RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: Boshamp on July 01, 2014, 02:57:33 AM

Title: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 01, 2014, 02:57:33 AM
I wrote a blog post a couple months back, and as many of you know from that post among other forum topics, I have a "pile" of games, hardware, trickets, collectables, and miscellaneous gaming related stuff I have pulled out of the closet and from under the bed and stacked (or casually dumped) in the corner of my gaming room. My goal has been to get all of it documented, sorted, and either displayed or boxed up in a more organized way.

Tonight, I dug through some loose bags and hardware to unveil some of the older stuff, specifically a couple of boxes with "SEGA" written on the outside, and another box with "Portables" on the side, all total containing 8 systems, 13 controllers, 143 games, and a bunch of cables/accessories. I remember picking up some of these at yard sales and thrift stores when I lived and worked in northern Wyoming/southern Montana, but most of this stuff is not ringing a bell.

I am both happy with my find, but also upset with myself for forgetting about all of this stuff. Have any of you ever boxed up something, forgot it was there, and surprised yourself when finding it again?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: singlebanana on July 01, 2014, 07:51:29 AM
The closest I've come to this is going through my drawers and closets at my parent's house. I found my old copies of FFVII, FFIX, and Brave Fencer Musashi.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Disposed Hero on July 01, 2014, 08:16:01 AM
Similar to singlebanana, I've just found some interesting items tucked away in the closets of my parents house a year or two ago.  I found a stack of manuals for some SNES and N64 games, including Final Fantasy II and III, Secret of Mana, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and many others.  I also found (or rather, my mom found) an old SNES Game Genie.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: tactical_nuke on July 01, 2014, 10:43:24 AM
I haven't reached that point yet, heh. I have gone on excursions to find forgotten games that made their way to younger siblings/nephews etc. Some of it was stuff I lent out and some of it was new to me. That's how I got my SNES mini for free. I also don't lend out games to younger kids anymore after seeing what happens to them. *flashbacks to sifting through piles of junk*

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on July 01, 2014, 10:55:12 AM
I always find it an adventure when I go into my Game Room. I haven't unpacked anything in there for almost 2 years, and I keep finding boxes of things I forget about. I found this while looking for my soundtracks:

[img width=700 height=394]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-i7s1HV1EvZ4/U57nEbfZ7cI/AAAAAAAACX0/n6FooAAzn9I/w1247-h702-no/WP_20140614_003.jpg[/img]

Yes, there are 150+ Atari 2600 manuals in there, and a random Genesis manual... Some missing NES games, an empty NES game box, some loose 3DO games... INTV game... who the hell packed this?  :jester:

EDIT Oh, and this NGPC I was looking for when it came up the other day. If anyone has any idea where this came from, let me know:
[img width=700 height=394]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-oqMauCXBBug/U7LbRZA002I/AAAAAAAACZU/H-zsWz89ceA/w1247-h702-no/WP_20140620_004.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: blcklblskt on July 01, 2014, 10:42:35 PM
I found a Ti-99/4a once that I never remembered purchasing and promptly sold it.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 02, 2014, 12:10:59 AM
I am just glad to know I am not alone in this situation. Unfortunately, I am going to be with the family for the better part of the next week, so once again, it will have to be put on hold.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 02, 2014, 01:26:17 AM
Figured I would snap a couple pictures really quick before I take off for the week to give a visual to why I posted. I almost thought about posting to the small scores thread, but this made more sense. Is it a score when you find something you forgot you owned? It is basically a new purchase all over again, right? :)

[img width=550 height=328]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140702_001_zps133c2d70.jpg?t=1404281723[/img]

[img width=328 height=550]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140702_002_zps944889fb.jpg?t=1404281723[/img]

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: NES_Rules on July 02, 2014, 02:59:06 PM
I used to remember exactly where and when I bought everything in my collection. That stopped at about 1000 games. My best find of something I already had was when someone offered to buy my copy of Little Samson. At first I thought they were contacting the wrong person, but I checked my collection list and it was listed there, I immediately knew that was wrong, but I had to check the actual games to confirm before I removed it from my list, and sure enough, there it was sitting on my shelf. I have absolutely zero knowledge of ever buying it. I don't know if I bought it alone, or if it was in a lot, or if the magical NES fairy left it for me one night.

[img width=550 height=328]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140702_001_zps133c2d70.jpg?t=1404281723[/img]

That white thing (Pods?) looks pissed that you either neglected it so long, or that it had been found.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on July 02, 2014, 03:01:31 PM
It's a weird pseudo-console Sega device.
NES Satellite, some Game Gear manuals, an orange NES Zapper, Xbox 360 HDD for what looks like a 20GB HDD, a Black GameCube, a Sega Saturn 6-button turbo controller... I miss anything?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Izret101 on July 02, 2014, 04:11:03 PM
Looks like a pack of hanafuda cards under the pods.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 03, 2014, 12:06:46 AM
The PODS is like playing Simon, except with six "buttons" instead of four. It is a bitch yo play because the sensors are so sensitive, but a pretty cool item nonetheless. My hanafuda cards are not in the box to my knowledge. I don't see them in the pic, just the orange zapper. My only hanafuda set is the club Nintendo prize from a couple years back.

and no, you aren't missing anything, shadow. At least, not anything you can see in the pics. There are a couple original Xbox controllers (fattys), a steering wheel, the guncon2 set with the foot pedal, a couple gameboys, and more miscellaneous manuals in that box. The other hides another Dreamcast, four dc controllers, about 70 genesis games, and a few PICO games and manuals. There is a third box (not pictured) with another gamegear, a few gg games, two GB pockets, about 20 GB games, and a bunch of GB accessories. (cameras, printers, cables, battery packs, and a couple other things I didn't recognize.)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Sauza12 on July 10, 2014, 08:54:42 PM
My mom is a bit of a hoarder, so sometimes I'll go tearing through her basement getting Christmas/Halloween/whatever holiday is coming up decorations and come up with some things that I didn't even know I had.  One time I found sealed copies of Mega Man X and Metroid that my parents had forgotten to give to me for Christmas back when they were new.  That was a good day.

Of course, I know for a fact that I had a top loader NES and Mighty Final Fight.  I have the dog bone controller and manual from the NES and the Manual for Final Fight.  One day I'll find them and it will be glorious.

I used to remember exactly where and when I bought everything in my collection. That stopped at about 1000 games

I have this odd mental quirk where I can remember where I bought every single piece in my collection, the general date of when I got it and close to what I paid for it.  However if my wife asks me to grab her a drink while I'm getting a snack together for my oldest daughter I damn near have to write it down.  It's like I'm obsessive-compulsive in a very specific way about my collection.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 11, 2014, 03:56:40 AM
I do that too, Sauza. I swear she will tear my head off one of these times. She asks for something from the kitchen, I go into the kitchen and walk right back out. I used to ask again what she wanted, but now she knows to just repeat it as soon as I turn around. ha ha

To add to the forum topic...I just found this while digging in the pile, and I have no idea where it came from, or really what it is. I took a quick look on google, but am left with more questions than answers. It plays Genesis AND SEGA CD AND also works as a CD player? Was this some attempt at an all-in-one entertainment device? Is it hard to find or all that valuable? Will it also work with the 32X/32XCDs?

[img width=328 height=550]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140711_004_zps409d4d38.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Addicted on July 11, 2014, 07:09:39 AM
@Boshamp: It is sort of rare but definitely valuable It usually sells between $175-$225. (Crabby might have more updated prices) It is a compact Segacd/Genesis. 

Pricecharting link: http://videogames.pricecharting.com/game/sega-genesis/sega-genesis-cdx-console

It can't play 32X games but you can plug it in and play Genes games off the 32X cartridge slot.

Overview of the CDX: http://www.allgame.com/platform.php?id=17675

If you need a power supply Retro Game Cave may have one:


They are the makers of the Sega Trio single power supply for the Genesis + Sega CD + 32X.

The CDX uses the same AV cables as the Genesis 2 and 3.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Sauza12 on July 11, 2014, 07:44:59 AM
Just a bit of warning that you can use a 32x with it, it really isn't advisable.  I've heard of 32xs damaging CDX and considering how valuable those are, it would probably be better to just use a standard Genesis instead.  If your 32x fries your Genesis theres a good chance another collector is using one as a door stop and can send it to you pretty cheaply  ;)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 11, 2014, 11:44:49 AM
Thank you both for the responses. When I saw a price estimate over 100 bucks, I did a little jig. I know I wouldn't have likely spent more than around 10 bucks on the thing, so that is good. It is good to know it uses the same A/V cables I have dups of and since I have the power supply, I can finally play SEGA CD games now! To my knowledge, I do not own a regular SEGA CD, but I didn't know I owned this, so who knows, right?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 12, 2014, 02:48:09 AM
Digging through more stuff tonight. Found out I own a Genesis 3, another Genesis 1, and that I already owned a PSX, so now I have at least two. Should be a pretty good, large list of stuff once I get all my duplicate stuff together and organized for selling/trading.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: mumboking on July 12, 2014, 11:21:47 AM
...I already owned a PSX, so now I have at least two...
PSX (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX_(video_game_console)) or PS1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_%28console%29)?
I'm just picky... ;)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Izret101 on July 12, 2014, 12:12:04 PM
If we are being picky you should mean PSX, PS or PSOne then shouldn't you?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 12, 2014, 01:21:39 PM
I made sure to type PSX to enforce the difference, but what is the difference between a PSX and PS? I don't think I have heard of that one, I was only aware of two different types of gen 1 Playstations. So far in digging through the pile I have found Two PSX's, and Two PSOne's.

What has surprised me most is the amount and variety of SEGA stuff I keep finding as I dig. I ran into another 32X the other night, and I didn't even know I had one originally, much less all the hookups and a game for it. (Doom)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: mumboking on July 12, 2014, 01:34:55 PM
I made sure to type PSX to enforce the difference, but what is the difference between a PSX and PS? I don't think I have heard of that one, I was only aware of two different types of gen 1 Playstations. So far in digging through the pile I have found Two PSX's, and Two PSOne's.
But, a PSX (This is a clickable link!) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX_(video_game_console)) is a combined DVR and PS2.
Do you have two of those then? :P

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on July 12, 2014, 02:17:17 PM
PlayStation != PS1 != PSone != PSX
Blah, blah, blah...

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 15, 2014, 02:22:47 AM
I thought the original was referred to as the PSX with the release of the PSOne...No, I do not have two of those...although that would be SICK!

Two ORIGINAL Playstations and Two PSOnes. ha ha

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 17, 2014, 01:09:22 AM
I think I might suffer from what I am calling "Console confusion"...I consider myself a Nintendo guy, but after finding another SEGA box today...I might just be a SEGA guy trapped in a Nintendo guy's body.

[img width=550 height=328]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140716_001_zps07defdc1.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: mumboking on July 17, 2014, 12:53:48 PM
I think I might suffer from what I am calling "Console confusion"...I consider myself a Nintendo guy, but after finding another SEGA box today...I might just be a SEGA guy trapped in a Nintendo guy's body.

[img width=550 height=328]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140716_001_zps07defdc1.jpg[/img]
I spy DOOM in the 32X.
How many of these work though?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 17, 2014, 02:17:36 PM
Of all the cabling in the box with these, I couldn't find anything that I can see is specifically labeled for the 32X, the CDX, or the Genesis 3. I am not sure if any other cables are compatible or were reused for multiple systems by SEGA though. I have limited knowledge when it comes to retro SEGA. The Master systems, Genesis 1's, Genesis 2's, Dreamcasts, Game gear, the PODS, and all the controllers with them all are tested and in working condition.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Addicted on July 17, 2014, 02:26:57 PM
@Boshamp: I've always liked Game Trog's how to website:


Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 17, 2014, 08:09:34 PM
Wow...my exact issue...right on the home page. ha ha Thank you for that, sir!

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Addicted on July 18, 2014, 07:39:50 AM
You're welcome. Glad I could help!

I would like to add in power supply specifications for the different consoles to the database.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 19, 2014, 12:38:52 AM
Looks like most all of the SEGA stuff is pretty universal. I was able to run the 32X successfully using another 2103 power supply, which I learned can run the Game Gear, so I can actually play that one without using 6 AAs. The A/V cables for the Genesis 2 are compatible with the Genesis 3 and the CDX, but I do not have either of their unique power supplies to test them with the Genesis 2 A/V.

Got all the SEGA stuff documented within my collection and packed up separately, all that is left is to open the last two NINTENDO boxes (I wonder what goodies await) and dump it on the rest of the pile to get them all documented, sorted, and packed back up.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on July 29, 2014, 01:08:27 AM
Did some more digging and found a bag with a few undocumented SNES titles in it. Just a few more SNES games and I will be over 100 titles for another system. With the addition of Gaia, I just need Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana to complete the SNES Traditional RPG lineup. Unless I am unaware of some of them.

[img width=550 height=919]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/Scott_Breaze/WP_20140728_001_zps1ea19fb6.jpg?t=1406613688[/img]

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Ikariniku on July 30, 2014, 09:35:49 AM
It doesn't take packing things away for months and months for me to forget what's in my collection.

One week, I walked into my local game shop and bought Beavis & Butt-Head and Road Rash II for Genesis.

A few weeks later, I walked into my local game shop and bought Beavis and Butt-Head and Road Rash II for Genesis.

A week after that, I realized that I had bought duplicates.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Addicted on July 31, 2014, 07:33:17 AM
I've recently moved most of my collection to a new space and found stuff packed in boxes that I forgot about. I'll start with some Street Fighter:

[img width=700 height=525]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/photo11_zpse4e6cecf.jpg[/img] (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/cisco678/media/RF/photo11_zpse4e6cecf.jpg.html)

[img width=700 height=525]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/photo2_zps24d70e2d.jpg[/img] (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/cisco678/media/RF/photo2_zps24d70e2d.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: GamerNick on July 31, 2014, 07:43:24 AM
Jealous of that arcade stick addicted!

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Addicted on July 31, 2014, 08:21:13 AM
@GamerNick: Thanks! You might want to bid one this auction to grab one or two yourself:


Also I found this... Calling Crabby!

I have no idea if this works or not and I don't have a supergun/jamma setup to test:

[img width=700 height=525]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/photo12_zps4d0914c3.jpg[/img] (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/cisco678/media/RF/photo12_zps4d0914c3.jpg.html)

[img width=700 height=525]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/photo21_zps5c68dbe8.jpg[/img] (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/cisco678/media/RF/photo21_zps5c68dbe8.jpg.html)

Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey is for sale/trade. I also found the hard drive that goes with the game.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 02, 2014, 02:24:46 AM
I really love how the buttons on the arcade stick are linear. I always see them arched, but this is a great pleasure to the eye. No idea if it is practically preferred in play, but I suck at fighting games anyway, so OCD wins for me here. ha ha

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: calistarwind on August 03, 2014, 08:46:55 AM
There were three variations to the Playstation original that I know of. The first had the three prong or three hole AV port, the next had a standard AV and then there was the PSOne (smaller white model).

You all have some great finds lurking in your rooms. :)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: mumboking on August 03, 2014, 10:16:30 AM
There were three variations to the Playstation original that I know of. The first had the three prong or three hole AV port, the next had a standard AV and then there was the PSOne (smaller white model).
There's a list of variations here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_models#Comparison_of_models

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 06, 2014, 03:46:46 AM
Found some NES games packed into the "Documented NES" box that were not in fact documented. Glad I double check all of them.

Bionic Commando
Hogan's Alley
Ice Climber
Ice Hockey
Kid Icarus
Rad Racer II
R.C. Pro-Am
RoboCop 2
Solomon's Key
Spy vs. Spy
Tecmo Super Bowl (CIB)

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: GamerNick on August 06, 2014, 09:17:33 AM
Nice some solid titles there

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 06, 2014, 12:49:11 PM
I didn't even know there was a Rad Racer II, much less released by Square...It seems that not only am I learning more about games and collecting from you all, but also from myself. ha ha

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: shaggy on August 06, 2014, 06:34:41 PM
It doesn't take packing things away for months and months for me to forget what's in my collection.

One week, I walked into my local game shop and bought Beavis & Butt-Head and Road Rash II for Genesis.

A few weeks later, I walked into my local game shop and bought Beavis and Butt-Head and Road Rash II for Genesis.

A week after that, I realized that I had bought duplicates.

Ha ha ha.  I actually have crap scattered all over, at my house, my parents house, their storage unit, and at my wife's parents house. Man, I can't wait until I move into a bigger house and I can bring it all together and hook them all up.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Zagnorch on August 12, 2014, 05:31:41 PM
Hey now,

Over the past few days I've been sifting through piles of stuff I've built up over the last few years, and found something that wasn't forgotten so much as it was lost. I bought a complete boxed Super Game Boy at a yard sale several years back, separated the adapter from the box, and put the box in a place so well hidden, I didn't find it until yesterday.

[img width=700 height=322]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Lost1_zps7de5a88a.jpg[/img]

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...


Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Techie413 on August 12, 2014, 06:32:38 PM

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...

I'm reassured that I am far from hoarding, by your notation, since I know everything in my collection is accounted for and I know where it is stored/shelved.  Forgetting about 13 consoles (although you listed the SNES's twice) is cause for concern.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Zagnorch on August 12, 2014, 09:22:41 PM

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...

I'm reassured that I am far from hoarding, by your notation, since I know everything in my collection is accounted for and I know where it is stored/shelved.  Forgetting about 13 consoles (although you listed the SNES's twice) is cause for concern.

I've been focusing so intently on the collecting aspect of the hobby, I've been neglecting just about every other part. Fortunately, I've gotten far more particular about what I grab at the thrifts. This is especially true of controllers and other peripherals which, with the wires all being tangled up together and all, have been a challenge to sort.

BTW most of the extra consoles were parts of yard-sale game-plus-console lots I'd snap up in one fell swoop. Just a part of the aforementioned hyper-focus on collecting.

One big upside to all the sorting: I've been getting the best workout since my ankle injury several months back, which I supplement with an hour-long walk through the neighborhood. No need to break out the Wii Fit just yet...


Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 13, 2014, 01:01:01 AM
Hey now,

Over the past few days I've been sifting through piles of stuff I've built up over the last few years, and found something that wasn't forgotten so much as it was lost. I bought a complete boxed Super Game Boy at a yard sale several years back, separated the adapter from the box, and put the box in a place so well hidden, I didn't find it until yesterday.

[img width=700 height=322]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Lost1_zps7de5a88a.jpg[/img]

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...


The only differences I have discerned between collecting and hoarding is A. Knowing what you have. and B. organization. If you find stuff you don't remember you had, or have it all shoved in an unorganized manner, I would say hoarder...and so far, I am trying to get it all sorted to go from being a hoarder to a formal collector. ha ha

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Zagnorch on August 13, 2014, 01:48:02 AM
Greetings from Terra,

Hey now,

Over the past few days I've been sifting through piles of stuff I've built up over the last few years, and found something that wasn't forgotten so much as it was lost. I bought a complete boxed Super Game Boy at a yard sale several years back, separated the adapter from the box, and put the box in a place so well hidden, I didn't find it until yesterday.

[img width=700 height=322]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Lost1_zps7de5a88a.jpg[/img]

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...


The only differences I have discerned between collecting and hoarding is A. Knowing what you have. and B. organization. If you find stuff you don't remember you had, or have it all shoved in an unorganized manner, I would say hoarder...and so far, I am trying to get it all sorted to go from being a hoarder to a formal collector. ha ha

With few exceptions I've had no trouble with A.), but I did have problems with B.), which was due mainly to the speed I added to my collection combined with little spare time to organize it. Oh, and innate laziness. So I cut back on the thrift-hunts and a nice stretch of free time to take advantage of the organizing part. It's rather embarrassing the amount of stuff I have to go through, which includes my collection and myriad other personal effects. It'll take weeks before I get things truly squared away.

Fortunately, sorting has been oddly fun and relaxing. I feel like I'm doing an archaeological dig through my own personal history, and figuring out what goes where, what I should keep, and what goes. All I can tell you is, this year's Not-So-Secret Santa is gonna blow my shipping budget straight to hell.

Now I wonder if I should keep the pay stubs from that comic shop job I had in the late '90s...


Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: techwizard on August 13, 2014, 03:31:38 AM
Greetings from Terra,

Hey now,

Over the past few days I've been sifting through piles of stuff I've built up over the last few years, and found something that wasn't forgotten so much as it was lost. I bought a complete boxed Super Game Boy at a yard sale several years back, separated the adapter from the box, and put the box in a place so well hidden, I didn't find it until yesterday.

BTW the pile I'm going through also contained three GameCubes, three SNESes, two Genesises (Genesi?), two Dreamcasts and three SNESes... so far. I looked at all these extra consoles in front of me, and came to the realization that I'm risking going from collector to hoarder...


The only differences I have discerned between collecting and hoarding is A. Knowing what you have. and B. organization. If you find stuff you don't remember you had, or have it all shoved in an unorganized manner, I would say hoarder...and so far, I am trying to get it all sorted to go from being a hoarder to a formal collector. ha ha

With few exceptions I've had no trouble with A.), but I did have problems with B.), which was due mainly to the speed I added to my collection combined with little spare time to organize it. Oh, and innate laziness. So I cut back on the thrift-hunts and a nice stretch of free time to take advantage of the organizing part. It's rather embarrassing the amount of stuff I have to go through, which includes my collection and myriad other personal effects. It'll take weeks before I get things truly squared away.

Fortunately, sorting has been oddly fun and relaxing. I feel like I'm doing an archaeological dig through my own personal history, and figuring out what goes where, what I should keep, and what goes. All I can tell you is, this year's Not-So-Secret Santa is gonna blow my shipping budget straight to hell.

Now I wonder if I should keep the pay stubs from that comic shop job I had in the late '90s...


it's always satisfying to me when i'm organizing/getting rid of things from my collection. i really like the idea of focusing certain aspects down to exactly what i want. i'm still in progress on that, except N64 which is my one goal, i'm trying to narrow down all my other systems to only games that i want or think might be worth playing.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 13, 2014, 02:16:58 PM
Found a pretty small box labeled "Game Boy and Portables" tucked under the bed while my wife was having me lift the mattress to look for clothes she had packed away for my son. I am excited to see what stuff that has in it once I get home tonight.

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Zagnorch on August 13, 2014, 09:58:22 PM
Found a pretty small box labeled "Game Boy and Portables" tucked under the bed while my wife was having me lift the mattress to look for clothes she had packed away for my son. I am excited to see what stuff that has in it once I get home tonight.

Whatta coinkydink-- the Super Game Boy box I rediscovered was in a container under my bed.

What are the odds?

Title: Re: Forgotten Collection
Post by: Boshamp on August 13, 2014, 11:40:41 PM
Pretty good I think. Portable stuff is smaller, and most everyone tucks small boxes under the bed when they need space. ha ha

Nothing too impressive, some stuff I didn't know about, mostly a lot of stuff I knew I had, but had lost.

"Lost" items:

My "NES" styled GBA SP
A couple GBA SP storage cases
3 GB to GB Connection cables, 3 GBA to 'Cube connectors, and 2 GBA chargers
My DS headset
My Gameboy Player Startup disc. (Thank God I found this guy. I have been missing it for a while)

Inside of this box: Another smaller box!

I remember purchasing some of this hardware, but none of the games.

2 GB 4-Player Adapters
1 e-reader
1 GB Game Genie
1 Yellow GB Camera
1 Blue GB Camera with Manual
1 Red GB Camera
1 GB Printer
1 Red GB Pocket
1 Original GB (Unknown Variant) I will post a picture when I get the chance, but this GB has sports in action [Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Hockey] around the border of the screen and I do not see it in the DB. Once I find out what it is, I will submit the variant if it needs to be done.
2 Tetris games
Snoopy's Magic show
Pokemon TCG
Turtles: Back from the sewers
Star wars
Home alone 2

Oddly enough, a PS2 game was shoved in there too. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution