RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: der luchs on October 18, 2014, 09:08:34 AM

Title: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on October 18, 2014, 09:08:34 AM
Hi Folks,
most of the games are for free download, so if you got a Flashcard have fun
and if not, use an emulator  :)

Here are the LS Vectrex Releases 2014:

Physical Releases:
1.BOMBENHAGEL - Part of the Madtronix Multicard (http://madtronix.com/en/news/items/112_games.html)
2.IRRELEVANT - Limitied to 34 Units (Sold Out) by Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
3.FRESSSAKK - Highscore Edition (Only One Copy)
4.STERNENKRIEGER - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com/en/news/items/sternenkrieger-new-game-by-luchssoft.html)

Digital Releases:
1. VECFAHREN - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/VECFAHREN.BIN)
2. FRESSSAKK - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/FRESSSAKK.BIN)
3. VOGELFUTTER - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/VOGELFUTTER.BIN)
4. ZUFALLSTREFFER - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/ZUFALLSTREFFER.BIN)
5. Z4HL3N R473N - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/Z4HL3N_R473N.BIN)
6. KOLONIE - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/KOLONIE.BIN)
7. .--. .- -. --.. . .-.  - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/.--.%20.-%20-.%20--..%20.%20.-..BIN)
8. VECTREX ROLI - DAS SPIEL - DOWNLOAD (http://luchs-soft.de/Downloads/VECTREX%20ROLI%20-%20DAS%20SPIEL.BIN)
9. INKUBATIONSZEIT - DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/INKUBATIONSZEIT.BIN)

Upcoming Physical Releases:
  1. MENSCHENJAGD - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  2. VECFAHREN Re-Release - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  3. FRESSSAKK - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  4. VOGELFUTTER - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  5. ZUFALLSTREFFER - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  6. Z4HL3N R473N - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  7. KOLONIE - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  8. .--. .- -. --.. . .-.  - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
  9. VECTREX ROLI - DAS SPIEL - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
10. N.D.W. 2014 (Multicard) - By Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)
11. INKUBATIONSZEIT - By  Madtronix (http://madtronix.com)

1. BRECHER - By CollectorVision (http://collectorvision.com/)

Thanks for your time  ;)

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: slackur on October 18, 2014, 12:56:44 PM
Thanks!  I do so enjoy new Vectrex games. :)

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on October 18, 2014, 02:05:59 PM
Thanks your welcome :)

[img width=300 height=185]http://www.luchs-soft.de/Onlineshop/VR.png[/img]

Is now ready to Download!

And the new Vectrex Roli Episode:


Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: singlebanana on October 18, 2014, 03:07:52 PM
Ha ha! The Vectrex Roli game is great! I'll definitely look into some of these titles.

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on October 19, 2014, 02:24:01 PM

Thanks for checking them out!

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on October 26, 2014, 11:53:02 AM
YEAH! Madtronix did it!
[img width=640 height=480]http://madtronix.com/system/html/STERNENKRIEGER-822221c1.jpg[/img]

For all who doesn't know it:

For more Info check out this Link (http://madtronix.com/en/news/items/sternenkrieger-new-game-by-luchssoft.html)

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on October 31, 2014, 10:35:34 AM
And now for Halloween:
[img width=300 height=65]http://www.luchs-soft.de/Updates/IZ_TIT.png[/img]
A zombie shooter, which transforms from a bird's perspective to a first-person perspective.
You have been infected through a bite and now your "INCUBATION PERIOD" runs out.
By collecting a Serum you can delay your transformation, but there's an army of Zombies in front of you!
Shoots through your destiny to become one of them as late as possible.
[img width=300 height=379]http://www.luchs-soft.de/Updates/IZ_1.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=379]http://www.luchs-soft.de/Updates/IZ_2.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=379]http://www.luchs-soft.de/Updates/IZ_3.png[/img]

DOWNLOAD (http://www.luchs-soft.de/Downloads/INKUBATIONSZEIT.BIN)

Happy Halloween!
- Der Luchs

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on November 09, 2014, 12:21:21 PM
So that no one can complain, I will announce it now here:
As soon as my STERNENKRIEGER No.1 arrives here, I 'm going to start a "raffle" for it.
You need to answer 2 Questions right, that I'll ask on my Website soon, via email.
The first one who send me the right answers will get it.
But please be fair, everyone only one Email.
If no one will guess right, we'll start another turn after a few days.

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on November 14, 2014, 06:20:23 AM
The questions are online
Good luck

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: singlebanana on November 14, 2014, 09:09:00 AM
Guess sent!!!! Fingers crossed

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: Deadman on November 14, 2014, 09:40:52 AM
What the heck, I gave it a shot!     Thanks for the contest!

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: singlebanana on November 19, 2014, 08:42:52 AM
So who won the contest and what were the correct answers?

Title: Re: The LS VECTREX Releases 2014
Post by: der luchs on November 21, 2014, 02:29:53 PM