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Gaming => Community Playthroughs => Topic started by: singlebanana on January 07, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

Title: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: singlebanana on January 07, 2014, 09:19:16 AM
We hope that everyone enjoyed the playthroughs in 2013 and we want to continue to provide quality games for all of us to enjoy together in the new year. The retro playthrough has been on a fairly steady rotation of Nintendo, Sony, and Sega and we plan to continue this in 2014, with a few surprise developers/consoles from time to time. In February, we are floating back to the Playstation and would like some suggestions regarding what games our participants would like play through.

I plan on taking some of the suggestions from this thread and create another thread for members to vote on February's game. Please keep in mind that suggestions should include games that are affordable (around $30 or less) and work well for a monthly playthrough (acceptable length, possible achievements, etc.). Please suggest your game(s) and write a brief description of why you think it would be a good title for a playthrough. Below are a few examples and two games I would like to suggest for February:

Medievil - I bought this game around it's release date some time ago based on a magazine review. The game has a really fun story line and combines a platforming element, as well as some puzzle mechanics. Multiple weapons and several boss fights keep the game fun and it has some great light-hearted humor. The game is not overly difficult and can be completed in around 6 hours; however, there are other side quests and unlockables that require a few more hours for those who are completionists (good for achievements). I really enjoyed this game growing up and it is one that I have wanted to share with the group for some time. Price: $20-$25

Brave Fencer Musashi - A bit of a longer game at 15 hours (23 completionist). Mushasi is a platformer with heavy RPG elements. It has a nice assimilate feature (think Kirby games) where you can steal the abilities of the enemies. This game has a decent storyline and like Medievil, is pretty humorous.  Those preferring more of an RPG title, with platform fighting as opposed to text based, will find this game very enjoyable. Price: around $30

I will keep a list of suggestions on this initial post and probably pick around 5-7 titles for voting. Please know that if your game was not picked for the voting thread, it does not mean that we do not appreciate your suggestion(s). As a means of not having the voting spread out over a large list, we will probably need to narrow it down a bit. Your suggestion may be used for another month. Thank you for the suggestions.

Suggestions for February PS1 Playthrough:

Brave Fencer Musashi
Parasite Eve
Mega Man Legends
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Disposed Hero on January 08, 2014, 09:55:50 AM
I've definitely been wanting to revisit some PS1 classics.  Most of the ones I'd like to play are RPG's that span dozens of hours, so those are probably out as far as a community playthrough goes, but I've come up with a few shorter ones that could work:

Parasite Eve - I've been wanting to revisit this game for a while.  It is an RPG, but has a pretty unique combat system (not traditional a la Final Fantasy).  I've always really liked the atmosphere of this game.  According to howlongtobeat.com, the game clocks in at around 10 hours, but can take longer if pursuing side content.  Price: $15-$20

Mega Man Legends - Another game I'd like to revisit.  Quite different from your typical Mega Man game as it is more of an action RPG title than a sidescrolling shooter.  From what I've read, the main story only takes about 6 hours or so to complete, but there should be enough side content to keep people playing for a month (and would probably make for some nice achievements!).  Price:  Copies can be had for $20-$30, but some may have trouble finding it for <$30.

Rayman - I've never played this game, but I recently saw a friend play part of it.  From what I saw, it looked like a fun platformer.  The core game is pretty short I think, but there should be some extra content (collectibles?) that can extend the playtime as well as provide achievements.  Price:  $5-$10 for Greatest Hits, ~$20 for black label.

I could sit here and come up with suggestions all day, but I'll cut it off here. 

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: singlebanana on January 08, 2014, 10:34:17 AM
Thanks for the suggestions Disposed and even more, thank you for your continual participation in our playthroughs. I will add these suggestions in the initial post. :)

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: techwizard on January 09, 2014, 02:37:16 AM
i like all the suggestions so far, also mega man legends as far as i know is the same game as Mega Man 64 for N64, so a little bit of cross-platform options there

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on January 12, 2014, 01:44:11 PM
Not sure if I'll have much time in February or not, but if I do I'd be totally in for Parasite Eve, Brave Fencer Musashi or Mega Man Legends.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Fleach on January 12, 2014, 06:00:52 PM
These are all great suggestions and games I want to track down and play some time.

I'd add Croc to the suggestion list. It's a fun platformer similar to Spyro or even Mario to an extent. The game can easily be beaten in a month, but still offers secrets and collectibles for those want to go beyond the main story. A complete copy sells for $7 on average, but then again ebay sellers tend to overcharge.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: singlebanana on January 12, 2014, 06:51:17 PM
Croc added to suggestion list. Thank you.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Duke.Togo on January 12, 2014, 08:57:27 PM
What about Loaded?

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on January 13, 2014, 01:33:24 AM
 I would like to do a community playthrough of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night at some point.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Fleach on January 13, 2014, 08:19:39 AM
I like that idea! That's one game I've wanted to play for a long time.

Any special reason why you'd like like to play it, Mike?

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on January 13, 2014, 08:35:39 AM
Well Ill be honest and admit that of the previous games mentioned, I only own Parasite Eve, which I would also like to play again. I own SOTN and I feel it's the best Castlevania of the franchise. I haven't played it in quite some time and a community playthrough would be a good excuse to give it another spin. It's also not overly long, so stretched out over a month, it would allow me the time to play.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Disposed Hero on January 13, 2014, 09:38:49 AM
SOTN is a nice suggestion.  It's had a few different releases on various platforms which makes it easier for people to track down a copy.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: singlebanana on January 14, 2014, 11:07:39 AM
SOTN is great! I really would like to play it, but I may push it to another month considering we recently played a Castlevania title in October. I had this one at the top of the list for October 2014. However, if you guys are adamant about playing it, I will add it to the vote. Let me know.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: JerryGreenwood on January 14, 2014, 01:17:41 PM
I feel SOTN is without a doubt one of the greatest games of all-time. Top 5 on my list. It's been almost 2 years since I last played....that's too long.

Warning! If we play SOTN, I might get really nerdy and post a ton. I'm a living walkthrough.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on January 14, 2014, 01:20:38 PM
Dez - I think after watching that many speedruns, many of us are. ;)

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: SirPsycho on January 16, 2014, 01:02:31 AM
I was looking through my library but most of my suggestions would have been too expensive for people without access to PSN (if its even on there).

Tomba! $10 on PSN. Great side scroller with events, really quests, but is much more expensive for a physical copy.

Suikoden. 25-30 hour RPG that started it all, $6 on PSN, much more for physical.

Saiyuki: Journey West. Not too expensive, $6 on PSN and less than $25 for a physical copy, not easy to find outside of online buying. Underrated tactical RPG for fans of Tactics Ogre and FFT.

Spyro: Year of the Dragon or Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Easily the two best platformers for the system. Controls are smooth and give any N64 classic a run for its money. $6 for each game on PSN, usually $15-20 for physical copies.

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: singlebanana on January 16, 2014, 07:48:42 AM
Awesome and much appreciated suggestions. Unfortunately, the voting started yesterday morning and I cannot include them in the vote. However, I will keep these in mind for future playthroughs. Thanks!

Title: Re: Retro Playthrough February - PS1 Suggestions???
Post by: JerryGreenwood on January 16, 2014, 09:44:24 AM
Dez - I think after watching that many speedruns, many of us are. ;)
Speedrun? Never saw one of those :p

I think we've discussed this before. I don't claim to be the best SOTN player in the world, but my friend might be, as far as speed and completion % go.