Title: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 26, 2005, 03:34:56 PM So i finally have a kinda nice carpet down in my room. Thanks Uncle Scott. Only problem is it reeks of dog. Thanks again... only not.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this smell? I thought it might have aired out ofer the last few days but it turns out i just got used to it. I get wiffs of it every now and then or when i move something around the floor. So any suggestions? And i can't afford to get a rug cleaner in here. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Arrrhalomynn on January 26, 2005, 03:47:47 PM Lay it out in the fresh snow, with the top side against the snow.
leave it like this for some time. That should help (according my mom). Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 26, 2005, 03:52:35 PM Anything that will not require tons of moving?
We already cutr the carpet to get it to be wall to wall (for the most part) and i have all my stuff on it. Is there any kind of like spray or something? I i have to move something to get under it that will not be a big deal to me. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Arrrhalomynn on January 26, 2005, 04:05:50 PM ohhhh, it's stuck to the floor. I thought you meant a loose carpet. like those persian things. Can't help you in that case. I'm sure there's spray for it, but you said you're out of money.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 26, 2005, 04:16:52 PM Like i said open to ideas.
I can do some sort of spray or cleaner. I can't have a guy come in and clean it though. That is expensive. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Tynstar on January 26, 2005, 04:48:38 PM At the store there are tons of oder removers for all sorts of orders. Go get one.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on January 26, 2005, 04:51:49 PM The first thing you do is shoot the offending dog. After that I can't help you besides saying at least it isn't cat piss.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 26, 2005, 05:01:25 PM Quote At the store there are tons of oder removers for all sorts of orders. Go get one. Well thanks for that tid bit of info. I was kind of looking for something specific. Hopefully something that someone has tried before. Guess i am going to find a friggin bottle of Fabreeze somehwere and just spray the hell out of my rug. But all that does is 'mask odors' or so i have been told. Whatever worth a shot. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Tynstar on January 26, 2005, 05:07:29 PM Quote Well thanks for that tid bit of info. I was kind of looking for something specific.  Hopefully something that someone has tried before. Guess i am going to find a friggin bottle of Fabreeze somehwere and just spray the hell out of my rug. But all that does is 'mask odors' or so i have been told. Whatever worth a shot. I guess you should have given him the price of Final Fantasy and not to;ld him to look it up himself. :P [hidden style=1 title=Hidden Text]Just kidding I can't remember what I have used in the past. Fabreeze does mask the order not get rid of it [/hidden] Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 26, 2005, 05:09:08 PM Well i guess i did kinda deserve that. But his was something easily findable and something he does all the time. Mine was a uestion posed to animal experts like yourself, Mr, I own a Rhino and Girraffe. ;)
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Tynstar on January 26, 2005, 09:41:12 PM Quote Mr, I own a Rhino and Girraffe. ;) And thier oders are a bitch to get out of stuff!!!! Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Lord Nepenthean on January 27, 2005, 05:09:27 AM I dunno if it would do the job, but you could look into getting an air cleaner. Supposedly the one I have will get rid of smoke smell in a room, so it might get rid of the scent of dog butt too.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 27, 2005, 05:13:12 AM It is more like wet dog.
Which is strange because their dog was never in that room wet. I am going to try some Fabreeze. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Lord Nepenthean on January 27, 2005, 05:15:49 AM Just open your window and let it air out for a few weeks. All the cold air will get it out right quick.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: den68 on January 27, 2005, 05:32:23 AM Febreeze is only a temporary fix. there are placed you can rent a carpet cleaner and do it yourself. cheaper than bringing someone in. or you can shampoo the rug by hand. a scrub brush, some 409 or Fantastic and a hairdryer should do the trick.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Sauza12 on January 27, 2005, 06:31:54 AM Here's a link to something that might work.
http://www.churchdwight.com/Conprods/Household/index.asp My mom use this type of stuff whenever she vacuums. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: sinning.dragon on January 27, 2005, 09:55:51 AM Yea, we always get this arm&hammer sprinkle stuff to sprinkle around before we vacuum. You gotta let it sit though, which sucks. Good luck with that.
Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Izret101 on January 27, 2005, 11:26:18 AM Quote Just open your window and let it air out for a few weeks. All the cold air will get it out right quick. We left the windows for about 1 hour while we laid it and cut it. All that seemed to do was allow the smell to blow down the hallway and into other rooms. Quote Febreeze is only a temporary fix. there are placed you can rent a carpet cleaner and do it yourself. cheaper than bringing someone in. or you can shampoo the rug by hand. a scrub brush, some 409 or Fantastic and a hairdryer should do the trick. Good idea if i remember correctly we know someone with a cleaner... or was that just a wet vac? Guess i will find out. And thanks Sauza and Phia i will ask my mom to pick up some of that stuff. Hopefully i will be getting it relatively soon. Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on January 27, 2005, 02:39:46 PM That wasn't revenge, just some good 'ol Leon advice. I didn't expect anyone to answer my question about FF anyway.
For some Greek advice I say: "Try Windex, is good for everything" Title: Re: Getting out dog smell Post by: Antimind on January 27, 2005, 06:52:22 PM If you want Croatian advice don't listen to the Greek. The only thing they can do right is food...lol :P