Title: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Lord Nepenthean on March 03, 2005, 04:18:29 PM Many of you may have heard of this before, but I am just now seeing the photos for the first time. Some crazy scientist named Gunther von Hagens has found a way to replace the water in a corpse with some sort of plastic polymer, to produce what you see below. What you see below are all 100% real human and animal bodies.
More information can be found at these links: http://www.msibodyworlds.org/resources/BODYWORLDS-nexus2004.pdf http://www.msibodyworlds.org/resources/BODYWORLDS-thelancet2001.pdf http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/gallery.html (http://www.elconfidencial.com/images/fotos/Exposici%C3%B3nBodyWorlds_20040811o_por.jpg) http://www.elconfidencial.com/images/fotos/Exposici%C3%B3nBodyWorlds_20040811o_por.jpg (http://www.midnightuniv.org/midnightweb/images/ANATOMY2pic2.jpg) http://www.midnightuniv.org/midnightweb/images/ANATOMY2pic2.jpg (http://www.gktgazette.com/2002/may/chess.jpg) http://www.gktgazette.com/2002/may/chess.jpg (http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/gallery/2002/03/18/bodyworlds2.jpg) http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/gallery/2002/03/18/bodyworlds2.jpg (http://www.taipeitimes.com/images/2004/02/05/20040204190815.jpeg) http://www.taipeitimes.com/images/2004/02/05/20040204190815.jpeg (http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Basketb_800x600.jpg) http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Basketb_800x600.jpg (http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Hacker_800x600.jpg) http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Hacker_800x600.jpg (http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Highlander_800x600.jpg) http://www.bodyworlds.com.sg/wallpaper/Wallpaper_Highlander_800x600.jpg (http://www.trashcity.org/ARTICLES/pics/bodyworld3.jpg) http://www.trashcity.org/ARTICLES/pics/bodyworld3.jpg (http://www.studio-international.co.uk/studio-images/body/Body34b.jpg) http://www.studio-international.co.uk/studio-images/body/Body34b.jpg (http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/gallery/2002/03/18/bodyworlds1.jpg) http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/gallery/2002/03/18/bodyworlds1.jpg (http://images.ibsys.com/2004/0203/2815028.jpg) http://images.ibsys.com/2004/0203/2815028.jpg (http://www.deeperwants.com/cul1/homeworlds/journal/archives/photos/vessels.gif) http://www.deeperwants.com/cul1/homeworlds/journal/archives/photos/vessels.gif (http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/soccer_player.jpg) http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/soccer_player.jpg (http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_resources/photo_resources.jpg) http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_resources/photo_resources.jpg (http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/runner.jpg) http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/runner.jpg (http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/skull_brain.jpg) http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_gallery/skull_brain.jpg (http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_bodyfacts/photo_facts.jpg) http://www.msichicago.org/bodyworlds/imgs_bodyfacts/photo_facts.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/021.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/021.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/023.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/023.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/016.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/016.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/005.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/005.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/007.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/007.jpg (http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/009.jpg) http://www.msibodyworlds.org/images/009.jpg Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Tynstar on March 03, 2005, 04:30:58 PM Thats some funky ass shit. Very cool is a sick kinda way.
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Lord Nepenthean on March 03, 2005, 04:34:51 PM I just added a few more images. Check out the one of the guy holding his skin. Freaky stuff, but incredibly cool at the same time. These are in a few museums btw.... I think a travelling worldwide exhibit. They are now on BodyWorlds 2 apparently.
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: TraderJake on March 03, 2005, 05:03:39 PM I hope the scientist that did this endures the same fate once he dies. I bet these poor people had no idea of their impending fate once they had donated their bodies to science. Moral of the story-- Don't donate your body to science.
This, however, is really cool in a disgusting, sick type of way. Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Hydrobond on March 03, 2005, 05:08:11 PM Horray for cremation!
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: den68 on March 04, 2005, 04:25:30 AM I'll second that. I saw something about this on TV, freaky shit.
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: captain_nintendo on March 04, 2005, 04:28:32 AM Its just sick. Crazy !
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Izret101 on March 04, 2005, 01:54:39 PM I saw this on TV before.
I didn't see all of those pics but i did see the one of tyhe guy ridinmg the horse for sure. Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Antimind on March 05, 2005, 04:47:59 AM I'd totally donate my body for something like that. I think it's neat in both an artistic and scientific way. Call me twisted but I think it'd be much nicer to serve some purpose after death as opposed to becoming yet another corpse in the dirt.
EDIT: If you think about it, stuff like this could actually be useful to doctors and medical students. That was my first thought after seeing the "map of blood vessels" (the hand). I've always been slightly opposed to medical science cause I think there are some things that human beings just shouldn't mess with. Perhaps seeing something like that would be a reminder that the human body is quite complex and no matter how much they know they don't know everything. I dunno.. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of folks out there playing god. Not that I believe in god cause I'm really not sure. I do think there are greater forces at work in the universe though. Not to get way off topic here but if you sit down an really think about it, all these new life saving methods and surgeries out there... Perhaps they save people who shouldn't have been saved. Maybe that person's time has way passed expired but they're still here due to the efforts of ignorant people who know too much. Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Tynstar on March 05, 2005, 05:56:54 AM I agree with Anti. I have seen lots of bodies just lying on the table all chopped up. Not to pretty. These on the other hand are pretty cool looking.
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: thx1138 on March 06, 2005, 04:31:20 PM Quote I hope the scientist that did this endures the same fate once he dies. I bet these poor people had no idea of their impending fate once they had donated their bodies to science. In fact they all donated there bodies, directly to the scientist who did this. Last year, he did a live autopsy on television. It was actually very interesting, and educational. I don't like his exhibts, on the whole, altough I like some of them. I have the same opinion of Jackson Pollocks work though. The ones I like best are the androidish looking ones. Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Hydrobond on March 06, 2005, 04:46:26 PM Quote In fact they all donated  there bodies, directly to the scientist who did this. Except for the horse. ;-) There is also a show on The Discovery Channel late at night called Dr. Laura Medical Examiner (i think thats the title) which baiscally shows here carving up dead bodies and finding the cause of their death. Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: Lord Nepenthean on March 07, 2005, 04:38:45 AM That's pretty freaky. Even that pregnant woman gave her body to the guy? Did they have the fetus sign papers too?
Title: Re: Body Worlds (Don't click if you're a wuss.) Post by: tholly on March 08, 2005, 01:40:56 PM wow.....thats awesome.....thats a really good way to see what we are really made outta