Title: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on December 06, 2012, 11:27:06 AM I've played Magic off and on (mostly on) since 1995 or so. It's easily my favorite non-video game, and after all these years it's still a lot of fun. I'm particularly into the EDH/Commander format these days, as I've pretty much always been a casual player.
Anyone else here play? Used to play? Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on December 06, 2012, 11:32:40 AM I've played Magic off and on (mostly on) since 1995 or so. It's easily my favorite non-video game, and after all these years it's still a lot of fun. I'm particularly into the EDH/Commander format these days, as I've pretty much always been a casual player. Anyone else here play? Used to play? Our household runs a Magic RPG that we've constructed. :P Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on December 06, 2012, 11:40:21 AM Our household runs a Magic RPG that we've constructed. :P That sounds pretty awesome! I would love to know more about this if you're willing to divulge. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on December 06, 2012, 11:41:44 AM Our household runs a Magic RPG that we've constructed. :P That sounds pretty awesome! I would love to know more about this if you're willing to divulge. I'd have to ask my roommate. He used to write for White Wolf (Exalted), and has all the rules written up. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Silent Scythe on December 06, 2012, 12:28:05 PM I've played on and off since high school. I still have a handful of decks constructed for fun but only played in 1.5 tourney when I was younger. I'm not very good but I love making decks centered around my favorite creature types/ favorite cards. Haven't played in quite some time however.
Would love to hear about this Magic RPG as well. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 08, 2012, 01:04:56 AM For some reason never got into it.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 08, 2012, 08:54:02 AM I used to play A LOT, even attending some qualifier events. Lately I just Cube Draft with a couple buddies every 2 weeks or so.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: understatement on March 19, 2013, 10:51:58 AM Well I’ve been mostly sober from this cardboard crack for about 3~4 years but now that a good friend has started playing again I seem to be getting back into it. I haven’t officially started playing again yet, but I’ve been picking up cards for decks in the standard and modern formats so I can start playing. Up until now I’ve just been doing the kitchen table thing with EDH/commander.
Anyone got any commander deck tec. they want to share? Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 19, 2013, 12:10:30 PM I like Magic. But I tend to go through phases where I'm more into it than other moments.
To be honest, I find the game a bit demanding to actually play regularly. Going to card shops (usually quite late at night) is a bit of a hassle, and I don't have anyone here in the house to play with. If you play completely casual, the game can be great and easy to get into. But competitive play requires too much time/money/effort. Standard moves so fast, it's hard to keep up with it. Last time I was really into Magic (a couple of years ago) was around the end of the Shadowmoore block, during the Shards of Alara block and the beginning of the Zendikar block. Now I'm looking at the wiki page of Magic sets, and there have already been 3 blocks (9 sets!) since then. It's just hard to keep up with that, unless you're playing Magic all the time. Modern and Legacy are better because your decks remain legal for much longer. But competitive Modern/Legacy decks are usually quite expensive, and understanding the metagame and all decks you have to sideboard against is quite hard. I've been comtemplating buidling an Enchantress deck, but there are quite a few expensive cards, so it's probably not worth the "investment". I did attend a GP (Grand Prix) a couple of years ago, which was fun. I was probably the most unprepared player there!!! ;D But I still won 3 games, haha. Anyone got any commander deck tec. they want to share? You could look here: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck_search.asp (select Commander as format)Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq. on March 19, 2013, 02:23:37 PM I never got into the whole Magic the Gathering deal. Mainly 'cuz I'm too dense to figure out the intricacies of playing the thing.
Another reason: the Magic the Gathering enthusiasts I encountered at the shop I worked at tended to be kinda scary. Though not so much so as the Pokemon players. And most of 'em didn't take their hobby too seriously, unlike the bulk of the Warhammer buffs who came around for the shop's weekly tournaments. So they did have a few redeeming qualities... Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: understatement on March 19, 2013, 03:52:46 PM Anyone got any commander deck tec. they want to share? You could look here: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck_search.asp (select Commander as format)Thanks for the link; I’ve been there before a few times. I was, I guess, more curious of what type of Commander decks people were playing here if any. I have a Zur and Jhoira deck more for one on one EDH and a Hazezon deck for multiplayer. Also anyone here know what Planeswalker points are? I was going to look-up my DCI ranking and apparently that has been replaced with this Planeswalker points and I have no idea what I’m looking at. [img width=300 height=100]http://pwp.wizards.com/69935815/Scorecards/Landscape.png[/img] (http://www.wizards.com/Magic/PlaneswalkerPoints/69935815) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Crabmaster2000 on March 20, 2013, 10:12:45 AM Me and a few buddies have been getting together every Sunday for the last several months and doing Cube Drafts. One of the guys that comes has put a TON of money into his cube and keeps tweaking it so its getting pretty awesome these last few weeks. Its a lot of fun and I don't have to worry about buying cards myself :D
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: understatement on March 21, 2013, 08:20:08 AM Me and a few buddies have been getting together every Sunday for the last several months and doing Cube Drafts. One of the guys that comes has put a TON of money into his cube and keeps tweaking it so its getting pretty awesome these last few weeks. Its a lot of fun and I don't have to worry about buying cards myself :D That’s cool, I remember when a friend of mine had a cube but he lived about 200 miles away so the only time I got to draft it was on trips to PTQs and Grand Prixes. I’ve really been wanting to make one but the things holding me back are I don’t know if I can find 6~8 people I would trust drafting it and I sold off my power long ago I know it’s not needed but it makes it so much more fun. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on March 28, 2013, 05:49:48 PM I have a power cube made of proxies that's a ton of fun. I am almost exclusively a kitchen table/EDH guy these days, but here's my unimpressive Planeswalker Points thing:
[img width=300 height=100]http://pwp.wizards.com/749528/Scorecards/Landscape.png[/img] (http://www.wizards.com/Magic/PlaneswalkerPoints/749528) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: slackur on March 28, 2013, 09:16:22 PM Oh, wow. I, uh, was there at the start. I frequented a local mom 'n' pop (Gun Dog Comics, R.I.P.) when Wizards were just putting the Beta through its paces. Unlimited Rainbow decks, those were the days. We never thought those cards would be worth more than the cardboard they were printed on, so we played ante, lost, and gave away stuff that could pay off my house if I still had it around. The comic store gave away thousands of cards for the first few months, trying to generate interest. My circle of friends got more into Doom Trooper CCG and a few others, (man, I just remembered the Sim City card game, that was the most passive CCG ever) but of course, Magic outlasted 'em all.
As a side note, I remember when R. Garfield's own Vampire: The Eternal Struggle was called 'Jyhad' and came out a year later, and there was a brief period where we wondered if it would compete with MtG, until it became obvious that it was a Madonna/Cindi Lauper competition. Good luck marketing a game called 'Jyhad' now. :P ANYWAYS, we kept playing fairly often, and the last official competition my beloved and I went to was for the Urza Block, 'Legacy' I believe. Still have the T-shirt from 2nd place on the sealed deck tourney. :D After that, some of our friends got so 'hardcore' about it that my beloved and I didn't have as much fun against them. A few years ago a more recent friend found we used to play and challenged me with his then-unbeatable Sliver deck. My White/Blue Lockdown variant was obviously too slow and was destroyed, but my classic Red Burn took him down. My Artifact/Control tied him, and those were all the decks I still had built. Since then, I've just gone back into retirement. So much time, money, and card-tracking, not to mention rules updates. Out of all my old hobbies, I had to pick what I'd still keep up with, and MtG lost out too the obvious. And a final mental image to those who want to know how we never knew what we had back then, my buddy had his 1 1/2 year old with him while we played, and she had a bad habit of picking up and chewing on the cards. It was annoying and inconvenient, and some cards were certainly harder to find than others back then, but hey, just cards, buy another booster. Three words. Beta. Black. Lotus. I miss those freewheeling Magic days. Oh, that reminds me; my personal favorite R. Garfield CCG was Netrunner, released in '96. I had given all my cards away almost 15 years ago and thought about looking to get it again for my beloved and I to play, and low and behold Fantasy Flight Games bought the game and remade it into Android: Netrunner. I picked up the base game for our anniversary and it was really fun. Not quite as good as the original, but certainly cheaper to acquire now. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on April 04, 2013, 11:40:30 AM Hi. I'm like to hear you guys' input on the Modern deck I'm trying to build. I'd like it to be somewhat competitive. Although I'm not dilusional. Better than my current deck would be good enough.
I currently have this deck, from a few years ago: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck.asp?deck_id=919614 I would like to turn it into a Soul Sisters deck, but on a (tight) budget. I'm thinking of this: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck.asp?deck_id=1112449 Budget is easily my biggest limiting factor. I am not willing to buy playsets consisting of €10 cards. The biggest omission from a "regular" Soul Sisters deck is Serra Ascendant (http://magiccards.info/m11/en/28.html), a card I cannot (will not) afford. EDIT: Also, I haven't included Martyr of Sands (http://magiccards.info/cs/en/15.html), because that card seems to be included in mosts lists as a way of getting Serra Ascendant to 6/6, lifelink, flying on Turn 2. A really nice move, of course. The ideal opening move if you have Martyr and Serra in your opening hand is: T1: Serra T2: Martyr, pay W, sarcrifice and pump life total to 30+, then swing with the 6/6 serra. Any thoughts, critique and recommendations are welcome. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 15, 2013, 07:23:14 PM Lord help me, I started buying cards again. This shit get so expensive, so quickly.
I've also planned out what I think will be a kick-ass Zombie deck, and am almost done building it. Only the most expensive cards left - Death Baron, Bloodghast and Grave Titan. Bloodghast and Grave Titan are obviously not Zombies - the only non-Zombie creatures in the deck - but they both have appropriate abilities for the theme. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Crabmaster2000 on August 16, 2013, 05:21:17 PM Lord help me, I started buying cards again. This shit get so expensive, so quickly. I've also planned out what I think will be a kick-ass Zombie deck, and am almost done building it. Only the most expensive cards left - Death Baron, Bloodghast and Grave Titan. Bloodghast and Grave Titan are obviously not Zombies - the only non-Zombie creatures in the deck - but they both have appropriate abilities for the theme. Grave Titan is so awesome. Bloodghast has always underwhelmed me though. I've seen him in a few decks and he has never seemed very helpful. Unless you're all in totally aggro I can't seem him working, and with Grave Titan in the deck you're probably not fully aggro. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 16, 2013, 06:16:18 PM Mostly aggro. Bloodghast and Gravecrawler serve a similar function: sacrificing. They can be re-cast so easily, they work wonders with cards like Tragic Slip, Grimgrin Corpse-Born and Attrition.
Here's my decklist, as it's currently constructed. Note: my main purpose was keeping with the Zombie creature theme, outside of Grave Titan (grants Zombie tokens), and Bloodghast (was added because 1) there are NO good 2-drop Zombies and 2) it has Zombie-like abilities.) 2 Grave Titan 4 Bloodghast 4 Gravecrawler 4 Geralf's Messenger 4 Diregraf Captain 4 Death Baron 2 Grimgrin, Corpse-Born 4 Reanimate 4 Buried Alive (cheaper alternative to Entomb) 4 Tragic Slip 2 Attrition 4 Underwater Catacombs 2 Island 16 Swamp Obviously not built for competitive play, just for casual games with friends. That being said, the Buried Alive + Reanimate combo will likely get very annoying very quickly for the people I usually play against. :) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on August 16, 2013, 07:24:22 PM I'll be attending a GP in a couple of months. Familiar with modern, BED? Could you help me flesh out the details on my (budget constrained!) Soul Sisters deck?
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 16, 2013, 07:53:20 PM I'm not familiar at all with the formats, but I'd love to look at your deck.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on August 16, 2013, 07:55:25 PM Sort of what I want to build: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck.asp?deck_id=1112449
From that, I'm still missing 1x Ranger of Eos, 1x Honor of the Pure, 2x Knight of Meadowgrain, 2x Boros Elite and a lot of the sideboard cards (Suppresion field, Rest in peace, etc...). PS: I don't expect it to be competitive. EDIT: oh and ask if you don't happen to understand what it does (nothing special). Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 16, 2013, 08:19:16 PM I like it.
If it were my deck, I would probably try to add 2 aggressive creature enchantments or equipments. It would help if you had trouble finding creature synergy. Serra's Embrace, maybe? Also, Serra Ascendant would be scary in a deck like this... https://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/boab/144 Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on August 16, 2013, 08:37:10 PM Can't go for aura's, especially that expensive. At 4 CMC I can get 2 for 1'd by Path (http://magiccards.info/mma/en/25.html) or any other removal and be in a big hole.
You're totally right about Serra Ascendant. The only reason I'm not playing it is because it's very expensive and I'm not spending that much money on the deck. I'm not that serious about magic, anyway. The truly competitive decks cost $400-1000 anyway, so I'm not trying to compete with that. Just making it a slightly decent deck. :) Just saw that my store is out of Ranger of Eos (http://magiccards.info/ala/en/21.html), except too expensive foil ones. I want 4 4CMC cards. I have 2x Ranger and 1x Ajani Goldmane (http://magiccards.info/m11/en/1.html). I'm thinking maybe 1x Hero of Bladehold (http://magiccards.info/mbs/en/8.html)? Because I lack the Serra Ascendant, the idea is to have Sisters out, + hopefully a Pridemate and have the lifegain triggers trigger Pridemate as well as give me extra time (life). The deck is obviously Aggro, so I need to swamp the field with the little white creatures. Landing a Honor of the Pure (http://magiccards.info/m12/en/23.html) helps massively. For sideboard strategies, I'm pondering making my deck have no activated abilities. It's already practically like that. It could make Suppression Field (http://magiccards.info/rav/en/31.html) very viable if my opponent is using equipment or other cards with abilities. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on August 16, 2013, 08:39:45 PM Also, please look here (also by me) where I've added more cards to look at in the sideboard and the "maybeboard": http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/cheap-soul-sisters/
Divinity of Pride looks awesome, but is probably too expensive for what it is. Ghostly Prison (http://magiccards.info/pc2/en/7.html) or Blind Obedience (http://magiccards.info/gtc/en/6.html) are also great under the right circumstances. My deck is 80% done, really, it's just fidgeting with the last cards and the sideboard which are hard to decide. ;D Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on August 19, 2013, 10:31:40 PM I...I might have a problem.
[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/6ggCqoY.jpg[/img] Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 20, 2013, 02:04:03 PM Foil or regular? Can't tell from the photos.
Only ask because I saw the price that Liliana foil was going for... Whoa. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on September 10, 2013, 10:08:56 AM I really should've taken a better picture, but that's a foil. The angel is, too, but that's not as exciting.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Haoie on September 13, 2013, 02:39:41 AM Hail to the original TCG!
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on October 14, 2013, 07:41:21 PM Anyone else have a chance to mess with Theros yet? After a pre-release and a draft, I'm really enjoying it.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on October 22, 2013, 07:28:42 PM Really liking Theros so far, too. Had ridiculously good luck with pulls so far, which makes things all the more exciting - in a little less than a box-worth of packs, I've pulled 2 Ashiok, 1 Elspeth, 1 Erebos, 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Hythonia the Cruel and 4 of the scry Temple lands. Never had such a good run of pulls.
Also taking a stab at a standard Ashiok control deck. Here's where I'm at so far, bearing in mind that I was trying to do my best to keep the deck to the cards I have on-hand, rather than buying a whole heap of expensive new stuff (aside from completing the playset of Thoughseize, which I planned on doing anyway): 2 Ashiok Nightmare Weaver 4 Thoughtseize 4 Dissolve 4 Doom Blade 3 Read the Bones 2 Pilfered Plans 2 Aqueous Form 4 Dimir Charm 2 Aetherling 2 Omenspeaker 2 Scroll Thief 2 Faerie Imposter 2 Dimir Cluestone 16 Island 8 Swamp Definitely need 4 Temple of Deceit, and if I really get ambitious, 4 Watery Graves. Those would all need to be purchased, so I'm holding off for now. Suggestions? Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on October 24, 2013, 10:02:59 AM I think you could definitely do better than the Scroll Thief / Faerie Imposter package. Assuming your plan is to win with the Aetherlings, more removal/counters might be a good way to go. Warped Physique is pretty great.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on October 24, 2013, 12:06:00 PM Ok guys, I'll be taking this deck to GP Antwerp.
It should be decent, easy enough to pilot, and fun. All I have to keep track of is triggers. I'm not expecting miracles though. ;) http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/cheap-soul-sisters/ I've opted for a diverse sideboard (as opposed to having lots of 3x and 4x cards) so that whatever I sideboard in doesn't affect my deck that much. It's a bunch of artifact, creature and graveyard hate, basically. So I should atleast have *something* against Jund, Affinity, Tron... If I'm lucky I get to play against Burn! :) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on October 26, 2013, 08:50:50 PM I think you could definitely do better than the Scroll Thief / Faerie Imposter package. Assuming your plan is to win with the Aetherlings, more removal/counters might be a good way to go. Warped Physique is pretty great. There are improvements to be made. Scroll Thief is there to use with Aqueous Form for extra draws. Faerie Imposter is cheap flying damage that lets me reuse Omenspeaker's scry ability. Eventually they'll be replaced, but I'm budgeting myself right now. :) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on October 27, 2013, 08:59:16 AM So I played GP Antwerp yesterday. It was great fun, although 9 rounds of Magic is huge (the waiting time between rounds is a killer, really). There were 1600 players. The tournament started at 9:30 and I went home at 22:10 (10:10pm). Stamina plays a big role if you want to compete.
I went 1-4-4. Lots of draws, not because of slow playing or stalling, but because my lifegain deck makes it harder for an opponent to kill me compared to a regular deck. It often meant we'd be at 1-1 with the time expiring, and the 5 additional turns couldn't finish off the 3rd game. My deck was pretty good, although improvements could be made. A lot of my losses were closer than you'd think. I'd ditch Boros Elite (http://magiccards.info/gtc/en/7.html) in favour of something like Suntail Hawk (http://magiccards.info/m14/en/40.html). Flyers are amazing, and most decks can't block them effectively. My sideboard was great, except for a few cards that I never needed. Next time, I'd add more of the great hate cards instead (Suppression Field (http://magiccards.info/rav/en/31.html), Stony Silence (http://magiccards.info/isd/en/36.html), Rest in Peace (http://magiccards.info/rtr/en/18.html), ...). If you can land one of those against the right decks, they almost win you the game by themselves. I'll post a more detailed report if anyone would like that. (please ask) Not sure if anyone here is really into Modern, though. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: engel762 on October 27, 2013, 10:13:32 AM I played MTG for a while around 1994-1997 with some friends, but I haven't officially played (except some MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers on Steam) for a long while. Although I do still occasionally buy cards because I love the artwork and thumbing through them.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on November 01, 2013, 10:42:09 AM There are improvements to be made. Scroll Thief is there to use with Aqueous Form for extra draws. Faerie Imposter is cheap flying damage that lets me reuse Omenspeaker's scry ability. Eventually they'll be replaced, but I'm budgeting myself right now. :) Where in MN are you? I feel like I could help with this. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: BadEnoughDude on November 01, 2013, 06:34:42 PM There are improvements to be made. Scroll Thief is there to use with Aqueous Form for extra draws. Faerie Imposter is cheap flying damage that lets me reuse Omenspeaker's scry ability. Eventually they'll be replaced, but I'm budgeting myself right now. :) Where in MN are you? I feel like I could help with this. I live in St. Paul. @Sirgin: My collection. Made reference to it in that last DM, but here's a photo to contextualize: [img width=500 height=375]http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7435/10617187574_827af507bc.jpg[/img] (http://www.flickr.com/photos/49791222@N05/10617187574/) Photo Nov 01, 6 25 06 PM (http://www.flickr.com/photos/49791222@N05/10617187574/) by morris_mailboxheads (http://www.flickr.com/people/49791222@N05/), on Flickr There's five or six 3200 and 5000-count boxes there, and several smaller ones. It's a shame that I don't have more people to play with. Everything spends so much time just sitting in the closet. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on November 01, 2013, 06:59:57 PM ^ Impressive collection! Mine would fit in two of those boxes (with room to spare). :P
EDIT: I know what it feels like to not have people to play against. About once a year I contemplate joining MTGO, because it's so damn convenient. Then I realize how absurd it is to pay for digital "cards", when I already have so many real cards... :-\ Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: NxCmp on November 16, 2013, 12:26:51 AM I use to play years ago, last I played was when the Mirrodin series was released. All the newer car series with dual cards and a new rarity was all BS to me. I only play with the older series if I ever play at some point. I will say using a more old school deck vs the new series, you will get your butt kicked. Ive made some good decks over the years but don't really play much anymore.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on December 22, 2013, 02:03:11 PM I went to a casual Commander/EDH tournament at my LGS today. It was a ton of fun. It was my first time playing Commander; last night I quickly scrambled a deck together.
This is what I played: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/chorus-of-the-conclave-22-12-13-1/ It could definitely be improved upon. But for a quickly put together deck, it isn't that bad. I have a lot of ramp creatures, so I can usually get my basic lands quickly. I didn't realize how many creature sweepers there are in EDH. I definitely need some artifacts, equipments and enchantments to add to the deck. That would give me some decent staying power after a sweeper hits the board. Some of of the other people there had crazy decks. One had a Kiki-Jiki deck. Another had a crazy combo deck that allowed him to draw his entire library, by creating tokens and sacrificing those tokens. He had Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder (http://magiccards.info/ts/en/106.html) to make tokens and It used Fecundity (http://magiccards.info/8e/en/247.html) to draw cards. He then had a Goblin Sharpshooter (http://magiccards.info/8e/en/247.html) to deal damage every time he sacrificed one of the tokens. He used a card I can't remember the name of to double any tokens put into play. Eventually he had so many tokens he could do infinite damage. Also, his final turn took like 10 minutes. He also had another annoying deck that involved Stasis (http://magiccards.info/5e/en/127.html). He eventually had the pieces to remove Stasis from the game at the beginning of his turn, play whatever, and put it back before the end of his turn. >:( There were random foils handed out after every round. I got a Venser, the Sojourner (http://magiccards.info/ddi/en/1.html), a Jace Beleren (http://magiccards.info/jvc/en/1.html) and a Vela the Night-Clad (http://magiccards.info/cma/en/18.html). Pretty sweet. :) Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 02, 2014, 01:57:07 PM Is anyone still playing Magic?
I've been going to a couple of tournaments these past weeks at my LGS, and it's been a lot of fun each time. It's definitely something I'm thinking of doing regularly in the future. Also, I just won a Grand Prix Trial (GPT) today, so yay, haha. ;) It was standard. Now I have 2 byes at Grand Prix Vienna, but I haven't decided yet whether I can actually afford to go. It's the weekend of 21-23 March. Maybe if I can grab a cheap flight and stay at a youth hostel, I could keep the costs down to a minimum. Entry into the GP itself is €50, which is serious money. But it's a sealed event, so I guess €25 for the sealed pool and €25 for the GP isn't that surprising. What do you guys think? Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Munter on March 05, 2014, 12:35:36 AM I played it a lot in High School and loved every minute. I have wanted to get back into it at some point, but I just can't ever seem to find the time/money/people who want to play.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on March 16, 2014, 10:41:13 AM Sirgin - I would definitely try and check it out - two byes is a pretty greal deal. I'm planning on doing a GP this year (in Minneapolis), mostly because I've never played in a tournament of that caliber. I don't expect to do well, but it should be an interesting experience.
Munter - Check out Duels of the Planeswalkers. It's available on pretty much every recent platform, it's pretty cheap, and it's a great re-introduction to the game. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 17, 2014, 01:08:03 PM Sirgin - I would definitely try and check it out - two byes is a pretty greal deal. I'm planning on doing a GP this year (in Minneapolis), mostly because I've never played in a tournament of that caliber. I don't expect to do well, but it should be an interesting experience. Yep. I'll be going. :) Don't expect too much for your first GP, unless you play a lot at your LGS or MODO and have a great deck (if constructed). What format will Minneapolis be? Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on March 17, 2014, 08:21:14 PM Modern. I have a few decks built that I think I might like enough to play for 9 hours (W/B weenie/tokens, Bloom Titan, Storm). Just gotta get some more practice in and see what clicks.
On a related note, screw modern for being so damn expensive. The above decks are reasonably affordable, but man...it's not legacy, but it's seriously getting close. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 17, 2014, 08:33:43 PM Modern is very expensive indeed. I have a Soul Sisters deck for modern. It's not amazing, but it's something. I might upgrade it to a Norin the Wary deck sometime in the future.
I'm thinking of getting into Legacy on a budget, too. I really like Enchantress, although it isn't as good a deck anymore as it used to be. I could probably build a budget version of that (skipping the mana base, essentially) for €350-400. That's still a lot of money, in my opinion. If I managed to do that, I'd have a deck for every format though, which would be sweet. EDIT: About Modern: I feel like there's a bubble waiting to burst. Prices have risen insanely fast. I don't have any of the staples. They're getting more expensive by the month. Fetches, Bob, Clique, Lilliana, ... everything costs a fortune. Modern was supposedly created to "replace" Legacy as a non-rotating format not affected by the Reserved list. Atleast that's the way Wizards explained it. Modern Masters hardly changed prices (only Standard can, imo) and Modern decks are already as expensive as Legacy decks were back when they announced Modern, if not more expensive. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on March 17, 2014, 10:13:56 PM No joke - last week, I traded a Scalding Tarn for this bad boy:
[img width=350 height=466]http://i.imgur.com/mxxhzlt.jpg[/img] Mint condition. Only one of those two will hold its value, and it's not the one I gave up. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on March 18, 2014, 07:44:57 AM I wish I could exile something for 1 cost, let alone gain life equal to its power...
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 18, 2014, 12:45:23 PM ^ Neat. It's obviously an Alpha or Beta version (can't tell which).
If it were me, I'd buy a cheap 4th edition version or something though. :P Anyway, I'm leaving for Vienna in 2 days. I bought a deckbox and new sleeves today for the event. I'm going to try and be there at te event hall early (9-10AM) on friday so I can get my hands on one of the limited free playmats. They printed 900, so I assume if I'm there friday morning, I should be ok. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on March 18, 2014, 02:24:53 PM It's Alpha. Didn't realize they kept reprinting that card...
Handy flow chart for reference: [img width=561 height=1024]http://i.stack.imgur.com/Dqc2B.gif[/img] Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: InvadErGII on March 18, 2014, 02:26:50 PM It's a Beta one, actually. ;)
I have a Commander deck that I'm "blinging out" and while I had a foil version of the card, this is way cooler. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on March 18, 2014, 04:27:44 PM Hard to tell without it in front of me. :'(
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 25, 2014, 05:13:27 PM I'm back from GP Vienna. The GP was awesome. I was quite unlucky with my sealed pool, but that can happen. Comically, the pool I opened (you don't get to play with the cards you open) was awesome. Three mythics: Elspeth, Xanagos and the UW God. Yeah. :p
On sunday I played all day constructed pickups, which was pretty fun as well. I ended up doing 5 Standard pickups and 1 Modern pickup. I got the sweet-looking playmat this time. I didn't manage to get one on my previous GP's. Vienna was a nice city as well. Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: gbpxl on January 17, 2015, 12:02:07 PM I really, REALLY liked these cards from about 2001 to like 2003. I never met a soul who was into them other than 1 friend at high school but it seemed like he was burnt out on them at the time. I never met anyone else who liked them til I was in the Army and the ones who liked them were tool bags. I can't imagine getting into them now and trying to understand all the different sets, the rules, the variations, etc. If I met someone cool, locally who was into them, I could see getting back into it but like I said, I've only met a couple people who were into it. I have the same problem with meeting anyone who plays video games that were made prior to 2014.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Boshamp on February 13, 2015, 01:08:50 AM I stopped collecting them after like Apocalypse or thereabouts, but I have a pretty sizable collection of the older stuff, '97ish-'05ish. Lots of stuff from Urza's Saga, Legacy, and Destiny, Ice age, Legends, and Invasion. Also a lot of 6th and 7th edition stuff too. I have some stuff from a couple newer sets that I have picked while thrifting, but haven't looked much into them. I still have my rainbow deck together though, never gonna tear that piece of deck-building away. I put months into doing what I could to make it work efficiently.
Title: Re: Any other Magic players on RFG? Post by: Sirgin on March 21, 2015, 11:04:00 AM I really, REALLY liked these cards from about 2001 to like 2003. I never met a soul who was into them other than 1 friend at high school but it seemed like he was burnt out on them at the time. I never met anyone else who liked them til I was in the Army and the ones who liked them were tool bags. I can't imagine getting into them now and trying to understand all the different sets, the rules, the variations, etc. If I met someone cool, locally who was into them, I could see getting back into it but like I said, I've only met a couple people who were into it. I have the same problem with meeting anyone who plays video games that were made prior to 2014. The easiest way to find other Magic players is going to tournaments at your LGS. Go play sealed or draft at first, which eliminates the need for you to already own a Standard deck. I haven't played in a tournament since late August last year, but I am going to the Dragons of Tarkhir prerelease tommorow. :) I hardly know what the cards are, but in my experience with prereleases, it really doesn't matter. Just build a sealed deck, stick to the 23-17 rule and you're good to go. |