RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Zagnorch on October 30, 2012, 07:23:33 AM

Title: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on October 30, 2012, 07:23:33 AM
Hey now!

Before the Great Crash scrubbed it from the boards, I started a thread where I asked my fellow RFGen denizens if there were any games and/or gaming genres they absolutely, positively NOT play or collect, forever and ever.

So, I'm asking y'all again.

In my case, I don't collect or play any Pokemon games at all, whatsoever. This is mainly due to the trauma I experienced at the secondary retail level in the late 90s when Pokemon was all the rage. And it wasn't so much the younger collectors as it was the (allegedly) adult ones. Before I interacted with some of these proto-Chris-Chans, I thought the whole "basement dweller" phenomenon was a mere myth. I hafta admit that Gengar's pretty cool, though.

I also don't play or collect any 2D one-on-one fighting games, aside from the Smash Bros. titles. This is mainly due to being terrible at memorizing, timing, or executing combo attacks; I simply don't have the manual dexterity or nimbleness to pull it off.

So, howzabout the rest of ya's?

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Fleach on October 30, 2012, 08:02:50 AM
Interesting topic idea.

Personally I despise first person games whether they're shooters, adventure games or anything else. I have such a terribly difficult time controlling the camera and reticle which in the end leaves me feeling disoriented and then my eyes start to hurt. I don't see what makes the first person shooters so great - they all seem like the same game with a different look.

I can understand your hatred for Pokemon. That game exposed loads of basement dwelling hermits and turned kids into fanboy geeks. It was marketed amazingly well though.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Vectorguy on October 30, 2012, 08:09:10 AM
I'm not much into sports games or beat 'em ups.  Don't own a single one of either kind on any kind of platform unless my sister's kid were to locate and return and old Pulsonic Baseball II handheld I had when I was in elementary school.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on October 30, 2012, 08:20:19 AM
Interesting topic idea.

Personally I despise first person games whether they're shooters, adventure games or anything else. I have such a terribly difficult time controlling the camera and reticle which in the end leaves me feeling disoriented and then my eyes start to hurt. I don't see what makes the first person shooters so great - they all seem like the same game with a different look.


Actually, I haven't gotten into many FPSes after Quake 2. And I've always been bigger with PC FPSes over the console ones. My faves are the first Doom, the first two Quakes, and the Redneck Rampage series.

However, while I enjoy them, I'm not usually able to play for more than 90 minutes straight before nausea sets in. That's right: even though I'm not actually moving around, FPSes give me motion sickness. What the hell?

I can understand your hatred for Pokemon. That game exposed loads of basement dwelling hermits and turned kids into fanboy geeks. It was marketed amazingly well though.

Indeed it was.  So much so, I saw it come up as a case study in several of my college marketing courses. And even though it started out a fad, it's still popular enough to be a pretty reliable cash cow.

I'm seeing a similar deal being played out in Skylanders, which I had completely fallen for pretty much from day one. Just ask anyone here, they'll tell ya how much I annoy them with my Skylanders fanboyishness. So, while I almost completely despise the Pokemon phenomenon, I totally understand the motivations of the average Pokemon collector.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Razor Knuckles on October 30, 2012, 09:09:48 AM
For me I wont play and of those music or dance rhythm games such as Guitar Hero and DDR and all of their knockoffs. I just can't stand those games because I'd rather be doing the real thing.

As far as any genera's go, I won't say I hate these but they are a weakness I posses in gaming.

I can't get into fighting games well as I have the same exact issues Zagnorch has with them. I'm pretty much just a button masher at those games. I have a few fighting games in my collection and I can't master any one of them.

Tactical turn-based RPG's are my biggest weakness of all. I don't really get into RPG's much but the turn-based ones really kick my ass left and right. I don't know exactly why but I just cant get into them. 

As far as stuff goes that physically gets me the 3DS is a system I cannot play while the 3D effect is on. My eyes get cross-eyed and watery in a couple of minutes when the full effect is on. Thank god they had the courtesy to adjust the level of 3D and give you the option to turn it completely off, which is what I do.   

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Necrosaro on October 30, 2012, 04:26:39 PM
The one genre I absolutely will never touch again are sports games. The last time I played a sports game might have been the 2K series on the Sega Dreamcast, and that was an in-store demo. Ever since EA monopolized the NFL for Madden, I quit on all their sports titles. I refuse to support EA Sports in any way, shape, or form. And sports games in general just aren't fun for me anymore.

FPS's I almost never bother with anymore, simply because there's way too many of them nowadays, and they all look too samey. Fighting games are a huge weakness for me, I'm decent at them but I can't master them. So I don't buy very many of those, but I still play them once in a while.

And I pretty much hate Western RPG's. I just can't get into them anymore in recent years.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: ixtaileddemonfox on October 30, 2012, 04:29:11 PM
I really just wont play 1st person shooters or war games I did it in real life what do I need to do it in a game for.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 30, 2012, 05:35:56 PM
Rhythm games are my bane. Sports games I'll play with friends but never alone. Pretty into everything else.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Munter on October 31, 2012, 05:22:19 AM
I have never liked sports games, they all just seem so god damn boring. I used to like racing games a little but have pretty much given up on them as of late

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: techwizard on October 31, 2012, 05:43:59 AM
i can't stand most sports games (though i do have some nostalgia and a bit of love for the EA NHL series, i am canadian after all ;) ). i also hate fighting games for the same reason zagnorch and razor knuckles listed, except the smash bros games (though i really don't like Brawl). wrestling games i can't stand either, mainly because i can't stand real wrestling. most rhythm games i don't hate, but i don't really understand the mass appeal of them. they're fun once in a while with friends, and i definitely understand them as a party game, but i doubt i'll ever put much effort into one on my own.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Deafens Proner on October 31, 2012, 07:56:27 AM
I never liked the Sonic franchise.

There, I said it!

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on October 31, 2012, 08:09:03 AM
I'll play most anything under the right circumstances. My biggest dislikes would probably be something like this though:

3D Sports Games
3D Fighters
Most Military Themed Games

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Vectorguy on October 31, 2012, 08:22:56 AM
However, while I enjoy them, I'm not usually able to play for more than 90 minutes straight before nausea sets in. That's right: even though I'm not actually moving around, FPSes give me motion sickness. What the hell?

I've had that happen before.  It...happens. (echo in this post)

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Sirgin on October 31, 2012, 02:21:56 PM
I thought long and hard and there's probably no genre I wouldn't play. I even like sports games, although not all of them. Despite being hugely popular in Europe, I can't really get excited for a soccer (football) game. FIFA 08? Pfff, no thanks. Probably because I find actual soccer equally boring. :D

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on October 31, 2012, 05:11:02 PM
I never liked the Sonic franchise.

There, I said it!

Hey, you'd better take that back, or Razor Knuckles is gonna put out a hit on ya!

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: blcklblskt on November 02, 2012, 08:29:13 PM
I never liked the Sonic franchise.

There, I said it!

I agree with this.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Razor Knuckles on November 02, 2012, 09:15:42 PM
I never liked the Sonic franchise.

There, I said it!

I agree with this.

At least have the common courtesy to explain why. It's like a COD fan saying that COD series is the best series ever created without explaining why.

I'm just curious why. Thats all.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: cverz2 on November 02, 2012, 09:33:52 PM
I have never played/watched any pokemon game or show EVER in my life.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Haoie on November 03, 2012, 08:07:26 PM
Sports and most racing.

Movie licenced titles I tend to also avoid.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on November 03, 2012, 11:35:14 PM
Sports and most racing.

I'm not big on most racing titles myself, just Mario Kart and Moto Racer.

Oh, and I'm completely disinterested in any skateboarding and other X-TREME SPORTS games. Probably 'cuz most of the skateboarding types I knew in middle and high school were insufferable douches. Which probably explains why I love watching home videos of aspiring thrashers wiping out while attempting to pull off their fave tricks. The harder the fail, the better. Yeah, that's what you get when you try to defy gravity and common sense, you putz! Have fun getting your compound fracture set without any anaesthetic, asshat! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Needless to say, I still have some anger issues to work out.

BTW I fibbed a little about not playing Pokemon games. I'll usually buy the Game Boy versions if they're cheap enough, play-test them for a while to see if they work properly, then flip 'em. While I might find the whole Pokemon thing downright repugnant, I'm not above reselling the games to willing buyers. Call me a whore if you must, but these bills ain't gonna pay themselves.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Quackula on November 04, 2012, 08:50:33 AM
Man most of this thread is really baffling to me. I can't think of a single game or genre that I'd outright refuse to play, especially for reasons like finding the fanbase annoying or something.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: blcklblskt on November 04, 2012, 10:46:57 AM
At least have the common courtesy to explain why. It's like a COD fan saying that COD series is the best series ever created without explaining why.

I'm just curious why. Thats all.

Good point.  Well, here goes.

I've always hated how Sonic controls.  It feels like I was never completely in control of the character, and that it felt like Sonic was constantly walking on ice.  Granted, I've only spent time with the Genesis titles, but I'm sure the post Genesis titles won't change my mind much.

I've always preferred platformers like the DS Castlevania games or the Super Metroid games.  I feel like I have total control in the game and that the only reason I will die will be because of my error, not the control set-up.

Aside from Sonic, there aren't a whole lot of games that I would refuse to play.  I may not usually collect or buy sports games, but that certainly wouldn't prevent me from playing them.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on November 04, 2012, 05:45:01 PM
Man most of this thread is really baffling to me. I can't think of a single game or genre that I'd outright refuse to play, especially for reasons like finding the fanbase annoying or something.

I must admit that my dislike of Pokemon due to my distaste for the ridiculously die-hard element of the fandom is somewhat silly. It's just that I was so heavily exposed to them during its heyday, it just skeeved me out to the point where I could never hope to enjoy it.

Maybe the Pokemon games are the greatest things ever made, and I'm missing out?


Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 04, 2012, 07:44:26 PM
Man most of this thread is really baffling to me. I can't think of a single game or genre that I'd outright refuse to play, especially for reasons like finding the fanbase annoying or something.

I must admit that my dislike of Pokemon due to my distaste for the ridiculously die-hard element of the fandom is somewhat silly. It's just that I was so heavily exposed to them during its heyday, it just skeeved me out to the point where I could never hope to enjoy it.

Maybe the Pokemon games are the greatest things ever made, and I'm missing out?


Skylanders is basically Pokemon light :p

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Link41 on November 04, 2012, 09:20:18 PM
I don't think I have an outright hate for much...wait...Gears of War can kinda rot in a pit, but thats just me :P

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on November 04, 2012, 09:29:52 PM
Skylanders is basically Pokemon light :p



If you weren't recovering from that appendectomy, I'd be headin' up there to give you such a smack!

And hey, just 'cuz I yell out, "I choose you, Trigger Happy!" whenever I put him on the portal, and "It's super effective!" whenever I take out a level boss, that doesn't mean it's anything at all like Pokemon.

You big jerkface!  :grrr:

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Wempster on November 04, 2012, 09:40:38 PM
The war FPS's like Call of Duty and its long lost cousin, Medal of Honor I wont play.  Im not against FPS's but the campaign never interested me and I'm not going anywhere NEAR the cesspool that is online multiplayer.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Razor Knuckles on November 04, 2012, 11:28:09 PM
This thread is just silly now. Saying why you hate something can piss another person off. But it's all in good fun.

But as much as a Sonic fan F**k that I am I can say I WILL NEVER play Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) or Sonic Unleashed, ever again! And belive me I tried to give them a chance.

The nightmares they caused me can never be healed.

Excuse me while I go into the corner of my room and cry.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Cobra on November 05, 2012, 12:26:30 AM
At least have the common courtesy to explain why. It's like a COD fan saying that COD series is the best series ever created without explaining why.

I'm just curious why. Thats all.

Good point.  Well, here goes.

I've always hated how Sonic controls.  It feels like I was never completely in control of the character, and that it felt like Sonic was constantly walking on ice.  Granted, I've only spent time with the Genesis titles, but I'm sure the post Genesis titles won't change my mind much.

I've always preferred platformers like the DS Castlevania games or the Super Metroid games.  I feel like I have total control in the game and that the only reason I will die will be because of my error, not the control set-up.

Aside from Sonic, there aren't a whole lot of games that I would refuse to play.  I may not usually collect or buy sports games, but that certainly wouldn't prevent me from playing them.
No love for the original Bubsy either then I take it?

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: blcklblskt on November 05, 2012, 08:19:47 AM
No love for the original Bubsy either then I take it?

I've never had a chance to play it, so I'm not sure.

Skylanders is basically Pokemon light :p



If you weren't recovering from that appendectomy, I'd be headin' up there to give you such a smack!

And hey, just 'cuz I yell out, "I choose you, Trigger Happy!" whenever I put him on the portal, and "It's super effective!" whenever I take out a level boss, that doesn't mean it's anything at all like Pokemon.

You big jerkface!  :grrr:

I think Zag has secretly been playing Pokemon in between bouts of Skylanders...  :ninja:

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Zagnorch on November 05, 2012, 08:30:57 AM
This thread is just silly now.

Whattaya mean, "now"???

But as much as a Sonic fan F**k that I am I can say I WILL NEVER play Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) or Sonic Unleashed, ever again!

Can I have your copies of those, then?

Much like Shadow the Hedgehog, I wanna give 'em a whirl to see just how bad they really are.

I think Zag has secretly been playing Pokemon in between bouts of Skylanders...  :ninja:

Dude... NOT funny.  :nono:

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 05, 2012, 10:11:54 AM
Skylanders is basically Pokemon light :p

And hey, just 'cuz I yell out, "I choose you, Trigger Happy!" whenever I put him on the portal, and "It's super effective!" whenever I take out a level boss, that doesn't mean it's anything at all like Pokemon.


Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Kunaskev on November 05, 2012, 08:34:55 PM
Never played Gears of War and don't plan on it. Just seems like a bunch of unrealistically buff guys trying to act tough at one point, then cry whenever someone dies. As for avoiding genre's, sports games and puzzle games I tend to avoid.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 05, 2012, 08:47:31 PM
Never played Gears of War and don't plan on it. Just seems like a bunch of unrealistically buff guys trying to act tough at one point, then cry whenever someone dies. As for avoiding genre's, sports games and puzzle games I tend to avoid.

If you're avoiding unrealistically buff guys you must avoid a lot of media.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Quackula on November 06, 2012, 04:18:58 AM
At least have the common courtesy to explain why. It's like a COD fan saying that COD series is the best series ever created without explaining why.

I'm just curious why. Thats all.

Good point.  Well, here goes.

I've always hated how Sonic controls.  It feels like I was never completely in control of the character, and that it felt like Sonic was constantly walking on ice.  Granted, I've only spent time with the Genesis titles, but I'm sure the post Genesis titles won't change my mind much.

I've always preferred platformers like the DS Castlevania games or the Super Metroid games.  I feel like I have total control in the game and that the only reason I will die will be because of my error, not the control set-up.

Aside from Sonic, there aren't a whole lot of games that I would refuse to play.  I may not usually collect or buy sports games, but that certainly wouldn't prevent me from playing them.
No love for the original Bubsy either then I take it?

Saying Sonic has slippery controls is perfectly fair as the physics are geared more towards building momentum and speed. The level design is really what makes the old Sonic games good, they're very intricate and built around those mechanics.

Bubsy on the other hand tries to be like Sonic but without any of the things that make Sonic good. Slippery controls, but with terrible level design, one hit kills, and bad hit detection.

Never played Gears of War and don't plan on it. Just seems like a bunch of unrealistically buff guys trying to act tough at one point, then cry whenever someone dies. As for avoiding genre's, sports games and puzzle games I tend to avoid.
Gears always struck me as a game that'd be a lot more interesting to me if it didn't seem to take itself so seriously.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Cobra on November 06, 2012, 06:30:22 AM
Since I really liked Sonic I did actually like Bubsy... plus speech back then was still pretty amazing in games (one hit death in a game about speed was a real dumb move though.
But yes, if you don't like Sonic... my bet is you wont be much of a fan of Bubsy or Socket for that matter.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: hXd on November 08, 2012, 02:20:04 PM
I don't typically touch Halo games and I don't see myself doing that anytime soon. I'll play a bit of it so I can talk about it at work but other than that...

Also not big on sports games and COD. It's the same crap every year with new rosters/environments. But these days that can be said for a lot of franchises. Developers don't take as many risks as they used to.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: RetroRage on November 11, 2012, 01:09:21 AM
I'm not a big fan of wrestling games anymore.  WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for the n64 was the last good one.  Everything else after that sucked.

Its still real to me, dammit!.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: bombatomba on November 11, 2012, 08:34:16 AM
I never got into post-NES sports games.  Tried, but I always had more fun goofing off than actually playing by the rules (driving backwards on a track, intentionally fouling, punting at nearly every opportunity, etc.).  I also don't like rhythm games, be it music or whatever, at all.  Since I have absolutely zero rhythm I don't see the point in frustrating myself.  Finally, online console multiplayer games (specifically ones with voice chat) makes me want to puke.  I blame that one square on the chin of Xbox Live.  Why would I pay (what amounts to a full price game a year) so I can listen to idiots slag everyone because they rule/suck at a game?  I've upgraded to (and let lapse) Gold a total of three separate times and had the same experience each time.  No thanks.

I'd like to share a quote a friend of mine dropped on me after my second attempt at Xbox Live.  I'm almost certainly paraphrasing, but the basic gist of it is: "If you don't like something then fine, but if you want to talk hate about it without giving me any concrete reasons then all I hear is 'blah-blah-blah.' "

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: Quackula on November 12, 2012, 08:14:33 AM
I never got into post-NES sports games.  Tried, but I always had more fun goofing off than actually playing by the rules (driving backwards on a track, intentionally fouling, punting at nearly every opportunity, etc.).

What about the super over-the-top arcade sports games like NBA Jam or NFL Blitz?

I'm not a big fan of wrestling games anymore.  WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for the n64 was the last good one.  Everything else after that sucked.

Its still real to me, dammit!.

I love all of those AKI wrestling games from that era. You didn't like No Mercy?

Have you ever checked out Virtual Pro Wrestling 2? It's basically the japanese version of Wrestlemania 2000, but it's got an all japanese roster and a ton of features that aren't in our version.

Title: Re: I don't play that game!
Post by: bombatomba on November 13, 2012, 12:09:29 PM
What about the super over-the-top arcade sports games like NBA Jam or NFL Blitz?

The closest I ever got was the Mutant League games on the Genesis and a few of the WWE games on the Xbox 360 (just enough so I could create a myself and my brother as a tag team).