RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: wildbil52 on October 28, 2013, 02:45:05 PM

Title: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: wildbil52 on October 28, 2013, 02:45:05 PM
Forget achievements and completion percentages.  How many people out there fire up current gen stuff (or within 2-3 year old games) that you have already played and finished and replay it a few months or years down the line just because you love the game?

I ask because I sometimes find myself deciding which game to play from a list of games I haven't completed.  It's great to play and complete games but sometimes, I just want to fire up something I already finished and play it again for a bit.  No achievements or 100% quest, just play it to play it.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 28, 2013, 02:47:02 PM
If it was fun and it's easy to revisit areas of a game I totally will. Some games though definitely feel one and done. The achievement stuff makes it even more easy to just feel burnt out after completing a game and never wanting to look at it again.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: wildbil52 on October 28, 2013, 02:50:00 PM
If it was fun and it's easy to revisit areas of a game I totally will. Some games though definitely feel one and done. The achievement stuff makes it even more easy to just feel burnt out after completing a game and never wanting to look at it again.

I definitely get the burnt out feeling with certain achievements.  As soon as I feel that, I'm pretty much done.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on October 28, 2013, 02:51:42 PM
Castle Crashers. Fire that up all the time with mixed company and play through another character I haven't finished it with yet.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: SirPsycho on October 28, 2013, 03:08:47 PM
Every summer I play through the original Spyro trilogy, I have those games memorized so much that I can do the whole series in a week. Then I move onto Tomba! I only ever rented the second one and beat it once though, so I'll have to add that to my to do list. Not current gen games but I don't really replay too many of them.

One of my buddies regularly replays Demon and Dark Souls as well as the Xbox Ninja Gaidens.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Raidou on October 28, 2013, 03:50:35 PM
I tend to replay at least one RPG a year- this year I replayed Persona 4, but Final Fantasy VIII and X get replayed often.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: blcklblskt on October 28, 2013, 04:21:31 PM
The only current gen game I've put meaningful time into after getting all trophies are the Batman: Arkham games.  Other than that, I usually replay Pokemon Snap from beginning to end at least once a year.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: monkees19 on October 28, 2013, 05:26:21 PM
It all depends. I've replayed the Pokémon games...almost all of the main RPGs...once a year. I've gone through the latest entry in the Fire Emblem series twice in it's first three months. Lately, not much else, but back in the day, I used to beat games 10-15 times or more. I beat Final Fantasy II and III on the SNES at least 30 times each.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Cryptid Collector on October 28, 2013, 05:46:38 PM
Yes, sometimes a lot. I wound up playing through the main story of Resident Evil 4 three times in a tow(once to unlock the Tommy Gun and Infinite launcher, again to to get up the money to buy them and get a save slot with supped up normal weapons going, and a third time to speed run it with both and see how fast I could tear through with them)

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Leynos on October 29, 2013, 03:05:14 AM
I'm not very fond of the Trophy/Achievment pointless crap,I'm not fucking 5 years old where I need a sticker to tell me good job. I always played for fun. Always will. I always felt like something was accomplished when you beat a tough task or a tough game or simply beat a game.  I re-play about everything I have just because I enjoy it.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: GrayGhost81 on October 29, 2013, 06:55:50 AM
Sometimes a game will blow me away so much I just play through it over again right then and there. This happened to me with Mass Effect and Dead Rising 2.

I do revisit my all-time favorites every couple of years. I know Metal Gear Solid by heart, for one example.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Izret101 on October 29, 2013, 08:30:12 AM
I am a 5 year old who needs a sticker to tell me good job so i put thousands and thousands of hours into playing games that i never would have or playing them in ways i never would have.

The only current gen games i went back to for fun were:
Borderlands - replayed the US version several times with friends(to help them get achievements) i maxed out all the in game challenges. Played the japanese version and all DLC again for achievements (was the biggest driving factor in me buying a JP 360)

Pac-man CE DX - liked the XBLA release so i repurchased it several times so i could replay for more achievements.

50 Cent Blood on the Sand  - was a much better game than expected. Another one i technically didn't replay for fun since i got new achievements by playing another regions version.

Probably because with achievements i spend as much or more time playing them as i would have without them.

I can't remember many PS2 or Xbox games i went back to for fun after finishing them either. Probably because the games i really enjoyed and regularly went back to i hadn't finished and/or they were games like Halo 2 where the online component technically meant you were never done.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Tynstar on October 29, 2013, 09:31:54 AM
The only games I play just for fun are Pac-Man CE DX and my Ms. Pac-man arcade game.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Link41 on October 29, 2013, 08:48:55 PM
Mostly Zelda and 007 games.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: techwizard on October 29, 2013, 09:02:29 PM
i replay lots of older games, but if we're just talking new(ish) games here, then Journey, Resistance 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare (1 and 2), The Last Of Us, Final Fantasy XIII indirectly (got a friend to play it through after i beat it, i've been watching him play through most of it). Heavy Rain i'll definitely go through again at some point. so many good ones

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Duke.Togo on October 29, 2013, 09:13:42 PM
I do this often enough for games that I enjoyed. For example, this year has been full of BioWare for me. I replayed the entire Mass Effect Trilogy with all DLC from start to finish and had a fantastic time with it. I'm currently doing the same with the Dragon Age series to get me ready to put all my information into The Keep next year in preparation for Inquisition.

Other modern games that still get regular play from me include Rock Band 3, Beatles Rock Band, and the Pinball Hall of Fame.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Fleach on October 29, 2013, 09:31:51 PM
I don't have a set rule about replaying games. I like to go back to them when I've forgotten enough to make the replay as fresh as possible. The games I like to revisit tend to be action games or shorter titles, although I'm super excited to go back to FFX with the HD remaster.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on October 30, 2013, 02:27:53 AM
Once and a while I get a craving to play something that I know is awesome and I'll plop in a game that I've beaten before. Newer games like Batman Arkham Asylum and Brutal Legend have made the cut. Older ones like Final Fantasy IX, Resident Evil 2 or Mega Man 3 often make the cut too.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on October 30, 2013, 02:15:56 PM
I replay older stuff (mostly RPGs) from square. I replay Final Fantasy every so often. When I put in a newer Gen game these days, Im trying to complete it still, not replay it.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: TheSaintOfPain on October 30, 2013, 09:54:25 PM
I've always personally had the mindset that video games are for fun and relaxation, NOT for more work, tedium, and aggravation in life.  This has made me not really care much about getting achievements at all in the games I play, and mostly just ignore them in order to enjoy the actual game I'm playing.  That's just me, though.

I do also revisit games pretty frequently, and mostly do so with RPGs that I've played throughout my life.  At the moment, I'm back into Final Fantasy II/IV for literally the 100th or so time, as well as Final Fantasy III/VI and Ys III.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 05, 2013, 03:03:21 PM
The only games I've replayed in the recent years are:
Baldur's Gate one and two
Mass Effect (all of them, but mostly 1)
Civilization 4

I just don't care/have time enough to play most games.

When I was younger I had a lot of time and very little money, so I had no choice to replay. But nowadays it's the opposite. If I want to play all the games I want to play, I don't have time for replays.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: kaysow on November 14, 2013, 01:31:17 PM
have to restrain myself or i'd just be replaying oldies all the time. like at least once a year i just wanna waste a week replaying X-Com. better to spend that time trying out something new. even if you're jaded with the current gen chances are you'll eventually find great and/or interesting stuff. Dark Souls had been out for two years before i tried it and that turned out to be the best thing since Shadow of the Colossus.

also, every time a new Metal Gear comes around i always play through the entire series again in anticipation.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 14, 2013, 02:10:48 PM

When I was younger I had a lot of time and very little money, so I had no choice to replay. But nowadays it's the opposite. If I want to play all the games I want to play, I don't have time for replays.

That's a big part of it isn't it? When we only could afford 4-5 games a year we'd play the fuck out of them. Now I'm like one and done and take more of my money.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: wildbil52 on November 20, 2013, 12:49:01 PM
Even though I have a pretty decent backlog, I had the itch to play Far Cry 3 again the other day.  Started a new game, raised the difficulty, and I'm having as much fun with it as I did the first time I played it.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: Zing on November 24, 2013, 08:56:07 AM
Yes, I replay my games. If I don't think I will ever replay them, I sell them, unless I have a major sentimental attachment.

I started replaying Legend of Dragoon literally immediately after finishing my first 40-hour play through.

Title: Re: Do you replay games for fun?
Post by: ggallegos1 on January 20, 2014, 04:33:53 PM
I replay some titles moreso than others. I loved uncharted, so I tend to visit those at least once a year in between other games just because they were a lot of fun. I usually gravitate towards older, quicker games versus, say, skyrim. if i'm playing an epic saga game like that, I'm going to go all out on it and make it memorable, but i am also much less likely to visit it again for a long time afterwards because of all the time i put into it again.