Title: Post-it Mario Post by: shadytool on February 25, 2005, 01:05:38 PM this is kinda cool: http://www.yikes.com/~pengo/8bit/
someone has made a mural of SMB out of post-it notes. Title: Re: Post-it Mario Post by: Tynstar on February 25, 2005, 07:01:58 PM Holy hell! That had to take some time.
Title: Re: Post-it Mario Post by: Izret101 on February 25, 2005, 07:12:44 PM Quote Total Number of Post-its® ~3800 Total People 12 Total Time 1.5 hours Comments Black Post-its® really do exist! I so didn't believe the person that told the person (who is not me) about them when said person was planning this. OfficeMax stickynotes are cheaper but they don't stick! Buy Post-it® brand stickynotes for a good stick everytime! (please give us money 3M, this was expensive!) Took 1 and 1 half hours. Title: Re: Post-it Mario Post by: Zimbacca on February 25, 2005, 09:46:20 PM That was awesome.