RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: EvilAsh on July 07, 2013, 05:37:59 PM

Title: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: EvilAsh on July 07, 2013, 05:37:59 PM
I just found a guy on craigslist who is having a yard sale.  In the ad he has an N64 with games as well as a Super Nintendo with games.  He also has a Japanese Wii.  I emailed him this am and asked what games he had and at what price.

He wanted $80 for all of this:

Nintendo 64 with plastic case and 2 controllers with the following games:

Mario Story
Pocket Monster Stadium 1 and 2
Konami Baseball 2000
Mario Party 3
Banjo Kazooie
2 more games (japanese with no English title)

A Super Nintendo with 2 controllers and the following:

Super Mario Allstars- Super Mario World
Aero Acrobat
Donkey Kong Country
Street Fighter 2
Tetris-Dr Mario

When looking at these games I'm thinking he has a Super Nintendo and a Japanese N64.  We agreed on $70.  He now just emailed me that his son dropped the Super Nintendo and N64 consoles while preparing them for the yard sale.  He now says The N64 only seems to play Japanese N64 carts and the Super Nintendo doesn't play games at all but the light comes on.  He changed his price to $35.  I'm thinking this is still a decent deal because my N64 controllers both suck and the bottom of my current SNES is yellow.  Also I don't own any of these games. 

Does this seem like a good deal to anyone else?

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: techwizard on July 07, 2013, 05:51:39 PM
definitely, some of those games go for almost that much alone on ebay. i'm not sure how dropping the n64 would make it only play japanese games, but if the controllers are good they're worth maybe $10 each if grey, more if other colours.

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: BadEnoughDude on July 07, 2013, 05:57:21 PM
Dropping an N64 resulted in it ONLY playing Japanese games? Dropping the SNES resulted in it not playing games at all? Consider me highly dubious of this story. Price is great either way, but it's definitely fishy.

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: EvilAsh on July 07, 2013, 06:12:28 PM
I'm thinking it's a Japanese 64.  But it that were the case wouldn't the games not even fit? 

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: techwizard on July 07, 2013, 06:38:12 PM
I'm thinking it's a Japanese 64.  But it that were the case wouldn't the games not even fit? 

yes but the physical lockout on an n64 is the easiest region-lock to work around. all it takes is breaking off the plastic tabs that match with the security slots in the cartridge, and then you can fit any n64 NTSC cart in there. japanese and north american circuitry for n64 is interchangeable, it's only a physical lockout.

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: Duke.Togo on July 07, 2013, 07:04:10 PM
$35 sounds like a reasonable price, but the JP only game thing makes absolutely no sense as others have stated. If you don't even want to mod the system, removing the dust flap assembly will allow it to play any NTSC game.

I've had (and have) SNES consoles that won't boot games despite having the power light on. I've never taken the time to deeply diagnose the two I have, but just have been using them as parts machines. My first thing I would look at would be voltages, the voltage regulator and the fuse. Maybe someday I'll dig into these two boards I have sitting around.

Best of luck!

Title: Re: Picking up this lot Tuesday but I'm hesitant
Post by: Cambot on August 02, 2013, 11:18:32 PM
Each time I've tried to mod my consoles using that method, the results were less than satisfactory.