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Collecting => Sales Extravaganza => Topic started by: rsavica on August 10, 2014, 08:24:21 PM

Title: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: rsavica on August 10, 2014, 08:24:21 PM
HI guys,

I am really new of this forum and site, so I do apologize if I am doing something wrong.
I am searching for Super A'can games. I have already the console (CIB).
If you have some games to sell/trade please let me know



Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: Duke.Togo on August 10, 2014, 09:47:51 PM
Welcome to RFG. I would recommend editing the title of your post to include "WTB" to indicate that you want to buy Super A'can games. Best of luck.

Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on August 11, 2014, 12:16:47 AM
I doubt you'll find many owners for it here, as it's fairly rare. I know Marriott_Guy, 98PaceCar and the crew at VGCL had the set at one point. Perhaps they have some or can point you in the right direction?

Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: rsavica on August 15, 2014, 12:40:53 AM
thanks for the replies…I will contact them. (do not know how to edit the title).

I found only one guy that sold 4 games for 800 dollars…i do not even know if it is a good price...

Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: Boshamp on August 15, 2014, 01:29:12 AM
International stuff seems to always cost more in the states. I have no idea about the A'Can, but for a lot of the Famicom stuff and others outside of the states it seems to be a better idea to try to buy from a seller in the home country and have it shipped, as most sellers online in the states take advantage of the rarity and lack of product.

Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: Izret101 on August 15, 2014, 08:17:03 AM
I am almost positive a complete set had sold on eBay but it was long enough ago that it isn't in completed listings now.

800 for 4 games doesn't sound worth it to me.. But with value it really just boils down to what are you willing to spend on it?...
And if you are planning at ever selling it in the future what do you think others would be willing to spend on it.

Rarity and a hefty price tag do not always go hand in hand.

Title: Re: WTB: Super A'can
Post by: 98PaceCar on August 17, 2014, 03:56:22 PM
Yea, $800 for 4 games is way too high, unless it included the rumored Rebel Star. Even then, I doubt it would have reached that level of cost. But, there are a number of people with the system and no games, so I guess it's possible.

I traded a loose system and 3 loose games for about $400 - $450 in value at MGC this year. I had a pretty good amount of interest in just the games, including a cash offer for basically what I was asking, minus the system. Since I didn't want to be left with a loose system that I likely couldn't sell, I held off until I found an interesting trade.

Unfortunately, I don't really know of any good sources for the games anymore. There is one seller on ebay that seems to have a small stock of the Monopoly game, but he sells it with systems. Probably tough to get him to part with just a game.

It's a really tough system to get games for anymore. In the early days, it was a bit easier, but for most of the games I've only seen a single copy over the years. I still need Rebel Star myself, if it's actually a released game.