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Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: The Metamorphosing Leon on August 27, 2014, 10:35:52 AM

Title: Destiny
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on August 27, 2014, 10:35:52 AM
Anyone playing the beta?

Curious as to opinions and feelings on this game. At early speculation I was crowing this as the next big mmo event, but now it looks like its just a halo/borderlands mashup.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: wildbil52 on August 28, 2014, 01:30:07 PM
I don't think the beta is still going.  I wasn't really excited about it but I gave the beta a try anyways and ended up loving it.  Definitely a day one buy for me and I don't buy very many things on day 1.  

The Halo Borderlands comparison is understandable but  this game does certain things better than both of those games.  One of my big problems with Borderlands 2 was that the game was punishing if you tried to play alone, it was built for coop.  Destiny is build for coop too but you aren't punished for playing solo, you are given companions.  If you are playing alone and are online, it will dynamically add other players in the same area to your game (up to a player limit depending on the current mission).  It works extremely well and the process is seamless.  The world feels more real with other players inhabiting it.

While there were a billion guns in Borderlands 2, most of them felt pretty bad.  I'd pick up a gun, look at stats, give it a try, not like it, and switch back to the gun I was using before.  The weapons in Destiny feel very good and the gameplay lends itself to switching weapons on the fly.

It's a very hard to convey the feel on the game.  If anyone is curious about it, I would encourage you to play at least a few hours.  Once you understand the flow of the game and play a half dozen missions, you will know if it is for you or not.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: Addicted on August 29, 2014, 11:13:12 AM
I'm renting this for the PS3 to see what everyone is talking about.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: OatBob on September 09, 2014, 07:34:14 PM
I'm just gonna leave my tweet here from last night.


Enjoy ;)

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on September 09, 2014, 11:55:41 PM
Awoken, eh?

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: OatBob on September 10, 2014, 11:18:02 PM
I'm just gonna leave my tweet here from last night.


Enjoy ;)
Awoken, eh?

It's easier for me than making a bucket.  The white circle lenses also drew a strong response.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: Addicted on September 19, 2014, 09:12:04 AM
I played for a couple hours last night. So far it is a decent game.


Art Style

Gameplay - shooting enemies feels good

Social Interaction - As Bill mentioned interacting with other players adds to the game

Melee seems super powerful. It's fun to punch my way to victory.


There isn't much variety in the loot. So far it has been a gun is a gun is a gun. The weapons in Borderlands were varied enough from the different manufactures so it wasn't always this number is bigger than this number.

Story seems crazy and there really isn't explained through the course of the game. I don't like that I have to visit a website in order to find out more information about the world.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: wildbil52 on September 19, 2014, 09:50:08 AM
I played for a couple hours last night. So far it is a decent game.


Art Style

Gameplay - shooting enemies feels good

Social Interaction - As Bill mentioned interacting with other players adds to the game

Melee seems super powerful. It's fun to punch my way to victory.


There isn't much variety in the loot. So far it has been a gun is a gun is a gun. The weapons in Borderlands were varied enough from the different manufactures so it wasn't always this number is bigger than this number.

Story seems crazy and there really isn't explained through the course of the game. I don't like that I have to visit a website in order to find out more information about the world.

I think we are in agreement so far.  The shooting does feel good but none of the enemies are fun to fight or really all that different.  This is kind of astounding from the company that created grunts, elites, jackals, brutes, and hunters.  Every enemy in Destiny feels like the same enemy, some just need more bullets to take down.

It feels like there are 4 weapons in the game.  When you swap fusion rifle with 20 damage with fusion rifle with 26 damage, the weapon is exactly the same, it just takes less bullets to kill things.

Melee IS super powerful early on.  I think this is done to encourage players to come out of cover and get in a close quarters fight but when you get into multiplayer and everyone is level 20, melee is useless.

There is no story.  There is the very loose framework of a story with as little exposition as possible.

All that being said, I'm still playing the game, though not as enthusiastically as I thought I would be. 

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: slackur on September 19, 2014, 10:54:31 AM
So far, this an MMO built for me; a guy who enjoys Bungie's take on an FPS and art style, but has very little time to actually play.   Addicted pretty much summed up my thoughts.  Although I don't mind that there has yet to be much story; if the concept plays out like advertised, this starts out more like a prologue to an IP that is supposed to last a decade.  I don't mind that it feels as though the player starts in the middle of an epic story without immediate exposition. 

I do get annoyed at how everything feels as though it has a placeholder title instead of a name: The Last City, The  Traveler, The Fallen, The Hive, The Queen, The Awoken, etc.  Combining the fact that every guardian character tends to kinda look similar to me, (when games like PSO felt so distinct) it has the unfortunate effect of really making everything feel completely generic, despite the gorgeous art design and intuitive presentation. 

Having to use an online app exclusively for more game-universe details is a terrible idea, an this is coming from a guy who enjoyed the cross-media element of having to read several novels to actually get the real storyline for the Halo series.   

Still, this one of the few games I intend on sticking it out through at least a few waves of content updates and trying to stay at least nominally involved.  In fact, with SSB WiiU/3DS, Alien Isolation, and a new Ar Tonelico right on the horizon, not to mention my beloved and I supremely enjoying co-op Diablo III: UEE, I'm kinda glad this game isn't threatening to take over my life yet is fun to pop in now and again.

Title: Re: Destiny
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on September 19, 2014, 01:35:09 PM
Light 25, Story Completed, all Strikes except Raid and Nightfall, Rank 2 in Vanguard and close to 2 in Crucible...

I feel like there's a lot of replay, but it's not varied enough for a loner. If I had a dedicated fireteam, it'd be a different story.