RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: smith45885 on June 17, 2013, 06:24:59 PM

Title: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 17, 2013, 06:24:59 PM
After reading about this I was very curious.  Decided to pre-order one.  Anybody else going to give this a shot??

Seems like it will be very user firendly, but I'm worried about the library.  Worst case scenario, it will be a "browser" for my TV..

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: nupoile on June 17, 2013, 08:02:57 PM
I am barely not buying this, or, I am almost buying this. There are so many neat electronic toys right now. The Ouya, Raspberry Pi, that neo geo x thing......the list goes on. If I actually spent more than a few bucks a month on gaming.....

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 17, 2013, 08:16:30 PM
The Neo Geo X kinda looks cool too.. I think I'll wait til I can find one of them used.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on June 17, 2013, 10:19:52 PM
O ya?

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Link41 on June 17, 2013, 10:30:01 PM
If I want to play smartphone games, then I will play them on a smartphone.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Ze_ro on June 21, 2013, 01:26:02 AM
I pledged money to the Ouya Kickstarter... but I still haven't gotten my system. It's in the mail, but at this point it might not even arrive before the actual public release. Hooray for being an early backer!

The Neo Geo X kinda looks cool too.. I think I'll wait til I can find one of them used.
I have one of these too. It's actually a pretty slick machine, but Tommo seems to be completely incompetent with it's management. All they have to do is stick ROM images on an SD card and sell them, but it takes them several months to even get that right. I seriously don't understand. I was honestly hoping the hacking community would bust it wide open, but somehow it hasn't happened (I've followed some of the developments, and it doesn't even seem to be secured in any serious way... but none of the real hackers have taken an interest in it I guess).

In the meantime, it's a great Samurai Shodown II machine. Damn I love that game.


Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 25, 2013, 08:43:48 PM
Got mine today.. The box is cool.  Controller isn't as bad as I read.. (think big PS controller).  Software update out of the box is taking forever.. Might not get to play any today.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: theGrue on June 25, 2013, 09:28:04 PM
Welp I just went on a long rant about the Ouya over in #rfgeneration, might as well post it here!

   JamesNotWorking   is there some controversy about the ouya?
   theGrue_   oh yes
   JamesNotWorking   go on...
   JamesNotWorking   i saw a rather unhappy unboxing video
   |<--   theGrue has left quakenet (Ping timeout)
   theGrue_   very little transparency throughout the development process, unlike most Kickstarters
   =-=   YOU are now known as theGrue
   theGrue   Began shipping units very very slowly to backers in random order, but somehow the press got them early
   theGrue   Press issue bad reviews, "it's just a preview version" they claim, despite never claiming there'd be differences between retail and kickstarter editions
   JamesNotWorking   hmmmm
   theGrue   People that receive theirs find that the controller is awful and has huge dead zones, it needs a credit card entered to start up, IAP screens don't show prices or have confirmation dialogs
   theGrue   Despite being an "open, hacker-friendly" console, the bootloader is locked, source code was not provided for a long time, and it has no recovery mode so if you brick it, you're screwed
   theGrue   Buttons get stuck under the faceplate, analog sticks get worn down by sharp edges in the pot around the stick, the metal casing kills any wireless range for either bluetooth or wi-fi
   theGrue   Consoles shipped at a trickle until mid may, when they claimed "100% shipped" but people still waited weeks for tracking numbers
   theGrue   Retail launch was today, stores have systems before most Kickstarter backers do
   theGrue   The company is ordering their own console from Amazon to send to backers who complain loud enough, more or less ignoring what they actually paid for in their kickstarter bid
   JamesNotWorking   sounds shoddy and incomplete
   theGrue   They claim to be taking on the big 3 (nintendo, sony, ms) but heavily promote using their console for emulators, were tweeting screenshots of it playing Super Mario Bros as recently as yesterday
   theGrue   The highest selling game has 400-500 purchases
   theGrue   There's no download manager anywhere, and it's a two step process between "download game" and "install game"
   theGrue   There's no way to update games, the developers have to tell everyone to delete the game off their console (which will also take out their save game) and re-download it from the store
   theGrue   I could go on and on
   theGrue   But it's been my source of internet laffs for quite some time

Please do not buy an Ouya.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 25, 2013, 09:53:36 PM
With this firmware update directly out of the box.. I'm quickly losing enthusiasm.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Cryptid Collector on June 25, 2013, 10:10:59 PM
A detailed review of a pre-production one from Ashen's. if anyone wants to see more about it. It doesn't seem like a great idea...


Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: blcklblskt on June 25, 2013, 10:51:31 PM
It was initially a good idea, but I see the execution is severely underwhelming.  I'm very glad I didn't pre-order one.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Zagnorch on June 25, 2013, 10:59:08 PM


Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 26, 2013, 07:06:15 AM
After a 3 hour firmware update to get started, my controller disconnects twice trying to put my name in to register...

I would have better of spending money on a bunch of 'Festers Quest'.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: wildbil52 on June 26, 2013, 11:07:59 AM
I'm with nupoile, I'm either just barely buying one or just barely not buying one.  I'm more interested in the entertainment possibilities rather than games since I do not have cable.  I think the conclusion section of the Joystiq review sums it up quite nicely.


Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: techwizard on June 26, 2013, 02:42:48 PM
i'm seeing a lot of talk of "potential" and "possibilities". that's not what i buy a console for, i buy it for what they actually have when i buy it. and what i'm seeing are a lot of major problems, and nothing but ports of mobile games, with again, the "potential" for new indie games.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: wildbil52 on June 26, 2013, 03:28:35 PM
I agree with you. techwizard, but that's kind of what you see with most new consoles.  Even with the ps4 and Xbox one, neither has a particularly impressive launch lineup but the people purchasing those systems are interested in the potential of that system and not only why is available when thy but it.

That being said, I'm in your camp, a system has to prove itself to me a bit before I will commit to it.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: techwizard on June 26, 2013, 05:18:07 PM
I agree with you. techwizard, but that's kind of what you see with most new consoles.  Even with the ps4 and Xbox one, neither has a particularly impressive launch lineup but the people purchasing those systems are interested in the potential of that system and not only why is available when thy but it.

That being said, I'm in your camp, a system has to prove itself to me a bit before I will commit to it.

the difference being that the launch lineup has at least a handful of exclusives for each, and not just a list of ports (from phone games no less). plus all the issues with the XBOne are to do with policies, and our dislike of them. ps4 has no major issues i've heard anyone complain about. but the ouya has problems that essentially make it unplayable, i mean really...a wifi absorbing system casing, controller that falls apart and has buttons that don't work well. and credit card required to turn it on? that's worse than microsoft.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: blcklblskt on June 26, 2013, 10:57:13 PM
i'm seeing a lot of talk of "potential" and "possibilities". that's not what i buy a console for, i buy it for what they actually have when i buy it. and what i'm seeing are a lot of major problems, and nothing but ports of mobile games, with again, the "potential" for new indie games.

Didn't you buy a WiiU?  :P

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: techwizard on June 27, 2013, 12:38:33 AM
i'm seeing a lot of talk of "potential" and "possibilities". that's not what i buy a console for, i buy it for what they actually have when i buy it. and what i'm seeing are a lot of major problems, and nothing but ports of mobile games, with again, the "potential" for new indie games.

Didn't you buy a WiiU?  :P

yes ;) but it had Nintendo Land and with nintendo there's no maybe or "potential" about there being great games. you know you're going to get at least 1 new zelda game, smash bros, mario (so much mario), the list goes on :P

edit: the controller also doesn't fall apart and it doesn't ask me for a credit card just to play ;)

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 27, 2013, 07:36:54 AM
I'll sell or trade mine..

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: nupoile on June 27, 2013, 09:13:22 AM
I'll sell or trade mine..

Really? You don't like it that much? I read through all the comments here of course and it's obvious the Ouya is getting off to a rocky start. It's at very least going to be a collectible thing and must have some redeeming qualities as a media box. I own a Tiger R Zone, not exactly the sort of console that gets high praise  :P

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Leynos on June 28, 2013, 04:08:05 PM
GamePop,Ouya,Madcatz and now Google with Android Boxes. This is becoming the new Pong Clone

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: SirPsycho on June 28, 2013, 04:36:01 PM
GamePop,Ouya,Madcatz and now Google with Android Boxes. This is becoming the new Pong Clone

I've been saying that for awhile.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on June 29, 2013, 07:08:26 PM
I'll sell or trade mine..

Really? You don't like it that much? I read through all the comments here of course and it's obvious the Ouya is getting off to a rocky start. It's at very least going to be a collectible thing and must have some redeeming qualities as a media box. I own a Tiger R Zone, not exactly the sort of console that gets high praise  :P
Yea, I really don't like this thing.  I'm working on a deal with my cousin.  He's going to give it a shot.

Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: Ze_ro on July 05, 2013, 04:41:44 PM
So I finally got mine the other day, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. There's still not a whole lot of games for it yet, and a lot of what's there is pretty simple, but games like No Brakes Valet and Super Crate Box are a lot of fun. Of course, the emulation is a huge selling point. All the emulators I've tried have worked very well... even the N64 emulator, which actually rather surprises me.

The controller is kinda weak. The d-pad especially is pretty awful... though a lot of the games already support the DualShock 3, and some even support the Wiimote, so there's other options if you really can't stand the thing.

You're not going to see Skyrim on it, and it's not going to compete against the Xbone and PS4, but I think it can carve out a tiny niche. XBLIG didn't set the world on fire either, but it served a purpose, and I can see Ouya filling that void nicely. I'm certainly glad I got one.


Title: Re: Ouya?
Post by: smith45885 on July 05, 2013, 08:23:53 PM
i got one sweet deal from my cousin for mine!! his headache now!!