Title: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on July 30, 2005, 07:35:12 AM Check this out:
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/rpg/fablethelostchapters/news_6128771.html The original Fable, although a short game, was fairly good. However, I ended up trading it in to offset most of the cost of Halo 2. Definitely no regrets there. Since the new game is going to be released for only $19.99, is anyone planning on picking it up when it's released this fall? I'm seriously considering it since it sounds like it's going to have a major boost in content. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on July 30, 2005, 06:25:35 PM For 20$ hell yea i will.
Fable wasn't that bad either IMO Like you said though very short. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Zimbacca on July 30, 2005, 09:05:37 PM Funny. I was about to start a thread about this game. I'll probably be getting it on PC. Just because it can handle it.
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Tynstar on July 31, 2005, 08:59:29 PM I still havent finished Fable :-/
And yeah i will be getting it. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on August 01, 2005, 12:14:04 PM Still didn't finish fable?
I beat it in 12 or 14 hours roaming around aimlessly! Cmon finish it up so you can plunk 20 bucks down and not feel bad about not finishing the other one. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Tynstar on August 01, 2005, 12:54:30 PM Quote Still didn't finish fable? I beat it in 12 or 14 hours roaming around aimlessly! Cmon finish it up so you can plunk 20 bucks down and not feel bad about not finishing the other one. I bet I would have to start over. I have no clue the last thing I did in that game. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: PDorr3 on August 01, 2005, 01:17:35 PM I never played the first fable, waiting until I can buy it for $15 or under used. I like short games though, so that wont be a problem for me.
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on August 27, 2005, 02:44:45 PM The PC version of this game is circulating around the web.
I think it got its start today or yesterday. The first download i saw was for a 4 CD version then someone was nice enough to change that into a DVD and save people the worry of unraring files. What a nice guy. Also you don't have to havea keycode to play. Just type anything in the field for a keycode and you have a complete copy. It is a little aroun 2.15 gigs and i see over 250 leachers on the DVD one. I don't know how many are on 4 CD torrent. The worst part is this doesn't release for another month i believe. This has to be the earliest a game was ever being played buy hundreds possibly thousands of people before it ever hit store shelves. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: captain_nintendo on August 27, 2005, 07:34:27 PM Quote Still didn't finish fable? I beat it in 12 or 14 hours roaming around aimlessly! Cmon finish it up so you can plunk 20 bucks down and not feel bad about not finishing the other one. I beat it the first time around in 7 1/2 hours. The second time around I took my time becoming super evil and still have not finished because it is to fun killing things. >:-) Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: NDiddy on August 28, 2005, 11:44:18 AM Yeah I'll probably end up getting this one if its only 20 bucks.
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on August 29, 2005, 07:50:15 AM I agree that it sounds like it's going to be well worth the $20. No word on a release date, though.
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on November 21, 2005, 09:43:44 AM Fable: tLC is out for xbox with the additional content! 20 bucks! Has anyone picked it up yet?
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on November 21, 2005, 12:14:32 PM Not yet.
I can't yet either. Even though 20$ is a great price. I am surprised i had heard nothing about this since the last time we posted in this thread... Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on November 28, 2005, 09:36:26 AM Quote Not yet. I can't yet either. Even though 20$ is a great price. I am surprised i had heard nothing about this since the last time we posted in this thread... It was released directly as a Platinum Hit without much fanfare. I don't think they even released a new strategy guide. From what I've heard, though, the content additions are significant enough to warrant picking up this new version. More sidequests, gear, etc. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on November 29, 2005, 10:37:43 AM I hate when something gets released right off the bat as a Platinum/Greatest Hits or Players Choice.
I haven't taken notice of it for sale anywhere. No displays or even a copy set up outside of the generic masses of Xbox titles. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on November 30, 2005, 12:55:19 PM You may not be seeing it because it's been selling fairly well from the retailers I've spoken with (EB Games, Gamestop).
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on November 30, 2005, 01:12:12 PM I was in 2 GameStops and a Toys R Us today and didn't see it anywhere.
Toys R Us generally has leftovers of even the most popular games. At least around here. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on December 02, 2005, 07:48:48 AM Seems that 'the Lost Chapters' is on the rare side. The game's actually selling at a premium on ebay. Check this out:
http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=xbox+fable%3A+the+lost+chapters&category0= Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on December 02, 2005, 12:31:40 PM Note to self go hunting for this game this weekend.
I think i know 1 place i might be abke to find it. And since it is selling at a few bucks ahead of its retail already AND i haven't seen it in any chains thus far it is worth going broke over. Plus new stuff is always cool. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on December 07, 2005, 05:16:26 AM Iz, I found my copy at EB. They seemed to have more in stock, I can pick another one up if you like and send it to you at cost + shipping. Let me know.
Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on December 07, 2005, 07:45:09 AM Thanks for the offer :D
but i wouldn't be able to pay you if you got it for me. :( I still am inbetween jobs. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on February 09, 2006, 10:19:05 AM Just an FYI on this one.
I was aware that this game was given additional content, but I assumed that it was mostly at the unexplored area of the map per the first version of the game (a.k.a. the Northern Wastes). To my surprise, in playing through F:tLC the new content starts at almost the beginning of the game! **very minor spoilers** For example, right after getting your first quest card, if you go straight up the path you'll see 2 guys that talk like they're stoned and are trying to find their lost mushroom. And the first time you go to Bowerstone, a little girl asks you for your help and to follow her to see her mother. ***end of spoilers*** Looking at the boards for this game on Gamespot, there's a lot of other additional content sprinkled throughout what was the original version of the game. I dunno if this is a selling point to anyone, but it was unexpected to me when I started playing and has added some surprising early-game enjoyment. Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: Izret101 on February 09, 2006, 10:25:25 AM The first one wasn't very long and i took my time playing it.
Its good that the new one isn't a ton of old content and a littlte bit of new stuff. It won't feel like a waste of time beating thru it once i finally get a copy. Oh BTW last i had checked the prices for this game had really leveled out online. It wasn't up around 45$s+ anymore Title: Re: Fable: the Lost Chapters coming to Xbox. Post by: phoenix1967 on February 09, 2006, 10:42:22 AM I'm just amazed that there were people out there willing to pay that much $$ for a game that sells for $19.99 retail.