Title: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Duke.Togo on January 01, 2014, 10:32:20 AM It's time to set forth your goals, folks!
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: BadEnoughDude on January 01, 2014, 10:45:34 AM 1. Re-catalog and maintain my collection on the site
2. Find a nice, CIB copies of: - Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Valkyrie Profile - Ys I & II Chronicles (Sealed) - Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Crusader of Centy (the most far-fetched of all of my goals, for sure) 3. Complete my Sega CDX console 4. Replace my broken 60GB PS3 Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on January 01, 2014, 11:08:24 AM Ok, so here are a few of my collecting goals for 2014:
So for NES, I would like to complete a few of my subsets: Capcom: 4 games Konami: 9 games Light gun games(required or optional): 8 games Baseball games: 6 games My current loose SNES is 77 so I will shoot for 100 loose carts by the end of 2014. Sega Genesis is currently at 22(mostly cause with SEGA I MAINLY buy CIB) and by years end, I hope to have a modest 50. Sega Dreamcast I have 21 games and I am going for a 25 game total for this year. Turbografix16 and TurboCD I have 21 HU cards. I would like to have 25 by years end. I have 11 TurboCD games. I would like to be close to 20 by 2015. Consoles I would like to acquire this year: NES edition Gameboy Advance SP, Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Fleach on January 01, 2014, 11:17:15 AM 2014 Goals
125 NES Games 20 SNES Games 5 3DS Games 15 Wii Games 5 Wii U Games 20 PS1 Games 20 PS2 Games 25 PS3 Games 5 PS4 Games 10 Sega Genesis Games CIB 5 DreamCast Games Complete Operation Rainfall set (need Xenoblade Chronicles) Complete Soul Blazer Trilogy (need Soul Blazer, Terranigma) Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: engel762 on January 01, 2014, 11:18:27 AM Reserved.
Tentative goal for the year to reach 1250 items in collection. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: GamerNick on January 01, 2014, 12:00:08 PM Reserved. Tentative get Down to 10 or less licensed nes games needed.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Crabmaster2000 on January 01, 2014, 12:35:37 PM -
- - - 25+ Turbo CD Games - - 10+ CIB Virtual Boy Games - - 1+ Neo Geo AES Game - 1+ Neo Geo MVS Game - - Neo Geo CD and/or Atari Jaguar System + Games I'm pretty satisfied with where I ended up on my goals. Finished my licensed NES set which was obviously the big one. I scored enough HU Cards for the TG16 that I'm ok with coming up short on the Turbo CD goal. I am one measly manual away from my Virtual Boy goal, but since I was able to get a box for Mario Tennis (which is arguably the hardest piece of the set to obtain) I'm pretty pumped to clean up the rest this coming year. The Neo Geo goals are always on the back burner since they are so challenging to find at affordable prices. It does stink that I wasn't able to get either of the remaining systems I'm after though. Always next year for those ones. And I destroyed my ATLUS goal in not only numbers, but grabbed a lot of the desirable titles also. Gonna have to make next years goal for them more of a challenge. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: blcklblskt on January 01, 2014, 01:10:06 PM Goals for 2014:
-Get a copy of Super Metroid (SNES, cart only OK) -Keep under 500 games -Sell off remaining duplicates and unwanted items Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Fokakis79 on January 01, 2014, 02:10:00 PM My Small Goal for this year is - All U.S. Released Castlevania Games:
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 Castlevania: Harmony of Despair ( Digital Download) Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Castlevania: Legends Kid Dracula Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Big Goal this Year is Reach 200 Sega Genesis Games, I have 120 so far. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Izret101 on January 01, 2014, 09:44:17 PM Mortal Kombat
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: RetroRage on January 01, 2014, 10:28:42 PM Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CARBAG on January 03, 2014, 03:16:25 PM I was able to get all US released main series pokemon games in 2013, so for 2014, i'll try to find boxes and manuals for the gb/gbc/gba carts.
2/3 GB pokemon boxes 2/3 GBC pokemon boxes 3/5 GBA pokemon boxes Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Sauza12 on January 04, 2014, 09:58:50 PM I missed a few goals last year, but that doesn't mean I can't put forth even more lofty goals this year!
Finish my 32x collection (Just need Spiderman: Web of Fire) Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Dergatron9000 on January 05, 2014, 02:37:53 AM I just bought a 60 gb ps3 so I think this year I will try and get 80+ ps2 games.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: InvadErGII on January 05, 2014, 07:02:26 PM I picked a few fairly easy goals for last year, so this year I'm going to be a little more ambitious. Let's go with:
150 N64 Games (Current: 105) 100 SNES Games (Current: 59) 80 2600 Games (Current: 56) 75 Genesis Games (Current: 45) 50 Dreamcast Games (Current: 40) Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Wempster on January 05, 2014, 11:28:05 PM Well I made my goal of get the games for all my orphaned boxes last year worse by getting more boxes so let's try that one more time this year. Also I am going to get to 175 N64 games.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: A8scooter on January 18, 2014, 10:41:34 PM Would like to get to :
1500 Total Cartridges ( 751 right now ) 200 Unique Atari 8 Bit Cart Titles ( 184 right now ) 15 Atari 8 Bit Prototype / Demo Carts ( 11 right now ) 100 NES titles ( 23 right now ) 100 SNES Titles ( 29 right now ) 100 Sega Genesis Titles ( 60 right now ). Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: singlebanana on January 19, 2014, 05:24:54 PM - Get down to 5 remaining NES games for complete licensed set GOALLLLLLLLL!!! ;D
- Pick up 10 new 2600 titles 2 remain, but finished Parker Bros. subset! - Get up to 75 SMS boxed titles (currently 70) GOALLLLLL!! - Pick up at least 15 new Fami carts and Famicom system games and system acquired ;D - Pick up at least 5 loose Colecovision titles 0 so far.... :'( Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: RobotCowhand on March 17, 2014, 08:48:25 PM - Hit 500 CIB Genesis games
- PS1 Release set - PS2 Release set - PS3 Release set - Full Ridge Racer Set - 50 Sega CD Games Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: GrayGhost81 on March 18, 2014, 09:15:09 AM My goal for this is yeah is to downsize my collection to the point where there is no game on my shelf that I can look at and say "There is no way I'm ever going to play that one." Or "Why am I keeping this game? I didn't like it."
Quality over quantity in other words. Also I'm wrestling with the idea of purging some of the retro stuff. I never play the physical copies. I'm happy to emulate. Yeah, I'm that asshole now. Deal with it. ;) There's only so much room in my house and showing off my games to guests the once in a blue moon that I have guests is not justifying owning the games. I think I can cut my collection by about one third this year and without any remorse. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: techwizard on March 18, 2014, 06:44:56 PM My goal for this is yeah is to downsize my collection to the point where there is no game on my shelf that I can look at and say "There is no way I'm ever going to play that one." Or "Why am I keeping this game? I didn't like it." Quality over quantity in other words. Also I'm wrestling with the idea of purging some of the retro stuff. I never play the physical copies. I'm happy to emulate. Yeah, I'm that asshole now. Deal with it. ;) There's only so much room in my house and showing off my games to guests the once in a blue moon that I have guests is not justifying owning the games. I think I can cut my collection by about one third this year and without any remorse. GrayGhost81 used a bad word D: i'm slowly switching over to quality vs quantity too, already did that with my gamecube collection. also ditched all my intellivision stuff because i never use it ever. the only system i'm not doing that on is N64 which i still want a complete CIB set for Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: monkees19 on March 18, 2014, 08:58:51 PM I have one specific goal in mind. To have my collection real 730 individual pieces of software. I don't mind duplicates too much as long as there is a reason for it. Like I have Final Fantasy IV in four different formats. In its SNES original format, GBA (for portability) DS for the "enhanced" remake and PSP (so I could get The After Years without paying $40 for it)
My reason is this: I had someone ask me if I've actually played all of my games. Sure I said...wait, no I haven't. The majority, sure, but certainly not all. So since I hit my 2013 goal of 600 I needed a new goal. If I played two games a day for say 30 minutes, it would take me an entire calendar year to play them all (hence the 730) What I'd like to do is document it, track it and make it some sort of public specatacle. Something that I can do to draw attention to some sort of cause. I don't know which one or how to go about doing it but I'd like to do it in a constuctive manner that could maybe raise some money for charity. And I'd get to play my games in the meantime. Win-win! Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: JerryGreenwood on March 25, 2014, 01:04:56 PM Short-term Goal - Fill out my incomplete shelves.
NES - 21 SNES - 9 Long-term Goal - Start and finish 4 new shelves. SMS - 17 (CIB) (18 games if 2 are cards) GEN - 17 (CIB) NES - 27 SNES - 20 Misc. Goal - Expand Sega CD and PSX library, get missing Sega CD/Genesis/Master System manuals, get box and manual for King's Quest (SMS) Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: douglie007 on March 28, 2014, 01:34:18 PM Goals
off my Wish List: Finish my Game Gear Collection (under 75 games ) Finish Long Box PS1 collection (under 25 game) Finish my Wii Nintendo made games ( 13 is on my list need to update wish list) Like to get my Wii U games to the double digits long-term goal - get to the 6500 mark on games and 1000 mark on hardware. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: GrayGhost81 on March 29, 2014, 05:06:12 AM Today I'm going to trade out what might be my only noteworthy Sega Genesis game (Rocket Knight Adventures). Thus, the seal has been broken, my goal is to have less than five Genesis games and no hardware (except the Nomad) by the end of this weekend.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: RetroRage on March 30, 2014, 11:52:51 PM Not a fan of Sega GrayGhost?
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: GrayGhost81 on March 31, 2014, 07:00:07 AM Not a fan of Sega GrayGhost? It's not that actually. Saturn and Dreamcast are two of my favorite consoles in fact. It's just that for whatever reason I've almost never had a Genesis hooked up, and thus I never play it. I didn't have one growing up so there's no nostalgia factor. Most of the games I own are junk. Those clamshell cases, although awesome, take up so much space on the shelf it's ridiculous. Last but not least I can emulate on the Dreamcast so I still get that console feel. I did a lot of work reorganizing my shelves this weekend. It may seem like I'm trolling this thread with "my goal is to get rid of everything" but I think organizing/downsizing is as much part of the hobby as hoarding every single piece of plastic you see out in the world. So I have three of these shelving units and I'm trying to cut it down to two. I cut down on the Nintendo console cartridges dramatically and pulled all the Genesis stuff. The theme for I'm trying to keep in my head is "only the best." I'm only keeping games that are either must have classics, games I love or have an overwhelming nostalgia factor, or games that are just rare/valuable. Here's what I did: Before: [img width=450 height=800]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/grayghost81/IMG_20140330_152202_399_zpsdabdfb9c.jpg[/img] (http://s60.photobucket.com/user/grayghost81/media/IMG_20140330_152202_399_zpsdabdfb9c.jpg.html) After: [img width=450 height=800]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/grayghost81/IMG_20140330_162107_863_zps4168770c.jpg[/img] (http://s60.photobucket.com/user/grayghost81/media/IMG_20140330_162107_863_zps4168770c.jpg.html) I do believe it's a lot cleaner now. I like the way the Nintendo console games are now in chronological order so to speak. Most importantly I have a little room now. I'm not typically getting in new NES carts for example but if I do, I can fit a few more and it still looks nice. Not pictured are my Skylanders figures which I put next to the Dreamcast games and that made it look even better. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Izret101 on May 17, 2014, 11:46:56 AM You laughed but so far it is working! The first portion of the year i have managed to pick up some goodies and at decent prices! Mortal Kombat Electronic Pinball sealed. (45 shipped) Mortal Monday preorder kit (29 shipped) MK Mythologies Tiger Handheld(PAL) sealed (~40 shipped) MK Tournament Edition for PS3 complete (~75 shipped) I've managed to wrap up the bulk of the big ticket US items. I believe i only have 3 items left that could get pricey. 2 of them i have seen go up for auction already this year. Everything i have left to get stateside i should be able to grab for under 10-20$s with patience :D Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Madir on June 06, 2014, 06:50:08 PM A bit late but here are my collecting goals for 2014. I've done almost nothing for my collection in 2013 but maybe this year I'll be more successfull.
Since more than five years my focus will be on finishing my (european) Master System collection: EUR: Alex Kidd in Miracle World EUR: Asterix and the Secret Mission (Classic Version) EUR: Back to the Future Part II EUR: Dragon Crystal EUR: Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine EUR: Dynamite Duke EUR: F-16 Fighting Falcon (Card Version) EUR: Flash (Non Classic) EUR: Incredible Hulk, The (Kixx Release) EUR: Lion King (The Regiowide one) EUR: Smurfs Travel the World, The EUR: Master of Darkness (Classic Edition) EUR: Masters of Combat EUR: Maze Hunter 3-D EUR: Out Run 3-D EUR: Out Run Europa EUR: RoboCop versus The Terminator (Classic Version) EUR: Space Harrier 3D EUR: Star Wars (Kixx Release) EUR: Streets of Rage II EUR: TransBot (Card Version) EUR: Winter Olympics (Kixx) EUR: Wonder Boy in Monster World (Classic Version) EUR: Xenon 2:Megablast (Imageworks) EUR: Zillion GER: Marksman Shooting / Trap Shooting / Safari Hunt IT: Libro della Giungla IT: Re Leone ES: Olympic Gold ES: Rey Leon FRA: Livre de la Jungle FRA: Olympic Gold FRA: Roi Lion FRA: Ultima IV (with books) UK: Olympic Gold UK: Ultima IV (with books) UK: World Cup USA 94 USA: Alf USA: Astro Warrior USA: Great Ice Hockey USA: Great Soccer USA: Hang On / Astro Warrior USA: James "Buster" Douglas Knockout Boxing USA: King's Quest - Quest for the Crown USA: Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting USA: Reggie Jackson Baseball USA: Sports Pad Football Get some minor variations Every Hartung Game Master Game I can find (Please help me with those!!!) Everyone is welcome for trading and selling those items! Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CKsGallery on June 13, 2014, 09:24:28 AM First Priority: Go through my full collection and update owned list. I know I have a ton of PS1 games not listed on this site.
I just organized full NES collection yesterday so that is up to date. Counted 64 collection and there are 5 games missing on this site, ughhhh. Game Goals: - SNES RPG's - Quality NES Games - Been on a Sega Saturn Importing kick lately, so add more of those as well. - Find out names to some of the Japanese SNES games I own. - Reach 2,500 games - Go to more Flea Markets & Yard Sales! Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 13, 2014, 09:34:21 AM I hope you mean you have a ton of PS1 games not in your catalog. If you have a ton of NTSC PS1 games not in the database, please let us know immediately, as our list was culled a couple years ago from Game Rave... if Jason doesn't have it, it can be a big deal. ;)
Let me know if you need help with the Import stuff and tracking down what they are. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CKsGallery on June 13, 2014, 10:05:39 AM Oops, Sorry for the miss communication.
Yes I mean I own a ton of PS1 Games that I have not added to my collection on this site. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CKsGallery on June 13, 2014, 10:06:52 AM And thank you Shadow, maybe I can send you pics of the SNES boxes?
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 13, 2014, 10:11:00 AM Pics of the boxes would be okay, but I'd prefer the carts so I can use the Part #s to more easily track things down. If no cart, box front/back would suffice. Maybe add them to the DB while we're at it. ;)
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CKsGallery on June 13, 2014, 10:15:23 AM I can do that, I always mean to get more involved on the site since I use it so much, but never seem to find the time.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 13, 2014, 10:26:22 AM If you don't have time for pics, just a list of the Part #s will suffice. ;)
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on June 13, 2014, 03:56:05 PM Hey now,
Boy, am I way late for this. None the less-- Skylanders aside-- my only major collecting goal is to attain 2500 overall pieces for my collection by the end of the year. Which, at my present pace, is well within reach. UPDATE 10/12: I was aiming to collect all the main line Swap Force figures by the end of the year, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen... Otherwise, the 2500-piece mark is well within reach. After that, I can aim to make page 1 of the All Collections list for the first time, which will be a goal for next year. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Bing147 on July 07, 2014, 10:17:12 AM I didn't actually set any goals this year, I was going through a bit of a collecting slump at the start of the year. However my goals are fairly similar each year so lets see if I hit last year's goals, again:
Buy at least 1 game for every system I own: I'm getting there. Accomplished this last year, right now, I've bought at least 1 for 31 of my 40 systems so with almost 6 months to go I feel good, especially since I hadn't even thought about this. Knocked two off the list last week, picking up my first Jaguar and Intellivion games of the year. The 9 I still need games for are (in order of my biggest collection to smallest): Sega CD, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, 5200, Game Gear, 32X, Virtual Boy, Microvision, Nuon The Microvision and Nuon may require getting online, or hitting up some of the big downtown game stores here in Chicago, but I'm confident I'll get the rest 'in the wild'. Add at least 2 new consoles to my collection: This is done. Picked up more than 2 actually. This year I've gotten a Vectrex, a PC Engine, PC Engine CD, Wii U, and Channel F. Pick up at least 3 'rare' games: This is always a matter of degrees but I think I'm at least borderline. I did pick up two Supercharger games in the wild, those are pretty rare, but I'm talking more pricey hard to get games. I got Moonwalker, Turtles in Time, but those aren't really rare, just a bit pricey. Still, I definitely count Gargoyle's Quest II for NES and Lords of Thunder for TGCD. I also got the gun for the original Odyssey with two games, that probably counts as well. Still, I'd like to get at least 1 more by year end as that's more an accessory and the others above are kind of borderline. Round out my PS1/PS2 RPG Collections: This is always a goal and while I havne't made HUGE strides this year, I've done alright. PS1: Vandal Hearts 2, Chocobo's Racing (spin off at least of an RPG series), Jade Cocoon, Torneko the Last Hope, Saiyuki Journey West, Vagrant Story PS2: MS Saga a New Dawn, Drakengard 2, Suikoden IV, Evergrace, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 5 on PS2 and 6 on PS1, not a huge chunk but I already have most of the big guns so it makes it harder to find new ones. Only 1 of these on each system was bought online. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Ikariniku on July 29, 2014, 01:05:22 PM I have some concrete goals I want to achieve by the end of the year. Though, they're mostly involved with dealing with my collection rather than expanding it.
1. Organize, catalog, and display my collection. Organization and cataloging will be made MUCH easier thanks to the RF Gen database and mobile app. 2. Offer for sale and/or trade the duplicate and excess items in my collection. 3. If possible, acquire an NES copy of Metal Storm (NTSC) and a Famicom copy of Metal Storm. Simple goals to say, but difficult to achieve. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on July 29, 2014, 01:36:47 PM Bickman is selling Metal Storm, I think...
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Ikariniku on July 29, 2014, 01:38:47 PM Bickman is selling Metal Storm, I think... He WAS. I just missed out. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on July 29, 2014, 01:45:46 PM 3. If possible, acquire an NES copy of Metal Storm (NTSC) and a Famicom copy of Metal Storm. Greetings, Mr. Penfold. I've been on the hunt for Metal Storm myself after an esteemed RF Gentleman blogged about it a couple years back. http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/crabmaster2000/Unloved-21-Metal-Storm-1540.php Bickman is selling Metal Storm, I think... WHAAAAAT?! AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO PM ME ABOUT THAT?! YOU'RE DEAD TO ME, YOU HEAR?! DEAD! *SOB* ...thought he was my friend... sniff... Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on July 29, 2014, 02:14:57 PM Would you prefer I flaunt my own, pristine copy above your head? I only found out yesterday after he pinged me about it from someone who was interested in it. :-\
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on July 29, 2014, 07:45:39 PM Would you prefer I flaunt my own, pristine copy above your head? I only found out yesterday after he pinged me about it from someone who was interested in it. :-\ Damn, I need me one of those machines... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arCITMfxvEc Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Ikariniku on July 29, 2014, 10:54:49 PM Greetings, Mr. Penfold. I've been on the hunt for Metal Storm myself after an esteemed RF Gentleman blogged about it a couple years back. http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/crabmaster2000/Unloved-21-Metal-Storm-1540.php I've wanted Metal Storm since it came out. Money would solve my problem very quickly, but I want to try and get it affordably. I would even take the Famicom version, if I could find it. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: CARBAG on September 10, 2014, 07:58:21 AM I'm now only missing boxes/manuals for Pokemon Blue, Crystal, Emerald and LeafGreen for this year's goal. Not sure I'll be able to complete this for 2014 though, not at this pace!
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: leej07 on October 12, 2014, 12:53:23 PM I would be very happy if I could get a working Sega Genesis before 2014 ends, but that is doubtful this late in the year. I would also like to get my Atari 2600 finally repaired to working order once more.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: singlebanana on October 12, 2014, 05:51:26 PM I would be very happy if I could get a working Sega Genesis before 2014 ends, but that is doubtful this late in the year. I would also like to get my Atari 2600 finally repaired to working order once more. I have a working Model 1 (high def) I can sell you. Think it might have all the hook ups too. Just missing the cover that goes over the Sega CD hook up on the side. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: leej07 on October 12, 2014, 06:33:38 PM I would be very happy if I could get a working Sega Genesis before 2014 ends, but that is doubtful this late in the year. I would also like to get my Atari 2600 finally repaired to working order once more. I have a working Model 1 (high def) I can sell you. Think it might have all the hook ups too. Just missing the cover that goes over the Sega CD hook up on the side. Oh my, I am interested. Bear in mind I am on a very tight budget, though... :( Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Confiusion on December 28, 2014, 03:54:02 PM how about a goals for 2015 thread?
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on December 28, 2014, 04:06:35 PM how about a goals for 2015 thread? How about it? Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: leej07 on December 28, 2014, 06:29:38 PM Alas, my goals for 2014 mostly all fell through. :/
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: techwizard on December 28, 2014, 06:58:02 PM looks like the only goal i had was to weed out my collection for quality over quantity, narrowing everything (except N64) down to games i feel i might consider playing. pretty satisfied with my progress on that though it's not finished yet. still a decent amount to sell off, and some consoles that i haven't gotten to weeding out yet at all.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 28, 2014, 07:00:13 PM - Finish my licensed NES set
- 100+ Dreamcast Games - 55+ TG16 Games - 25+ Turbo CD Games - 45+ Saturn Games - 10+ CIB Virtual Boy Games - 5+ Sega CD Games - 1+ Neo Geo AES Game - 1+ Neo Geo MVS Game - 50+ Total ATLUS Games - Neo Geo CD and/or Atari Jaguar System + Games I'm pretty satisfied with where I ended up on my goals. Finished my licensed NES set which was obviously the big one. I scored enough HU Cards for the TG16 that I'm ok with coming up short on the Turbo CD goal. I am one measly manual away from my Virtual Boy goal, but since I was able to get a box for Mario Tennis (which is arguably the hardest piece of the set to obtain) I'm pretty pumped to clean up the rest this coming year. The Neo Geo goals are always on the back burner since they are so challenging to find at affordable prices. It does stink that I wasn't able to get either of the remaining systems I'm after though. Always next year for those ones. And I destroyed my ATLUS goal in not only numbers, but grabbed a lot of the desirable titles also. Gonna have to make next years goal for them more of a challenge. Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Sauza12 on December 31, 2014, 12:47:12 AM The only one I missed was finishing off my 32x collection. Not too bad.
Title: Re: Collecting Goals for 2014 Post by: Izret101 on December 31, 2014, 02:16:20 AM I think i ended up with 10 new MK items and learned of a dozen new ones.
I guess i'm claiming 2014 a success. |