Title: Sega CD help Post by: JerryGreenwood on August 08, 2013, 03:57:22 PM Sorry, I'm a monkey....
I just got a Sega CD (model 2) in the mail and it came with 2 metal plates; a larger silver one and a smaller black one. I know where to put the silver plate, but I'm not sure about the black one. It has 4 little hooks like the silver plate, but it doesn't really fit anywhere. Title: Re: Sega CD help Post by: blcklblskt on August 08, 2013, 04:09:23 PM IIRC, the smaller black plate is to connect another black piece of plastic to the CD model 2 itself. Genesis model 1 units will stick out a few inches on the CD model 2, so Sega had another small piece of plastic that would connect to the CD model 2 to support the Genesis model 1.
This is probably very confusing, so I'm going to try to find a picture. :P EDIT: [img width=530 height=323]http://www.gametrog.com/GAMETROG/HOW_to_connect_Hook_Up_SEGA_CD_2_Clam_Tray_Loader_to_Genesis_Model_1_a_files/SEGA%20Genesis%201%20CD%202%20d.jpg[/img] The small black piece of plastic on the far left. Title: Re: Sega CD help Post by: JerryGreenwood on August 08, 2013, 05:07:11 PM Yes, you're the man. Thanks!