Title: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 02, 2019, 03:58:25 PM UPDATE 11/16/2019: This year's NSSS is now up, and there are three items left as of this posting.
Check it out at http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/zagnorch/The-Official-2019-NOT-So-Secret-Santa-Give-Away-4040.php UPDATE: If you're looking for the official 2019 RF Generation Secret Santa event, head on over to: http://www.rfgeneration.com/forum/index.php?topic=19222 This is a whole 'nother thing altogether. ------- In two weeks, the ninth incarnation of the dreaded NOT-So-Secret-Santa Give-Away will commence! It's set to drop on Saturday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time-- unless it screws up again, like it has done EVERY SINGLE FREAKING YEAR! :grrr: ANYway, this year I offer... well, let's just say, several goodies for y'all. Just remember the rules: - Just one selection per person. - The first person to claim the item gets it. First come, first served. How to make your claim: - Go to the 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa blog when it posts (hopefully) on Saturday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time... - Take note of the number of the item/lot you desire, and... - Post that number in the Not-So-Secret-Santa blog's comments section. You'd do well to post it on this thread, too, just in case. All RF Generation members from anywhere in the world are welcome to take advantage. Just be aware that, that unless otherwise noted, all games being given away are NTSC U/C coded for use in machines for the North American market. As for shipping costs: I'm covering it. Just note that I'll be mailing this stuff out using the cheapest shipping methods possible, so it might be a while before your claim gets to you. You'll receive a PM informing you of your successful claim, and either requesting your mailing address, or confirming the one I have on file. BTW I was originally going to make this year's NSSS into a drive to help rebuild LeeJ07's video game collection, which was almost completely lost in a house fire less than two months ago. However, I sorely underestimated the initiative of this amazing online community, as OPERATION: RESET was established not even two weeks after the disaster! If you haven't already done so, I highly encourage you all to give your fellow RF Gentleman a little holiday cheer in a really trying time! Just head on over to... http://www.rfgeneration.com/forum/index.php?topic=19199.0 ...to become a part of OPERATION: RESET! Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your attention, happy holidays, and... ummmm... what's that thing MetalFRO likes to say at the end of his videos? Oh yeah, GAME ON! Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: douglie007 on November 02, 2019, 04:38:14 PM Will we still have the gift exchange?
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 02, 2019, 05:36:49 PM Hey now,
Will we still have the gift exchange? You might be thinking of the actual RF Generation Secret Santa, which is something entirely different from this event. They usually announce it after the first week of November every year, so you should see something about it in the next few days. Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: RobotWillie on November 02, 2019, 08:48:54 PM I look forward to your generosity again this year. I may be up at 5 AM even, but thats still about 2 weeks away so we will see if I remember. I still have the Vault 111 luggage badge from last year, it sits on a shelf above my computer. It reminds me of this place as much as it reminds me of the game when I see it.
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: leej07 on November 06, 2019, 03:36:41 PM Looking forward to this. Sadly, that lovely Dreamcast I claimed from your giveaway about four years ago was destroyed in the fire.
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Ikariniku on November 10, 2019, 11:35:01 PM Looking forward to the offering of gewgaws and baubles and what I can claim.
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Ikariniku on November 13, 2019, 04:42:47 PM In two weeks, the ninth incarnation of the dreaded NOT-So-Secret-Santa Give-Away will commence! It's set to drop on Saturday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time-- unless it screws up again, like it has done EVERY SINGLE FREAKING YEAR! :grrr: As an East Coaster, those screw ups have been a real boon to me. Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 15, 2019, 10:40:37 PM All right, the blog has been submitted, and is set to go live at 5:00 AM tomorrow morning! Well, it's set to go live at that time, anyway. Whether or not it actually does, who even knows...
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 16, 2019, 02:22:37 AM Whoopsie, the blog suffered a false start. Fortunately, a fellow RF Gentleman brought it to my attention, and even told me the problem. Looks like I forgot to enter the current year for the programmed release of the danged thing! Talk about embarrassing. Fortunately, I corrected the oversight, and the blog should post on the scheduled date and time...
...SHOULD. ANYway, my apologies for the inconvenience. BTW it was up long enough that one claim has already been made, which is for the very first item on the list of goodies. As of this writing, item #s 2 and onward are still up for grabs... Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Ikariniku on November 16, 2019, 02:53:12 AM I missed the false start? I'm slipping.
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 16, 2019, 04:28:03 PM HEY NOW! This year's NSSS is now up, and there are three items left as of this posting.
Check it out at http://www.rfgeneration.c...-Santa-Give-Away-4040.php Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Ikariniku on November 22, 2019, 02:21:07 PM [img width=700 height=598]https://i.imgur.com/rGeiuIa.jpg[/img]
Got my claim. I appreciated that it was packed in a garbage bag. It brought back good memories of the Barbie PS1 controller in the biohazard bag. Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Mr_Stubbes on November 24, 2019, 12:45:12 PM My claim came in too. Thanks again Zagnorch for hosting NSSS!
[img width=700 height=933]https://i.imgur.com/NPAE4zz.jpg[/img] Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: shaggy on November 24, 2019, 01:23:54 PM Mine came, too! Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: EZ Racer on November 24, 2019, 01:27:23 PM Got mine, Thanks Zag.
Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 27, 2019, 08:23:55 PM Hey now! I shut down this year's NSSS a few days ago, and have shipped all the U.S.-based claims out. If you haven't received your stuff by now, you should get it reeeeally soon...
...'Late Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: leej07 on November 27, 2019, 11:01:27 PM An update to say that mine arrived with an extra SNES. I have no idea how you accidentally stuffed one in there, but you should check every box!
😁 Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 28, 2019, 02:40:26 AM An update to say that mine arrived with an extra SNES. I have no idea how you accidentally stuffed one in there, but you should check every box! 😁 It's no Dreamcast, but I figured you'd find a use for it. Preferably NOT as kindling... Title: Re: Official 2019 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread! Post by: tactical_nuke on November 28, 2019, 05:37:50 AM The Tandy Backgammon is safe and sound over here. Thanks again Zag. I gotta send you back some spare calculators and goodies when I get the chance. :)