RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: den68 on November 14, 2005, 12:26:13 PM

Title: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: den68 on November 14, 2005, 12:26:13 PM
I have. I was at Target today and they had one set up. I played a little bit of Call of Duty 2. I don't think the 2 minutes I played it gave me any real feel for it. It did look and sound real nice and Call of Duty had some neat smoke effects in a gun battle. the contoller felt about the same as the Xbox though the triggers felt a liitle wierd, nothing I wouldn't get used to after some real play time though. I wish I'd had time to try some of the other demos on it.

any one else tried one yet?

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: tholly on November 14, 2005, 12:31:27 PM
I played COD2 as well.....i liked what i saw, but i did only play for maybe 10 minutes

my dilemma right now is i can get a gb micro for xmas or $100 to put towards an X360.....i dont know what to do

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Izret101 on November 14, 2005, 12:47:10 PM
The controller shoulder buttons probably felt strange because the way you would normally hold it seemed to be restricted because of the plastic arm that connects it to the kiosk.

I played CoD aswell.

It was pretty cool and very pretty.
Now that we know they can make things pretty lets hope the quality of game increases. Or atleast doesn't drop...

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on November 14, 2005, 12:58:25 PM
I played COD2 as well.....i liked what i saw, but i did only play for maybe 10 minutes

my dilemma right now is i can get a gb micro for xmas or $100 to put towards an X360.....i dont know what to do

360 hands down!

Screw the Micro!!!! DOWN WITH THE HANDHELDS!!!!!!!!! :P

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: den68 on November 14, 2005, 01:36:14 PM
@Izret - the one I played wasn't on an arm it was the core system with the corded controllers so it was free in may hands.

@tholly - I picked up a pamphlet on it and all but one of the titles listed were sequels. only Gun was an original game (this one's not a sequel to something is it?), I would have liked to have seen more original titles. I'm not going to rush out and buy one just to get the latest version of Madden, Tiger Woods, Tony Hawk, Need for Speed , Project Gotham or Dead or Alive.

as for the $100, I don't agree with Tynstars assessment of handhelds but you'll probably be able to get a Micro for $80 bucks next year and you'll be $100 closer to playing all those sequels on the 360.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Izret101 on November 14, 2005, 01:39:44 PM
Ahh i played one with wireless controllers.
It was pretty comfy other than the huge piece of plastic that made it kinda hard to use the top shoulder buttons.

I liked the controller.
I am going to go out on a limb and guess i have smaller hand than you do so that might play a part too.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 14, 2005, 02:10:07 PM
Is it just me or am I picking up a small wave of disappointment? There's no Woo Hoo!!! 360 rocks!!!!!! (just a meaningless jab to the ribs by a Sony fanboy)

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: TraderJake on November 14, 2005, 02:49:56 PM
I played Kameo a week ago, and while the graphics do look really nice on an HDTV, I found the controller to be no where near as comfortable as I would have expected "the best controller ever" to have felt. I thought it was slightly uncomfortable to hold due to the trigger button placement. I too have a smaller hand, but I just found the trigger setup to be really uncomfortable. As for Kameo, it is an interesting concept, but I played too little of the game to pass judgement on it.

There is no doubt that this thing will probably sell really well, but I have better things to spend 500 dollars on.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: captain_nintendo on November 15, 2005, 04:18:10 AM
I was going to play an Xbox360 at Wal*Mart, but I wanted to save the suprise of how everything is until I open mine up and begin play :D

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Sauza12 on November 15, 2005, 06:03:41 AM
No, and I refuse to.  I have to buy all new hockey equipment (there was a terrible accident involving my gear, rain, and some strange and unclassified insects) and if I get my grubby little paws around one of those sexy controllers, I'll have no choice but to buy one.  I still want one more than I have ever wanted sex, but if I don't know how sweet it is, I can still muster up an iota of self control.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 15, 2005, 07:08:24 AM
I still want one more than I have ever wanted sex.

Dude, what is wrong with you?  It's just a video game system.  Maybe if it had Hot Slots 2 I could understand, but it doesn't.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on November 15, 2005, 07:40:00 AM
I still want one more than I have ever wanted sex, but if I don't know how sweet it is, I can still muster up an iota of self control.

Ummm WTF is wrong with you!!!!!!!!!  I am actually thinking about delaying getting on so I can try it out.  :-/

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: den68 on November 15, 2005, 07:43:56 AM
I still want one more than I have ever wanted sex.

remind me to never touch any of Sauza's controller's without wearing rubber gloves. there's no telling what's on those things.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 15, 2005, 09:54:04 AM
Played 360 King Kong at EB. Have to say WTF?? The graphics sucked. Maybe King Kong sucks but I expected something better; MGS3, RE4, and Battlefront 2 on PS2 look hella better then that did. I'm sure later on they'll be able to get more out of the engine but jeez, I was suprised. After seeing that (and the crappy flimsy controller, though PS3's looks like crap too) there's no way in hell I'd pay 400$ for it. I was thinking about gettin one because I didn't want to wait six months for PS3 but...I'll wait.

Microsoft had a chance to pull me over to their side, but they failed.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: sharp on November 15, 2005, 07:01:41 PM
I played it 10 mintes to realise I won't buy it anyway soon with the crappy backwords compatibility (don't own a x-box).

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Izret101 on November 15, 2005, 07:27:54 PM
Tons of 360 info

Rather than start a new thread here it is for thoe interested.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Zimbacca on November 15, 2005, 08:36:31 PM
I havn't played it but I still plan on picking up one but not until the hype dies down.  

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: captain_nintendo on November 16, 2005, 06:43:04 AM
Tons of 360 info

Rather than start a new thread here it is for thoe interested.

Awesome, thatnks for the link.

The hardware section is a pretty cool read.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: PDorr3 on November 20, 2005, 02:21:47 PM
Played 360 King Kong at EB. Have to say WTF?? The graphics sucked. Maybe King Kong sucks but I expected something better; MGS3, RE4, and Battlefront 2 on PS2 look hella better then that did. I'm sure later on they'll be able to get more out of the engine but jeez, I was suprised. After seeing that (and the crappy flimsy controller, though PS3's looks like crap too) there's no way in hell I'd pay 400$ for it. I was thinking about gettin one because I didn't want to wait six months for PS3 but...I'll wait.

Microsoft had a chance to pull me over to their side, but they failed.

have you played the ps2 demo of king kong? compare that to the 360 demo and you can see its power.

Heres a screen shot of the comparison of both, and I think it speaks for itself:

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 20, 2005, 02:57:47 PM
Looking better than the ps2 is hardly an accomplishment nowadays. It still looks awfully blocky.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: shaggy on November 20, 2005, 04:36:56 PM
I played one,too.  I played COD2, King Kong, and Kameo but I haven't played it long enough to get a good idea of the system.  The graphics were awesome but than again they were all played on a High Def TV.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 20, 2005, 07:17:05 PM

have you played the ps2 demo of king kong? compare that to the 360 demo and you can see its power.

Heres a screen shot of the comparison of both, and I think it speaks for itself:

No, I haven't played the PS2 king kong ever since I played the 360 one that sucked.

Anyhoo, what I was disappointed in was the fact that I wasn't blown away. I expected 360 to be awesome with gnarly (yes gnarly) graphics that'd make me drop my bag of Sony games, look to the heavens and scream:

"I love you Bill Gates!!!! Your company has redeemed itself by making something that doesn't suck!!!!!"

But, instead of being blown away into a world of pirouetting Bill Gates', I just made a funny tut tut noise, recieved some sideways glances, and bought Battlefront 2.

Perhaps my expectations of the next gen are too high. (Nope Microsoft jumped the gun, stupid Microsoft - you suck!!!)

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Hydrobond on November 20, 2005, 07:51:44 PM
We have reached a point where increasing the power of the systems makes very little difference.  The task of making a game visually stunning rests squarely on the shoulders of the graphic artists themselves and not on those of the chip manufacturers.  

Yes there will be improvements, but from here on out they will be smaller and smaller improvements, not enough to make you say 'wow' when you see it for the first time.  

I saw someone playing 360 today in a store and thought to myself that what I get out of my PC is still visually surperior.  Now I only saw it for about two minutes or so, and I'm not even sure which game I was seeing, but I was underwhelmed by the experience to say the least.  

Allow me to present the following scenario:
1995: "Wow Jimmy, this new console has the power to render 3D games instead of those old 2D ones!"
2005: "Wow Jimmy, this new console renders fire and smoke slightly more accurately than the old ones!"
(I don't know who Jimmy is, sounded like a good name to use.)

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 21, 2005, 02:15:02 AM
I saw call of duty 2 today and I was severly unimpressed. My 2 year old pc can produce images that look just as good. It didn't seem to have any anti aliasing, which meant that on the sweet, bright hdtv monitor everything looked like it was made out of saws.

Now I don't want to judge a system by one first generation electronic arts game, that'll be released on half a dozen systems, but it's not a good start.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: captain_nintendo on November 21, 2005, 06:37:27 AM
I think it will be a while before these new systems full power is used by the game makers. :-/

Seriously though...... Kong looks way, and I mean way better then the PS2 version. And it looked and played pretty good to me. Yes it did not "WOW" me, but even still. It was pretty good.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Hydrobond on November 21, 2005, 07:17:13 AM
Wait, that picure someone posted was supposed the show how much better the 360 looked than the PS2?  They looked almost identical!

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on November 21, 2005, 08:15:07 AM
Which one was the 360 pic?  ;)

j/k big difference in those 2 pics.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Hydrobond on November 21, 2005, 08:37:15 AM
Both of them look fairly bad, I can tell which one is a little better, but that looks like PC graphics from three years ago.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on November 21, 2005, 09:19:31 AM
I saw Cod2 yesterday  and I was amazed by the looks.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 21, 2005, 09:41:05 AM
I saw Cod2 yesterday  and I was amazed by the looks.


Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 22, 2005, 07:57:15 AM
Wait, that picure someone posted was supposed the show how much better the 360 looked than the PS2?  They looked almost identical!

Agreed.  The difference in polygon count is minimal.  The biggest difference I see is in the textures, and though they are better on Xbox 360, it's not all that impressive to overlay a better flat image over the same 3D shape.  Increase the polygon count AND have better textures and then I'll be impressed.

Also, as Mark said - being better than PS2 is not a big deal.  Who cares?  PS2's graphics capabilities suck.  That PS2 shot doesn't even show what the system is capable of. (See MGS3 as Leon mentioned.)  A better comparison would be the game on Xbox vs. the game on Xbox 360.

I played Call of Duty 2 at Wal-Mart two days ago.  The game was a lot of fun.  The controller seemed utterly average to me - functional, comfortable, but absolutely uninspiring.  The graphics were impressive, but they didn't WOW me at all.  The way Microsoft hyped the "jump" in graphics power between Xbox and Xbox 360 I would have expected a lot more than this.  Several people have pointed out that PC's have been doing this for years.  Though PC hardware has for a long time been ahead of console power, I still would have expected the Xbox 360 to perform better than I saw in the fifteen minutes I played it.

Of course, all of this is based on fifteen minutes of play, so I could be off.  Then again, it took all of three seconds for my brain to explode when I turned on a Sega Dreamcast for the first time, because I was so blown away by the graphics.  I'm utterly unimpressed by Xbox 360.  More of the same old stuff with higher resolution and better textures.  Yee haw.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on November 23, 2005, 09:32:36 AM


Because to me it looked really good. I don't knwo if the game is any good but it looked awesome on the HDTV.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Hydrobond on November 23, 2005, 10:36:45 AM
No one else has pointed this out yet, so I will.  That image has nothing to do with the PS2.  It is a comparison between the new and old Xboxes.  

I would like to reserve total judgement on the console's graphical power until there is a game that only comes out on the 360.   It could actually be much better than the current games show, and I would expect that the graphics will improve with time.  For now it is still unimpressive.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Izret101 on November 23, 2005, 12:41:04 PM
I played Call of Duty again today for alot more time and it was good.
My little brother did better than me because he figured out the buttons while all i did was figure out shoot.

In anycase like has been mentioned it is a graphical improvement but i wasn't in awe while using it.
I don't think anyone is going to be really in awe of playing anymore.
Thigs will get more realistic but it is happening too slow now to make a huge impact like the leap that we saw last gen.

King Kong was alright. When i started playing thoughm i wasn't fully paying attention ad i didn't realise that i had moved from the movie sequence to the gameplay mode until about 10 seconds later.

I kept getting eaten by the T-Rex. I spent more time wondering why i could run thru his legs and huge boulders than trying to run away.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: phoenix1967 on November 28, 2005, 11:48:36 AM
I tried the demo for King Kong also and had the same problem trying to keep from being eaten by the T-Rex. I guess you're supposed to draw the attention of the T-Rex (without getting eaten) while the other 2 guys figure out how to open the gate so all 3 of you can escape.

The demo plays out okay, but with a limited amount of time to play, and being a launch title, it's too soon to judge the capabilities of the system.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 29, 2005, 12:07:47 AM

In anycase like has been mentioned it is a graphical improvement but i wasn't in awe while using it.
I don't think anyone is going to be really in awe of playing anymore.
Thigs will get more realistic but it is happening too slow now to make a huge impact like the leap that we saw last gen.

MGS 4 trailer *cough cough* used in game graphics *hem hem* looks Godly.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Izret101 on November 29, 2005, 03:16:29 AM
FPS - Forget Prerendered Stuff

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: tholly on December 26, 2005, 06:39:35 PM
@tholly - I picked up a pamphlet on it and all but one of the titles listed were sequels. only Gun was an original game (this one's not a sequel to something is it?), I would have liked to have seen more original titles. I'm not going to rush out and buy one just to get the latest version of Madden, Tiger Woods, Tony Hawk, Need for Speed , Project Gotham or Dead or Alive.

as for the $100, I don't agree with Tynstars assessment of handhelds but you'll probably be able to get a Micro for $80 bucks next year and you'll be $100 closer to playing all those sequels on the 360.

well, i thought id bring this back up now that i have decided....as soon as they can be purchased readily at stores....should be soon....ill be picking up the 360....i can get the micro anytime...and, when im ready for it, ill probably just try and find someone with the anniversary edition to buy

so, as soon as i find a 360 its mine!

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Antimind on December 28, 2005, 09:42:34 AM
Way to go Tholly! I have one and I don't have you on my friends list anymore. What's your gamertag again? Send me a friend request. Mine is Ant1m1nd :girl:

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: tholly on December 28, 2005, 09:50:06 AM
Way to go Tholly! I have one and I don't have you on my friends list anymore. What's your gamertag again? Send me a friend request. Mine is Ant1m1nd :girl:

my gamer tag is in my signature....i probably wont go on live until i get my 360, so, ill send a friend request then....

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on December 28, 2005, 11:02:08 AM
I got mine last night. CoD 2 is a lot of  fun and looks so so pretty.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Antimind on December 31, 2005, 09:10:22 AM
Does that mean that the Tynstar will be back on Live once again? :girl:

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on December 31, 2005, 12:05:18 PM
Does that mean that the Tynstar will be back on Live once again? :girl:

Prolly not. It has been a long time but I am sure people still cheat. The arcade sounds cool.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: s1lence on January 02, 2006, 12:44:31 PM
The good news is that cheating is almost non existant on the 360, since it hasnt been modded like the xbox 1. At least I haven't seen any cheaters and I've played against a couple people that are the top 100 on PGR 3.  

If you want you can add me, gamertag Mightymango I have most of the games for the system.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on January 02, 2006, 03:43:39 PM
The good news is that cheating is almost non existant on the 360, since it hasnt been modded like the xbox 1. At least I haven't seen any cheaters and I've played against a couple people that are the top 100 on PGR 3.  

If you want you can add me, gamertag Mightymango I have most of the games for the system.

Give it a few more weeks and I am sure it will be hacked.

The next time I get on I will add you. Thanks

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: den68 on January 03, 2006, 08:32:53 AM
wow! I was just checking out all the Xbox 360 scans (nice work guys) and of the 20 released titles only 4 are non-sequals. and one of those is a movie tie in.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Antimind on January 03, 2006, 08:53:22 AM
Send me a friend request, just lemme know you're from RF Generation. My gamertags are: Ant1m1nd & Ant1mal.

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: captain_nintendo on January 03, 2006, 09:22:51 AM
wow! I was just checking out all the Xbox 360 scans (nice work guys) and of the 20 released titles only 4 are non-sequals. and one of those is a movie tie in.

Thanks Den  :)

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: Tynstar on January 03, 2006, 10:04:30 AM
wow! I was just checking out all the Xbox 360 scans (nice work guys) and of the 20 released titles only 4 are non-sequals. and one of those is a movie tie in.

Thanks you sir.

Now look at the DS scans  ;)

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: tholly on January 07, 2006, 09:20:43 PM
Well, I got mine today....at Wal-Mart....Premium Package, Extra Wireless Controller and a Game....All I have is PGR3 right now....I have $50 worth the Amazon.com certs, so I will probably be picking up another game shortly.....

Title: Re: has anyone played an Xbox 360 yet?
Post by: captain_nintendo on January 09, 2006, 04:44:14 AM
Well, I got mine today....at Wal-Mart....Premium Package, Extra Wireless Controller and a Game....All I have is PGR3 right now....I have $50 worth the Amazon.com certs, so I will probably be picking up another game shortly.....
