Title: Seaman Post by: CatchFiveBats on July 28, 2005, 10:24:38 PM I don't know if any of you have heard of this Dreamcast game, but I just bought it (for $6) and have read the instruction booklet, and I must say...I am amazed. If this game is as deep as the instruction booklet implies it to be, then the (virtual) responsiblity I am placing upon myself by playing this game is, actually, a little overwhelming.
If you don't know what this game is, it's a pet simulator of sorts. Some kind of creature called a "seaman" is discovered, and you are chosen to raise one. You start out with an egg, and you see it through to the point where you can actually communicate with it by way of a microphone that goes in a VMU slot on the Dreamcast controller. The only problem is, like a real pet, you have to take care of it every day, and that's pretty difficult if you have a busy schedule. If you have a couple free hours every day, then this game is great, but if you are away from your Dreamcast for any extended amount of time, your Seaman will die. Either way, this looks like a pretty original and entertaining game. Now, let's see if it lives up to the expectations I have set for it from its instruction booklet. Title: Re: Seaman Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on July 29, 2005, 07:29:23 AM *childish giggles* Seaman!
Title: Re: Seaman Post by: Izret101 on July 29, 2005, 08:29:21 AM This sounds way to time consuming for me to get into now...
OK the time consuming isn't really the problem but d you have to be on at specific times or anything like that? I wouldn't be able to play it anyways if i did have it anyways. I need a new VMU Title: Re: Seaman Post by: CatchFiveBats on July 29, 2005, 11:40:51 AM No, you don't have to be on it at specific times, but you have to play for about an hour at least 2 times a day. I'm excited about it, but when the school year starts I'm going to be in a bind.
Title: Re: Seaman Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on July 30, 2005, 07:16:49 AM This reminds me of a very amusing South Park. Two actually.