Title: NPR Interview with the authors of "Smart Bomb Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 22, 2005, 09:22:44 AM Last week, my dad heard a piece on Talk of the Nation about video games. He asked me if I had heard it, but since I hadn't, he told me a bit about it. As an NPR listener, I knew they have audio archives of all their shows online, so I went ahead and found the piece. It's about 36 minutes long, and worth listening. Intelligent, unbiased conversation about gaming, and none of the Thompson-esque BS that other news outlets like 60 Minutes have spouted. An article accompanies the piece, though I can't comment on that because I didn't read it. Be sure not to miss the "Listen" button at the top of the page, because the text is not a transcript:
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5011925 Title: Re: NPR Interview with the authors of "Smart Post by: Izret101 on November 22, 2005, 10:35:51 AM I like NPR.
They are pretty good at giving all sides of an issue a chance rather than getting one sided on anything. Checking this out now. Title: Re: NPR Interview with the authors of "Smart Post by: Tynstar on November 23, 2005, 09:31:35 AM NPR usually puts me to sleep but I will have to listen to that clip.