RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 08, 2018, 10:09:05 PM

Title: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 08, 2018, 10:09:05 PM
UPDATE 11/16: The 2018 NSSS blog has posted! Check it out at...


In one week and one day, the eighth incarnation of the dreaded NOT-So-Secret-Santa Give-Away will commence! It's set to drop on Friday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time, so stay alert! This year I offer... well, let's just say, several goodies for y'all.

Just remember the rules:

-   Just one selection per person.

-   The first person to claim the item gets it. First come, first served.

How to make your claim:

-   Go to the 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa blog when it posts on Friday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time...

-   Take note of the number of the item/lot you desire, and...

-   Post that number in the Not-So-Secret-Santa blog's comments section.

All RF Generation members from anywhere in the world are welcome to take advantage. Just be aware that, that unless otherwise noted, all games being given away are NTSC U/C coded for use in machines for the North American market.

As for shipping costs: I'm covering it. Just note that I'll be mailing this stuff out using the cheapest shipping methods possible, so it might be a while before your claim gets to you. You'll receive a PM informing you of your successful claim, and either requesting your mailing address, or confirming the one I have on file.

Best of luck to you all...

UPDATE 11/10: If you're looking for the official RF Generation 2018 Secret Santa, you'll find it at http://www.rfgeneration.com/forum/index.php?topic=18862.0

UPDATE 11/14: While I won't make it a solid rule, I would very much like the sole game being offered in this year's NSSS to be claimed by someone who doesn't already own a copy of it. Thank you for your consideration.

UPDATE 11/14: I have added a thirteenth item to the give-away stack.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: shaggy on November 08, 2018, 10:18:59 PM
In one week and one day, the eighth incarnation of the dreaded NOT-So-Secret-Santa Give-Away will commence! It's set to drop on Friday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time, so stay alert! This year I offer... well, let's just say, several goodies for y'all.

Just remember the rules:

-   Just one selection per person.

-   The first person to claim the item gets it. First come, first served.

How to make your claim:

-   Go to the 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa blog when it posts on Friday, November 16th at 5 A.M. US Pacific Coast time...

-   Take note of the number of the item/lot you desire, and...

-   Post that number in the Not-So-Secret-Santa blog's comments section.

All RF Generation members from anywhere in the world are welcome to take advantage. Just be aware that, that unless otherwise noted, all games being given away are NTSC U/C coded for use in machines for the North American market.

As for shipping costs: I'm covering it. Just note that I'll be mailing this stuff out using the cheapest shipping methods possible, so it might be a while before your claim gets to you. You'll receive a PM informing you of your successful claim, and either requesting your mailing address, or confirming the one I have on file.

Best of luck to you all...


Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: MetalFRO on November 08, 2018, 10:20:31 PM
For some reason I haven't participated in this before, but I think I'd like to this year :D

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 08, 2018, 10:32:50 PM
For some reason I haven't participated in this before, but I think I'd like to this year :D

Sheesh, don't I find you enough cool stuff for you as it is?  ;D

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: tactical_nuke on November 09, 2018, 03:29:53 AM
I loathe getting up early for this but the promise of fleeting material wealth is oh so tempting. I blame the trickle-down economy.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: MetalFRO on November 09, 2018, 11:23:33 AM
For some reason I haven't participated in this before, but I think I'd like to this year :D

Sheesh, don't I find you enough cool stuff for you as it is?  ;D

You certainly do, but I'm a greedy bugger! :P

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 10, 2018, 03:05:07 AM
Hey now, everybody!

If you're looking for the regular Secret Santa, just head on over to http://www.rfgeneration.com/forum/index.php?topic=18862.0

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: wildbil52 on November 12, 2018, 01:11:46 PM
This will be my first time participating as well

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: bickman2k on November 12, 2018, 01:34:38 PM
I think I didn't participate the last couple of years, but I'll check it out this year!

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Addicted on November 13, 2018, 08:38:33 AM
Thanks for doing this every year Zag.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 13, 2018, 05:45:30 PM
Heads up, everybody!

NSSS 2018 will feature 12 13 items, only one of which is a console game. Sadly, no lot of mystery games this year.

This will be my first time participating as well

Huh... I coulda sworn you took advantage of it at least once in the past? In any case, welcome aboard!

I think I didn't participate the last couple of years, but I'll check it out this year!

I just gotta make sure the friggin' thing actually posts when I want it to. There were a few past years where I'd set it to start at a specific time, and it would fail to do so. Which reminds me: I just realized the time displayed on my forum page is an hour later than the actual time. BRB...

Okay, I fixed that; moving on...

Thanks for doing this every year Zag.

Maybe I shouldn't say this, but... this year's NSSS almost didn't happen. Due to blood clots and other mobility issues that forced me to take leave from work for the last 2+ months, I didn't think I'd have the budget or walking ability to pull it off this year. But when I acquired a certain something, stared at length at its label art, and found inspiration and  motivation to continue. What is this something, you ask? You'll find out soon enough...  ;D


Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: mumboking on November 13, 2018, 06:26:23 PM
I just gotta make sure the friggin' thing actually posts when I want it to. There were a few past years where I'd set it to start at a specific time, and it would fail to do so. Which reminds me: I just realized the time displayed on my forum page is an hour later than the actual time. BRB...
That reminds me... the time and date shown in blogs is in server time.
The date on the forum is server time adjusted by a manually changed per-user offset.
The auto-detect for the offset adjustment sets mine to -5 when it should be 5.


Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: bombatomba on November 14, 2018, 09:39:41 AM
Maybe I shouldn't say this, but... this year's NSSS almost didn't happen. Due to blood clots and other mobility issues that forced me to take leave from work for the last 2+ months, I didn't think I'd have the budget or walking ability to pull it off this year. But when I acquired a certain something, stared at length at its label art, and found inspiration and  motivation to continue. What is this something, you ask? You'll find out soon enough...  ;D

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all really appreciate the NSSS and the effort that it takes, especially in light of the health issues that you are experiencing.  I think we would all pray/hope for your speedy recovery.  

Yeah, if I remember in the past the NSSS posts have usually landed much earlier than intended.  Server time appears to be stuck in EDT (-4 UTC) which throws off everyone that uses daylight saving time.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 14, 2018, 01:13:42 PM
UPDATE 11/14: While I won't make it a solid rule, I would very much like the sole game being offered in this year's NSSS to be claimed by someone who doesn't already own a copy of it. Thank you for your consideration.

I have also added a thirteenth item to the give-away stack.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: mumboking on November 16, 2018, 05:15:41 AM
I just gotta make sure the friggin' thing actually posts when I want it to.
Whoops again! :P

But when I acquired a certain something, stared at length at its label art, and found inspiration and  motivation to continue. What is this something, you ask? You'll find out soon enough...  ;D
I was thinking "It's Silent Service isn't it?". I was right!

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: singlebanana on November 16, 2018, 08:35:55 AM
So sorry to hear about your recent mobility issues.  Hang in there man!

Also, wallpaper still sucks!

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 16, 2018, 11:50:32 AM
UPDATE 11/16: The 2018 NSSS blog has posted! Check it out at...


Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: RobotWillie on November 17, 2018, 12:37:48 AM
My aunt had a party a few years ago where you opened a random gift and you had one chance to swap it with someone elses. Of course most of it was jokes things like a whole Twilight movie collection and a shirt when no one was a little girl. I got like the only non joke thing and the one guy felt bad about the giant foam hand thing I got he traded me back my bluray movie (Empire Strikes Back) and I went home with the gift I brought.

But that would be an idea for this sometime is the Random Secret Santa. Someone picks the random number and they get the item linked to said number. Yes you would have people getting something they may not even want thats the problem with it. Still sounds fun. In our case it would still be all video game related of course. And not stray into goofy stuff not being mean spirited. Such as giving away Barbie for NES or Mary Kate and Ashley for Game Boy.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on November 21, 2018, 04:40:48 AM
Hey now...

I just gotta make sure the friggin' thing actually posts when I want it to.
Whoops again! :P

I had a PM exchange with one of the admins about this little problem. Apparently, the programmed-release time is set to U.S. East Coast time, which is 3 hours ahead of the Pac Coast. Gotta take note of that for next year's NSSS...

My aunt had a party a few years ago where you opened a random gift and you had one chance to swap it with someone elses. Of course most of it was jokes things like a whole Twilight movie collection and a shirt when no one was a little girl. I got like the only non joke thing and the one guy felt bad about the giant foam hand thing I got he traded me back my bluray movie (Empire Strikes Back) and I went home with the gift I brought.

But that would be an idea for this sometime is the Random Secret Santa. Someone picks the random number and they get the item linked to said number. Yes you would have people getting something they may not even want thats the problem with it. Still sounds fun. In our case it would still be all video game related of course. And not stray into goofy stuff not being mean spirited. Such as giving away Barbie for NES or Mary Kate and Ashley for Game Boy.

This whole Random-Secret-Santa deal is a bit too complicated for my inadequate cognitive capabilities. I prefer to keep it simple, myself-- hence the Not-So-Secret-Santa give-away. I offer a few items I wanna get out of the house, people claim them, I mail 'em off to the claimants, and that's pretty much all she wrote.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on December 06, 2018, 03:30:57 PM
Hey now, everybody. Just letting you all know that I'm building up the funds to pay the shipping on your claims. Expect them to start shipping out some time next week.

Thank you all for your patience in this!

- 'Scuse.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on December 31, 2018, 03:20:20 PM
Hey now!

I've mailed out several of this year's NSSS claims, and should have the rest of them out by the end  of the week. Thank you for your patience, and have yourselves a Happy New Year!


Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: RobotWillie on January 02, 2019, 08:55:43 PM
I got mine today, thanks!

I have a Vault Boy hat I might see if I could stick it on. So it opened up a potential arts and crafts project.

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: leej07 on February 06, 2019, 01:30:02 PM
Hey Zag, you PMed me awhile back about sending a package my way related to this. Just curious if you sent it yet or not. Thanks!

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: bickman2k on February 06, 2019, 04:43:13 PM
Sorry I didn't reply. I did get mine a while back. Thanks!

Title: Re: Official 2018 NOT-So-Secret Santa thread!
Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on April 19, 2019, 02:39:51 PM
Hello once again,

I have shipped out all but two of the 2018 NSSS claims; my most profuse apologies for the long delays.

= Z