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Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: Izret101 on June 25, 2005, 12:28:22 PM

Title: Old PC games
Post by: Izret101 on June 25, 2005, 12:28:22 PM
I picked these all up at a giant tagsale across the street for 5 bucks.

Global Conquest
Knights of the Sky
Brain Quest: 7th Grade
Tunnels of Armageddon
Jill of the Jungle
Mars Rover
The Oregon Trail
The Little Mermaid & Beauty and the Beats Fairy Tale Factory
The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness
The Bugs Bunny Cartoon Workshop
Collectors Limited Edition(???) it includes Risk Monopoly and Clue in a huge metal tin.

All of them have their boxes and from what i could tell all the docs that they should come with.

Some of these are on 5 1/4 floppys though. So i might set up that to play them or try and get an old PC for them.

My mom said she picked my up a PSX with mem card and flight stick the day before from the same tagsale but i haven't seen it yet.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: den68 on June 25, 2005, 03:53:52 PM
Jill of the Jungle?

that's a nice haul for $5 bucks. I've debated about getting another old PC. I see tons of PC games and they are always cheap. I do have a bunch that I picked up at dollar stores but I've thus far restarined myself from buying PC games when I'm out thrifting. I do pick up lots of kids games for my daughter.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: nupoile on June 25, 2005, 08:18:45 PM
Oregon Trail....nice. The wife and I were actualy talking about that game today. I have a couple of good stories about that one...

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Izret101 on June 25, 2005, 08:25:13 PM
I use to play Oregon Trail  at school.
I think everyone who went to my school played thru the game at least 2 times.
Some of us tried to get all the endings.
Only a few of us were able to get the really good houses.

Maybe i am thinking about a different Oregon Trail though. It may have been the second or even 3rd.

My question is if i stick a 5 1/4 drive into my PC will i be able to play any of these games.
I know if theyrun in DOS i can't play them on XP without getting a DOS emulator (DOSbox i think it is called)

Also a few of these refer to the Tandy why is that?
I have seen a few otehr older PC games and never any references to the Tandy.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: nupoile on June 25, 2005, 08:33:43 PM
This probally doesn't help much but we had a Tandy 1000 when I was a kid. It had two 5.25" drives and no hard drive. The Tandy programs were not compatable with the first PC we got, I'm not sure why. The first PC we had used DOS, probally version 3,4 or 5.0, the Tandy used a boot disk for most programs and I'm not sure what operating system was involved there. Someone else can probally tell you more but that may get you started.

I suppose Tandy, which was part of Radio Shack, may have made PC compatable games later, I don't know for sure.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Izret101 on June 25, 2005, 08:40:24 PM
Well it also has a thing about IBM PCs but it makes mention of the Tandy 1000s so i wondered if there was something special.

Also someone said that they might be able to get me an old 8080 to play these on.
I don't think it would rnu them anyone know specs on that anciet piece of machinery?

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: nupoile on June 25, 2005, 08:50:00 PM
The only other one on your list I have played is "Jill of the Jungle". That was on the 'ol 386 running at a whopping 16mhz.

I just looked through my 5.25" disks and I still have my boot disk for the Tandy 1000 if you, or anyone, needs that. Unlikely I know but I though I'd offer...then again I'd have to figure out how to copy it as I don't have a 5.25" drive in a computer that works, hmmmm

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: bum-man on June 26, 2005, 04:22:54 AM
The Tandy line was not 100% compatable so programs had to state that they were written to support it or you were out of luck.  I know there were lots of tricks done by programmers back then, like writting directly to the hardware to speed up games.  Based on that my guess would be they won't run as is in XP.  I believe there are sites devoted to running vintage games on current OSs (I have even seen a few lately on running them on PocketPCs) so you may want to search around for more info.  Chances are someone has already tried it!!

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Izret101 on June 26, 2005, 07:21:02 AM
Thanks for the info bum-man & nupoile.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: den68 on June 28, 2005, 05:20:13 AM
I've got a box of old PC games I aquired here and there. I haven't tried any of them yet. I've got Windows ME and don't know how many would be compatable, some are pretty old.

Balder's Gate
Full Throttle
The Dame Was Loaded
King's Quest VI
Ultimate Doom
Doom II
Dark Forces
Mega Race
World of Krondor
Mad Dog McCree

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Speedy_NES on June 28, 2005, 06:16:54 AM
I've got a box of old PC games I aquired here and there. I haven't tried any of them yet. I've got Windows ME and don't know how many would be compatable, some are pretty old.

Full Throttle

These 2 games should still work on your current PC (not sure about the others).  Both of these belong to the top games of all time, and are definitely worth trying out!!  


Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Tynstar on June 28, 2005, 06:23:51 AM
Den you got some kick ass games there.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: thx1138 on June 28, 2005, 06:33:58 AM
i picked up MYST original the other day, mint.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Tynstar on June 28, 2005, 06:39:11 AM
i picked up MYST original the other day, mint.

So did I about a month ago. Also picked up Riven at the same time.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on June 28, 2005, 06:46:09 AM
Anthony, I think many 5 1/4" floppy drives actually have a different connector than a 3 1/2" drive, so you may not even be able to connect it to your motherboard.  I could be wrong about this, but you should probably check on that before you do anything.

Of course I wouldn't doubt that somebody has made a converter.

Title: Re: Old PC games
Post by: bum-man on June 28, 2005, 08:11:58 AM
Anthony, I think many 5 1/4" floppy drives actually have a different connector than a 3 1/2" drive, so you may not even be able to connect it to your motherboard.  I could be wrong about this, but you should probably check on that before you do anything.

Of course I wouldn't doubt that somebody has made a converter.
A couple of other options if you can't find a converter would be to look for an old cable that has both connectors on it (I can send you one for the price of shipping if you want!!) or get a combo drive that has both 3-1/2" and 5-1/4" drive in a single 5-1/4" frame with a single 3-1/2" connector and power.