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Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: techwizard on May 19, 2013, 12:23:09 AM

Title: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: techwizard on May 19, 2013, 12:23:09 AM

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: GrayGhost81 on May 19, 2013, 07:52:29 AM
Very interesting.

I'm not cheering the guy on or anything, but I always find this kind of stuff intriguing and cool.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: NeoMagicWarrior on May 19, 2013, 09:33:12 AM
gotta say...this is one of the reasons I wish I had the time to e-bay some stuff. My store has 2 copies...in great condition, for $150 each. at the current rate, I could make a mint.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: h1ghw1nd on May 19, 2013, 12:08:23 PM
^ you could easily double that money right now, looks like people are skipping over the copies with label damage i don't see any of them selling lately.

good post tech, i wonder what the manual is looking like though :P

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Izret101 on May 19, 2013, 12:56:57 PM
Very cool that someone has done some sleuthing.

Really makes you wonder how often it is happening with the "low" production run games. I know i have picked up doubles of certain titles in the past in an effort to have a back stock for reselling down the road.

I have never and probably will never have the money though to try and corner the market on sales of anything. There is also the possibility that the same person was buying up copies before the price hikes got really noticeable. So long as this buyer/seller is smart about it he could slowly sell off his copies for a massive gain.

I wonder if the article will just help cause more of a buying frenzy now that people know there is someone out there trying to corner the market. A get it now before they are all gone kind of thing.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Cryptid Collector on May 19, 2013, 01:28:54 PM
I don't know, that just sounds kinda dickish to me.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Izret101 on May 19, 2013, 02:43:03 PM
Sounds like a great way to make money to me.
Per usual though. Takes money to make money

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on May 19, 2013, 02:44:23 PM
It's not like this is a revelation to anyone. The same exact thing has been done with the original Odyssey.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Cryptid Collector on May 19, 2013, 03:05:09 PM
Yeah, but it's shafting everyone that wants to lay hands on a copy into paying more.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Izret101 on May 19, 2013, 04:05:38 PM
The problem is the people shelling out more for the copies value them at that price.
How much is this game worth to you? How much is X person willing to spend to get this game to finish their collection.

No one makes anyone pay for them. It isn't like this is food at the grocery store or electricity/water costs for your home. Collecting is an extravagance not a necessity.

If everyone decided this game cost too much and stopped buying them then the prices would start to drop.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Cryptid Collector on May 19, 2013, 05:04:29 PM
He kinda is though. because he's actively buying up copies and trying to force everyone to go through him for it.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Izret101 on May 19, 2013, 05:22:12 PM
And if people decide they are not willing to pay what he decides he wants for them he is sitting on a worthless pile of plastic.

If people decide they are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on the game then he makes a killing.

The guy is living my dream. Using gaming/collecting like the stock market. Buy low sell high.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Cryptid Collector on May 19, 2013, 06:42:17 PM
Then I kinda hope that happens and the whole gaming collecting community blacklists him.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on May 19, 2013, 07:16:30 PM
Then I kinda hope that happens and the whole gaming collecting community blacklists him.

I think we've proven time after time that we are incapable of boycotting anything as a group.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Cryptid Collector on May 19, 2013, 09:50:24 PM
Then I kinda hope that happens and the whole gaming collecting community blacklists him.

I think we've proven time after time that we are incapable of boycotting anything as a group.

Sadly, I think that's true...

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Izret101 on May 19, 2013, 10:44:04 PM
I promise to never spend more than original MSRP on one including inflation costs.
Scouts honor

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Tynstar on May 20, 2013, 09:57:16 AM
The guy cornering the market is an asshole.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: tactical_nuke on June 17, 2013, 11:18:14 PM
I bought a copy on eBay about a year ago for 40 bucks. Did the price shoot up dramatically in a year or did I get lucky?

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: techwizard on June 17, 2013, 11:59:30 PM
wow, you must have gotten lucky, i'm pretty sure even a year ago it was going for at least $100

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: tactical_nuke on June 18, 2013, 12:03:19 AM
Wow, lucky me. Some guy was getting rid of his personal collection and put every NA N64 game up individually if I recall. To find the box and manual for that cheap must be a daunting task.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: Ze_ro on June 21, 2013, 02:08:16 AM
It seems to me that video game speculation is an incredibly crappy way to make money. The market is so small and volatile that it's really a crap shot as to whether this guy can can sell enough of his cartridges at a high enough price to really make any of this worthwhile.

And if you really want to play Sculptor's Cut, let's not forget there are other (http://krikzz.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=54) options (http://64drive.retroactive.be/).


Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: blcklblskt on June 21, 2013, 09:43:37 AM
I have no doubt that he will end up making money on these.  The game will become even more desirable as more people decide to start collecting for the N64.  I think he'd would be better off investing in other forms, however.  He is going to have to sit on these games for quite a while before seeing any return.

Title: Re: sculptor's cut article on pricecharting.com
Post by: otcvideogames on August 17, 2013, 09:22:26 PM
Then I kinda hope that happens and the whole gaming collecting community blacklists him.

I think we've proven time after time that we are incapable of boycotting anything as a group.

Yeah gotta agree with this.