Title: RGB (was: has anyone done the RGB mod on the NES or N64?) Post by: gbpxl on December 28, 2014, 11:32:27 PM If so, how difficult was it? It seems to me that the hardest part is just finding the actual parts, as they sell out so quickly. I heard the PlayChoice-10 mod for the NES isn't the best because it changes the color pallette.
Title: Re: has anyone done the RGB mod for NES or N64? Post by: wildbil52 on December 31, 2014, 09:19:17 AM I wrote an article on the N64 mod. You can check it out here http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/wilbdil52/Modding-an-N64-to-Output-RGB-2611.php
I sell the pre-wired amps for the N64 if you don't want to build it yourself. For a while, The PlayChoice 10 mod (using the PPU from the PlayChoice 10 arcade motherboard) was the only option you had if you want to RGB mod the NES. The palette does change but it's not drastic. The real problem is that the PC10 PPU and the parts needed for the mod are expensive. Have you heard of NESRGB? Check it out. It uses the existing NES PPU to get true RGB output and it costs around $100. http://etim.net.au/nesrgb/ Title: Re: has anyone done the RGB mod for NES or N64? Post by: gbpxl on December 31, 2014, 11:30:57 PM yeah and I saw they had stock the other day. i'm behind on bills right now so it'll be a while before I can do the mod, but I might take some pics and do a write-up on the results.
Title: Re: RGB (was: has anyone done the RGB mod on the NES or N64?) Post by: gbpxl on January 11, 2015, 07:07:18 PM I just purchased a Sony brand SCART cable (for PlayStations(s) obviously). It wasn't cheap but it was the only one I could find on the interwebs and I searched quite a bit. It seems to be one of the rarest, most expensive cables for video games, moreso than the component GameCube cable.
I noticed that quite a few SCART cables being sold on eBay only "simulate" RGB, meaning they are outputting composite signal. I hope buyers are aware of this. I think the s-video cable I bought did the same thing although on my old CRT, I don't know if you could even really see a difference. Title: Re: RGB (was: has anyone done the RGB mod on the NES or N64?) Post by: wildbil52 on January 11, 2015, 07:20:16 PM I've never heard of a cable simulating a signal. As long as the av out on the hardware is capable of outputting rgb, it should be true RGB with a scart cable. Do the cable listings on eBay mention that they are only simulating rgb? Also, which rgb monitor are you using? I haven't been able to find anything bigger than 13" near me:(
Title: Re: RGB (was: has anyone done the RGB mod on the NES or N64?) Post by: gbpxl on January 11, 2015, 07:50:07 PM I've never heard of a cable simulating a signal. As long as the av out on the hardware is capable of outputting rgb, it should be true RGB with a scart cable. Do the cable listings on eBay mention that they are only simulating rgb? Also, which rgb monitor are you using? I haven't been able to find anything bigger than 13" near me:( I'm not using an RGB monitor, I just use a scaler. the listing said that it didn't put out RGB, only composite. >>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Scart-AV-Cable-for-Sony-PlayStation-PS-3-2-One-/251555066065?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a91d9b0d1 Title: Re: RGB (was: has anyone done the RGB mod on the NES or N64?) Post by: mumboking on January 11, 2015, 07:50:32 PM SCART can output RGB, Composite or S-Video, depending on the pins used.
Does the connector have all the pins? Actually, sometimes they have all the pins but they aren't connected to anything. |