq for about 14/15 months now and is coming back on January 10th !!!

That's Enough Christmas gift for me |D

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Tynstar on December 20, 2005, 06:26:29 AM
Most people probably only think of the commercial aspect of  "Christmas"..... :-/

WTF! It has a different meaning then becoming insane while shopping?

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Zimbacca on December 20, 2005, 06:33:04 PM

P.S. My brother has been over in Iraq for about 14/15 months now and is coming back on January 10th !!!

That's Enough Christmas gift for me |D

That's awesome man.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 22, 2005, 10:02:23 AM
Here is a small version of a Christmas animation I am working on for my girlfriend.  I thought you people might enjoy this.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 22, 2005, 10:05:30 AM
P.S.  It's hard to tell in that version, but that is our Christmas tree that she eats there.  Note the skull tree topper.  That was her idea.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: den68 on December 22, 2005, 10:17:45 AM
your girlfriend is very...uhhhh.... pretty. I like her teeth.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Izret101 on December 22, 2005, 10:38:01 AM
Hah i like the aninmation Mike.
The Crucifix used for the X is a good touch.
Christmas and Xmas all rolled into one.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 22, 2005, 10:49:45 AM
your girlfriend is very...uhhhh.... pretty. I like her teeth.

Hahaha.  The original photo is below (at bottom, not Mr. Chaney).  It was taken at night, and the camera's auto mode couldn't  "see" anything, so the flash completely washed out her face, except for a bit of the eyes, which looked scary.  The rest was a combination of a picture of a skull and Lon Chaney's teeth from "London After Midnight" (a photo I have posted here before):

[img width="200"]http://www.doctormacro.com/Images/Chaney%20Sr.,%20Lon/Chaney%20Sr.,%20Lon%20(London%20After%20Midnight)_02.jpg[/img]

Original photo below:

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: den68 on December 25, 2005, 05:39:56 AM
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is having a good one.

It was video games all around in my family today. I got Animal Crossing for the DS and some cool Sonic X Matchbox cars, my wife got Nintendogs and our daughter got a Finding Nemo and Disney Princess game for the GBA.

have a great day gang!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Izret101 on December 25, 2005, 06:05:22 AM
I concur :)
Marry Xmas everyone.

I got a DS and a bunch of stuff for my car so far.
There are some places that are supposed to be open today so i might run out and try to pick up a DS game or 2 before the rest of the family starts getting here (around 2)

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 25, 2005, 07:32:41 AM
Santa brought me socks !!!!!

Exactly what I needed  :P

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 25, 2005, 08:41:42 AM
I got some too. :P

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Zimbacca on December 25, 2005, 09:31:53 AM
I got a digital camera, Game crazy gift card, money, Pepsi, and money.  Later tonight or tomorrow morning I'll post pictures form my older brother's "fuck Christmas" party.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Tynstar on December 25, 2005, 01:02:56 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Among other things I got 100 bucks for GameStop!

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: CatchFiveBats on December 25, 2005, 07:20:12 PM
I got a few games this Christmas:

Metal Slug 4&5 - PS2
Dragon Quest Slime Controller |D
Mario Superstar Baseball - GCN
RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive - PS2
Gameboy Micro (Sam's Club pack with some accessories and James Pond: Codename Robocod)

- Zac

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: wrldstrman on December 25, 2005, 09:39:15 PM
I got some underware and socks...but i also treated myself to pirates,uncharted waters,genghis khan,romancing the three kingdoms,gemfire bandit kings of ancient china and times of lore all complete with maps.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Izret101 on December 26, 2005, 05:09:20 AM
I ended up with 100$ to GameCrazy and 100$ from my dad.
50$ from my grandmother and some things for car.

Then i got a printer(which i am going to return), more car stuff, some shipping envelopes, a "Know Your Mushrooms" sticker, and a DS from my mom

Roughly another 60$ from the reat of my aunts uncles and grandparents in various forms of cash giftcards and checks.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 26, 2005, 07:40:07 AM
So where is all the money going?  You have any DS games yet?

I got some cool stuff.  Among the gifts I received: a wireless router,  CASTLEVANIA: DAWN OF SORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, a bunch of traditional board games for my apartment, a subscription to National Geographic (cool), a book of Neitsche's major philosophical works, a geeky webmaster shirt, and a bunch of camping gear from my parents.  Pretty much all of that except Castlevania and the router were surprises, which almost never happens.  No cash or gift cards for once, which is actually kind of nice.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Izret101 on December 26, 2005, 07:50:03 AM
So where is all the money going?  You have any DS games yet?

I used the 100$gift card and 40ish$ already to get Polarium, Castlevania, Mario Kart DS, Wario Ware: Touched!

Beat Wario Ware this morning.
got 60ish% thru Polarium last night.
I think i might return them both and grab different games.
Don't get me wrong they are great games but for 65$ i want to get a little longer bang for my buck.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on December 26, 2005, 08:43:16 AM
Cool.  Those are all good games.  I'd definitely agree on Polarium and WarioWare though.  I have never owned either of them, but just spending time playing them on TraderJake's DS before I got mine, I was able to get through a lot of each of those games pretty quickly.  I guess they were banking on replay value, but for me, neither had a ton.  WarioWare at least has that addicting power, but not as much if you've played any of the other WarioWare titles already.  Polarium is good, but so...  dry.  That alone makes playing old levels again seem much less appealing.

Have you played Mario Kart online yet?  Do you have access to a wireless router at either of your parents' houses?

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: atari_wizard on December 27, 2005, 11:41:03 AM
i got a fb2.0
dkcountry 3 for GBA
star wars battlefront 2
tony hawks american wasteland

i bought myself a stelladaptor & climber 5 from the Atari Age store and got the free holiday cart. this was a merry christmas.... we have a few more days until our daughter is born and i'm sure next christmas will be mostly for her.

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Sauza12 on December 27, 2005, 12:33:14 PM
Got games a plenty this year!  

PS1 games:
Activision Classics (already had this)
Cardinal Syn
Contender 2
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Phix:  The Adventure
Pipe Dreams 3D
Pro Pinball:  Big Race USA
Puzzle Star Sweep
Roadpit 2
Speedball 2100
Spin Jam
Super Bubble Pop
Tall:  Infinity

I got some games stolen from me a couple of months ago (I have no idea who took them, but they are gone) so my family replaced a couple of them for me.  They are:
Resident Evil (GC)
Resident Evil 0 (GC)
Metroid Prime (GC)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)

and also these games:
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (XBOX)
Xenosaga:  Episode 1 (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2) - this game was disc only, but I'm sure I'll be able to get a case and manual for it.

I also got a $20 gift card to EB Games from my little brother.  I think that is going towards Guitar Hero.

My family rocks!

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: shaggy on December 29, 2005, 05:40:35 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!!  I'm sorry I'm a bit behind but I was busy all week!  I got Fatal Frame one and two for the Xbox, Kingdom Hearts and MGS2 for the PS2, and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat for the GC!!  All in all it was a great haul!!

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: This Dude Abides on December 31, 2005, 05:07:43 AM
Hope you all had a good Christmas.  

Here's what I got:

-Need For Speed Most Wanted: Black Edition for PS2
-Onimuisha: Warlords for PS2
-The 40 Year Old Virgin DVD
-Dave Chappelle - For What It's Worth DVD
-Lacuna Coil - In A Reverie CD
-A pair of jeans
-2 pairs of Calvin Klein boxers
-4 pairs of black dress socks
-A new pair of Nikes
-Star Wars toy lightsaber (Mace Windu)
-A roll of duct tape

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Tynstar on December 31, 2005, 07:08:59 AM
I got

Sirius Satellite Radio for my truck and house.
100 bucks in Gamestop gift cards. I bought Tony Hawk (XBox 360) and a wireless controller for the 360
2 DVD's: The Toy and Harlem Nights
variuos other gift cards
Wife and I got 100 dollar American Express card and we are gettting a piano lesson with that.