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Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Arrrhalomynn on February 23, 2005, 10:19:48 AM

Title: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on February 23, 2005, 10:19:48 AM
Like probably most collectors I like my games to be in neat rows in alphabetical order. Not only will this make it easy to find a game, it'll also look good and orderly. Unfortunately there are always some games that are different.

1st example: Enemy Zero - Sega Saturn.
I could just as well have taken Panzer Dragoon Saga or Riven in this case, because all three of them have the same box. These games come on 4 cd's and thus need a different box. I don't like it, but it's understandable and thus somewhat acceptable.
You can also see 2 Electronic Arts game on this picture. For some reason Electronic Arts games for the saturn came in bigger, more hideous boxes. They are bad for the manuals, since they just lie loosely in them, they are hard to clean and they are shiny I hate them.

2nd example: Mass Destruction - Sega Saturn
There are 239 saturn games with a black spine. There is 1 saturn game with a greenish spine. This is Mass Destruction. For absolutely no sane reason this game has to look different from the other games. Not only the color is different, the saturn text and logo isn't colored in either. It makes no sense.

3d example: Street Fighter the Movie - Sega Saturn
Although Mass Destruction's box was in a differet color, the shape was at least normal. This can't be said for Street Fighter the Movie. This game came in a box similair to those of American Sega Saturn games. With one little difference; the front is connected to the rest of the box with differently sized holes. So if the hinges of this awful game break, you can't replace it with an American front, you'll have to find yourself a new Street Fighter the Movie box.

4th example: Mega Drive EA games
EA's evil box policy didn't start on the Saturn, they were screwing up lines of boxes in the days of the Mega Drive already. For some reason all Electronic Arts games for this system have a big yellow bar on them, that coveres about half the spine. Even blind people realize this looks dreadfull.

5th example: F1 Racing - Dreamcast
This game has the title upside down. I don't understand how something this stupid can have happened. I could of course put the box upside down to compensate, but then I'd still have something upside down. Stupid game.

6th example: Some Master System games[/b[
I don't have much Master System games, but I already have some that mess up my neat lines. Of course there's My hero, but that came on a card, so I can't really get mad at that. I can get mad at Master Games 1 and The New Zealand story though. Master Games 1 has a huge blue bar over the spine and New Zealand Story misses the grey grid lines. Not as annoying as some other game annoyances, but especially the Master Games box attracts way too much attention.

Those are my minor annoyances. Feel free to add games to this list yourself.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Tynstar on February 23, 2005, 10:43:21 AM
I like the pics of your collection.

Yeah I agree with you. Same with DVD movie cases.

Don't ever collect Atari 2600 boxed games. All there boxes seem to be different sizes.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on February 23, 2005, 10:51:40 AM
I'd like to ad platinum playstation games to the list and to a lesser extent old playstation games (which had slightly smaller boxes) and playstation games that come in boxes that hold 2 or more cd's. Especially the ones that only hold 2 cds, since there are regularly sized playstation boxes that can hold 2 games too.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Tynstar on February 23, 2005, 10:58:48 AM
I don't really care when a box or CD cases is wider the normal. It is when they are taller or shorter that bug me. Oh and also if the game is deeper then the rest that bugs me. Sticking out a little! grrrrrrr

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Izret101 on February 23, 2005, 03:41:24 PM
I hate it when they decide to put a logos on the spine backwards i also try to have al my stuff lined up and facing in the same direction.

All of the games that have remakes bug me too.

I would so much rather have the original than a Greatest Hits of such reissue. It bugs the shit outta me.

As for wider boxes that isn't nearly as bad as many other things. That i can deal with.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Sauza12 on February 24, 2005, 06:25:58 AM
I hate how the Playstation longbox games all have the titles on the spines upside down.  Not only does that mean that if I want to store them with Playstation jewel case games they will look bad, but it just doesn't look right to begin with.  Also, I've noticed that Intellivison 3rd party games seem to come in several different shapes and sizes.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: den68 on February 24, 2005, 08:42:26 AM
I don't get the upside down logos on the PS1 long boxes either. One thing that I find annoying is the little hang tags on Genesis and SMS games. It's seems a lot of people found them annoying as many that I've found have those things cut or snapped off.

The cardboard Genesis boxes suck too, especially compared to the nice plastic ones. Sega CD has this problem too. A mix of the nice plactic cases and cheap cardboard.

I haven't really noticed the range of size variants Arrr has. The switch from long box to standard CD cases for PS1 was odd. There's at least 3 styles of the long boxes too.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: thx1138 on February 24, 2005, 09:37:03 AM
Yeah, all of my boxed Megadrtive games are spoiled by  Budokan by E.Arts. Stupid box.

Also, I hate Sonic and Knuckles cardboard box.

I'm not too bothered by PS1 games being odd.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Izret101 on February 24, 2005, 11:46:57 AM
I actually like th4e cardboard boxes if you can find a nice copy of trhe game.

It is a bit harder to take care of when surrounded by hard crushing plastic but  it doesn't bother me.

As for longbox PS and normal PS games i would store them in the same area but not together. The huge size variations would drive me insane.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on February 24, 2005, 03:04:51 PM
IOne thing that I find annoying is the little hang tags on Genesis and SMS games. It's seems a lot of people found them annoying as many that I've found have those things cut or snapped off.

These things bug the heck out of me too, and I never quite know what to do about a box that still has it on.  Do I cut it off for consistency (and because they're stupid) or do I leave it on as to keep the box in as good of shape as possible?  Anyone have an opinion on this?

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Izret101 on February 24, 2005, 03:29:44 PM
I would leave it on the box.
It is part of the box after all.

Thats just me though. I try to keep things as close to the original as is within my ability.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Tynstar on February 24, 2005, 06:00:09 PM
I always chop those damn things off. The only one I did was my SMS Buster Douglas Boxing.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: thx1138 on February 25, 2005, 12:03:26 AM
They don't bother me too much. A first for me though, I got a nice find in town, including "Bubba Fix" - no tag. But, there was a stupid cardboard tag, added to it!

There is a brand name on the tag "Gripper Fix". So, some company was actually making adhesive stick on tags for SEGA games.  The dumb thing is, that it sticks on either side of the cover. So, to remove it would be to destroy the artwork on the cover.

Dumb asses!

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on February 25, 2005, 12:46:54 AM
I keep them on. A game without the tab is broken, not mint. And I like to hang some of them on the wall.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on February 25, 2005, 01:38:54 AM
But then how do you fit them onto shelves as neatly as you have done with your Dreamcast, PS1, and Saturn games?

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Sauza12 on February 25, 2005, 06:04:27 AM
I usually just fold those tags down.  I don't like seeing those broken off areas on Genesis or Master System games.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Izret101 on February 25, 2005, 06:52:13 AM
But then how do you fit them onto shelves as neatly as you have done with your Dreamcast, PS1, and Saturn games?

Could juct leave an extra 1/4-1/2 inch clearance.
I don't remember exactly how long the tabs are but they arn't all that big i do know.

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on February 25, 2005, 09:21:50 AM
You can just bend them, no problems there. (as you can hopefully see)

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: Izret101 on February 25, 2005, 09:23:43 AM
That doesn't make them that white color does it?
You know what i mean don't you?

Title: Re: Games that don't fit in make me sad
Post by: den68 on February 25, 2005, 09:10:09 PM
I've never broken any off. most of mine are folded over too.