RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Sales Extravaganza => Topic started by: SuperGamecube64 on July 06, 2013, 07:45:43 PM

Title: Selling some games and such!
Post by: SuperGamecube64 on July 06, 2013, 07:45:43 PM
So, I owe $75 on a bass guitar, another $20 on the amp and I also have a bunch of things reserved that I'd like to pay off. So, if you'd like to help me out, here are some things I have for sale. Pics available upon request.

Metal Gear Rising: revengeance (xbox 360) with soundtrack - $35 + $2 shipping

Perfect Dark (N64) Complete with box and manual - $14 + $4 shipping

Atomic Purple Gameboy Color, like new, works amazingly - $30 + $5 shipping

Zombi U strategy guide - $10 + $4 shipping

Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 strategy guide - $10 + $4 shipping